Benefits Tips
Discussion List
Benefits: How to void potential life events in mass?Summary: Hello, Is there a way to void or delete these potential life events in mass? We want these 2 potential life events to be deleted in mass as every employee has t…
If medical coverage is waived, Tobacco/Tobacco User should not allow any option.Summary: If medical coverage is waived, Tobacco/Tobacco User should not allow any option (EE Only, EE and Spouse, Spouse Only) to be selected. This is a premium surcharg…
Employees on LWOP - What's the recommended approach or best practice to get benefit deduction reportSummary: We would like to generate a benefit deduction report specifically for employees who are on LWOP (active but payroll ineligible) but they are benefit eligible so…
Adding subcategory duplicating in printable statement for Total Compensation StatementHi Experts, I have a requirement where we need to show a pie chart for annual salary and benefits. I have added benefits as subcategory in Base pay category but due to s…
Add benefit option name in Document approved/rejected notificationSummary: We want to get the Benefit option for which the attached document is being approved/rejected in the Document Rejection/Approval notification. Is there any groov…
Restrict New Hire Life event for part time employees.Summary: We have a requirement, where in we do not need the 'New Hire' life event to trigger for part timer. We tried using the below formula, attached it to data change…
Rate Calculation based on Age of Spouse or PartnerInviting suggestions from Community Experts for below requirement and review on approaches tried so far: Rate Calculation = (User Inputted Coverage Amount/10,000)X(Age B…
GenAI Benefits Feature : Country specific Agent creationSummary: we have implemented Benefits for multiple countries. we have a requirement where we need to create individual agents(with respective tasks/ guided journey tagge…
25C OTBI Report on Enrollment QuestionnaireSummary: The new Redwood enrollment pages will provide an opportunity for an Employer to place a questionnaire to survey their employees at the end of the Redwood Self-S…
Can we update coverage end date for mass population?Summary: I need to update the Waive Option coverage end date for mass population via batch or other means. We end dated the plan already. Therefore, when I run a life ev…
Kick starting oracle delivered benefits process using SOAPSummary: Need guidance on how to kick start oracle delivered scheduled Process using SOAP. Example: "Assign Corrective Potential Life Event" is a Benefit schedule proces…
Restrict Spouse to be designated as dependent if they work in the same organizationSummary: We have a requirement to restrict the spouse to be designated in the Benefits Plan as a dependent in employee's record, if the spouse is also an employee in the…
Redwood: Unable to edit Benefit Coverage ChargesWe are implementing Redwood benefit pages, and have noticed that the option to edit Benefit Coverage Charges on a bill is not there. This option is available in responsi…
Original Enrollment Date - can you report on org enrollment date of the Plan and not just the optionSummary Original Enrollment Date - can you report on org enrollment date of the Plan and not just the optionContent Is there a way to report on the original enrollment d…
What is the best method create a Mid Year Open Enrollment for One New Benefit Plan?Summary: We have a new Benefit Plan starting 4/1/2025 and would like to have an Open Enrollment for this one plan for all eligible employees to enroll. What is the best …
Coverage End Date for Rehire within 30 days of TerminationSetup: Currently, we have setup termination life event which when processed ends all the coverages for the employee 1 day prior to the life event processed date except f…
Best Approach for Evaluating Open Life Event for 19k employeesSummary: We are using below-mentioned approach and Parameters used to kick off 'Open' Life event enrollment window for 19 k employees. We are facing in-stability in kick…
Update notification messageSummary: We need to update the wording within our life event notifications to state “navigate to Me > Benefits > Click here to enroll.” We updated the wording on the but…
Fast Formula: ESS_LOG_WRITES NOT WORKING in Evaluate Formula and Eligibility ProfileSummary: Hi Experts, I am creating Benefits Person Selection Fast Formula, however my logs are not displaying, is there other way around to check the logs? Content (plea…
End Dating Unrestricted Benefits upon Termination Life EventSummary: Inviting suggestions from Oracle Experts on terminating employee benefits as tagged due to unrestricted enrollments, upon Employee's Termination Content (please…
Dependent and Beneficiary Full Names not flowing from Core HR to Benefit Work AreaInviting experts inputs for full beneficiary and dependent names from Core HR to Benefits. Current Behavior: Only First Name is flowing to People to Cover and Election S…
Is having the ACTIVE_AFTER_TERMINATION enabled is safe on BEN_BENEFIT_RELATION_STATUS?Summary: Hi Experts, We have a problem that we cannot Evaluate the Termination Life Event after the termination in Core HR, our solution was to set the Benefits Relation…
Cannot Evaluate New hire life event Enrollment in Benefit service center pageHi Team, I am attempting to process a new hire life event for an employee. However, when I try to evaluate the life event, I encounter the attached error. This issue is …
25B Add a Journey to the Help Section on the SSBEN Landing PageSummary: Redwood extensibility has been added to the SSSBEN Landing page where users can integrate a Journey to the Need Help Section Content (please ensure you mask any…
25B Hide Need Help on SSBEN Landing pageSummary: For customers that want to hide the Need Help on Self-Service Landing page users can simply use the Page Properties and switch from True to False. As a reminder…
25C OTBI Extra Input ValueSummary: Any customer that uses the Extra Input Values on their standard rates can now report on this data via OTBI. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Supplemental Life Plans with Sequence restrictionHello Team, We have requirement to trigger EOI for Supplemental Life plan based on Plan/Option sequence. We have setup below options, Sequence-Option: 10 - 1X of Sal 20 …
Minimum coverage amount not getting updated for Supp Emp LifeSummary: I have updated the min amount from 0 to 10k for both Spouse and Emp Supp life but for Emp life when I am checking the drop-down while making elections the min a…
Is there any way to override benefit billing amountSummary: When Benefit billing process is run for the person who are on leave of absence , the amount is populated in Billing tab under enrollment Business wants to overr…
Fast Formula for Child Dependent Coverage RatesSummary: I’m currently working on a project for a client who has specific coverage rates based on the selection of dependents, which include children and a spouse. I wou…