Category 453
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dependent designation questionSummary: Hi, We have a plan which is purely for dependents and not for employees, however, when we designate the dependents, the employee also shows up as 'You' in the d…
Change Beneficiaries page is not working in BenefitsSummary: The change beneficiaries page through Employee's screen is not working. We are only seeing a blank screen when opening the Change beneficiaries page.
Close pending action items after due dateSummary: Unable to submit denied date after the due date. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to provide a denied date on the pe…
How can we add unrestricted LE by using the scheduled processes for retro Term.Summary: The issue is Our business has retro Termination dates (example - 1 week before terminations). How can we add unrestricted life events on the day of termination …
Rehire Employee within a month after termination/ineligible when rate end date is end of month?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We had set the Previous coverage end date as "End Of Month" as per their requirmeent but a person…
Fast Formula: ESS_LOG_WRITES NOT WORKING in Evaluate Formula and Eligibility ProfileSummary: Hi Experts, I am creating Benefits Person Selection Fast Formula, however my logs are not displaying, is there other way around to check the logs? Content (plea…
Employees aren't being enrolled by batch process, but are when we reprocess the life eventSummary: The length of service temporal batch process is running and triggering the life event. The evaluate life event batch process is running and processing the life …
'2G' code of Section 4980H Safe Harbor Codes and Other Relief gets displayed on 1095C form?Summary: Does 2G code gets displayed on 1095C form for ALE Members. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement that for the Wai…
1095C form needs to display 1A on Line 14 and 2G on Line 16 for waived coverageSummary: We have requirement for waived coverage that Line 14 should display 1A and Line 16 should display 2G. How can we achieve this? Content (please ensure you mask a…
In ACA Report some employees and their dependents are populated in the same lineSummary: In ACA Report some employees and their dependents are populated in the same line. However, in majority of the cases employees and dependents have their separate…BHAVANA SINGH 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by BHAVANA SINGH Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How to add text, images and link at plan levelSummary: We have a requirement wherein we want to attach links at plan level. Please see the below screenshot. Can this be achieved through configuration? Please assist.…
SQL query enrollment end date when employee Opt out from the planSummary: How to benefit plan enrollment end date when existing plans opted out by employee. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Employee opted…
End Dating Unrestricted Benefits upon Termination Life EventSummary: Inviting suggestions from Oracle Experts on terminating employee benefits as tagged due to unrestricted enrollments, upon Employee's Termination Content (please…
Can I hide employer-paid plans e.g., basic life and EAP for a specific life event?Summary: How do I prevent employer-paid benefits from displaying for a specific life event in Oracle HCM Cloud Benefits? The requirement for a Bargaining Unit Change is …
Defining 401k Elements - is Base Plan configuration or stand-alone elements better?Summary: Trying to streamline our 401k plan and it has stand-alone elements however we are having issues with elements stopping when maximum limits are reached. Is it be…
Redwood - Plan compare button not coming in enrollment flowSummary: Plan compare button is not coming in the enrollment flow in the self service enrollment flow in redwood page. The lookup had been enabled as per the docs- All r…
Defaulting across plan types based on Medical Plan ElectionsSummary: Defaulting across plan types based on Medical plan elections. Client requirement is to default Dental and Vision plan type elections with same tier when employe…
Can you have 401(k) catch up without having a stand along catch up elementSummary: Our 401(k) plan allows employees who are over the age of 50 to take advantage of the IRS catch-up provisions which allow older employees to contribute to the 40…
Dependent and Beneficiary Full Names not flowing from Core HR to Benefit Work AreaInviting experts inputs for full beneficiary and dependent names from Core HR to Benefits. Current Behavior: Only First Name is flowing to People to Cover and Election S…
how to end date the benefits plan enrolment to enrol new optionWe need to change the coverage amount in the plan. To do this, we created a new option and coverage, attached them to the plan, and inactivated the existing option in th…
HDL Assignment change load not triggering benefits life event based on PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_MSummary: We have a Benefits life event configured to trigger when EE changed from FT to PT below: Person Change:Part-Time to Full-Time Table Name:PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M C…
Redwood Benefits 24D: Customize Print All Benefits to redirect to a BIP reportRequest your assistance to redirect Print All Benefits button to a custom BIP Report or is there a way to hide Print All Benefits button in Redwood page? I tried to achi…
The log table is not fetching any data in the table - HWM_RULE_FF_WORK_LOGSummary: I am trying to debug a Waiting period fast formula. I have added l_msg = add_rlog(-999, 30, 'l_action_reason_code = '|| l_action_reason_code) to the FF. But in …
Report future dated life event and make enrollments from self-serviceSummary: We have a unique requirement where employees are allowed to report life events like Loss of Coverage in advance of the life event. Example: An employee's spouse…
ORA-20001: The life event can't be reopened because there's no electable choiceSummary: The life event is getting evaluated but directly going to processed and closed status. The enrollment window is getting closed and when we try to reopen the win…
New Legal Entity not determining Healthcare Benefit EligibilitySummary: We are replacing existing Legal Entity with New Legal Entity effective Jan 01 2025. While Transferring the colleagues to New Legal Entity, their Healthcare Bene…
Redwood Self Reported Life event - Report or area administrator can see LE to approveSummary: We know that alerts can be set up to notify benefits administrators when a self-reported life event is submitted. However, with high volumes, these alerts can s…
Enrollment period for life events - Best practice and impactsSummary: Hi, Our client wants to have 7 day period for enrolment for all life events except hire such as add/drop coverage, marital status, assignment category, union ch…
Redwood-Need Guidance if we can make the Complete pending actions as required as opposed to OptionalSummary: Need Guidance if we can make the Complete pending actions as required as opposed to Optional which shows by default in the SSBEN Redwood landing page Content (p…
Is having the ACTIVE_AFTER_TERMINATION enabled is safe on BEN_BENEFIT_RELATION_STATUS?Summary: Hi Experts, We have a problem that we cannot Evaluate the Termination Life Event after the termination in Core HR, our solution was to set the Benefits Relation…