Benefits Tips
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Age determination date based on list of life events and occurred dateSummary: Hello experts, We have a requirement to determine a person's age based on the conditions below: 1. If employee has been evaluated and enrolled in any of these l…
We are trying to Develop Benefits Arrears Reports using BI ReportsSummary: Hi Everyone, We are trying to develop a Benefits Arrears Report using BI Report. If a person has benefits arrears for a particular week, we need to be able to f…yugandhar 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_XKNY4 Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Benefit Start based on Adjusted Start Date instead of Hire Date for Old EmployeesInviting Inputs from Experts on Business Requirement where selected population of a firm can have benefit rules are expected to operate based on Adjusted Hire Date/Adjus…
Request for Setup Extractor file for Benefit Module to prepare Configuration WorkbookInviting inputs from experts about setup extractor file available to export Benefit Components in the system, directly in excel format. Setup Extractor is available for …
A quick ad-hoc report to find any Enrollment Overrides for Participants (Cloud Benefits)This is part of a series of sample reports created by HCM Product Management. You can copy the setup for this report and add it to your Oracle HCM Cloud Service environm…
Beneficiary designation using HSDL is not working when Beneficiary percentage added for person selfSummary: Uploading Beneficiary designation using HSDL is not working when Beneficiary percentage added for self Content : We are trying to upload Benefits enrollment usi…
Disenrolling and end dating Pet Insurance PlanSummary: For the 2024 year the Pet Insurance Plan was not offered. For the new 2025 year it will also not be offered. After reading the 24C books on how to end date a pl…
Add button is not available for Beneficiary Organizations /Personal InfoSummary: Add button is not available for Beneficiary Organizations /Personal Info We have enabled the Beneficiary Organization /Personal Info in Me=⇒Benefits=⇒Before you…
How to provide enrolment access only for admin and not employee for few plansIs there any way to restrict employees access to benefit enrollments for few plans. The access to be only given for administrator for such plans. For other plans, the ac…
Is it possible to set multiple templates with different filters in alert composer?Is it possible to set different filters specifically for different templates in alert composer. I am using the alert 'Open enrollment reminder' and the alert needs to be…
Not triggering notification when recipient mail expression is set in Alert composerThere is a requirement to set the alert notification for the Alert type:'Open enrollment reminder'. While using the below expression, the mail is not getting triggered. …
Benefit Program setup changes required when new LE added to OrganizationWould need some help on identifying the tasks to be done related to the Benefit program setup when a new legal employer is added in the Organization hierarchy. The organ…
Missing People to Cover under "Change Beneficiaries" based on dateSummary: Hi Experts, I have this scenario where I add Friend 1 using 01/01/2024 and Friend 2 using 08/26/2024 as relationship date as EMPLOYEE via ME tab. then I have to…
Give the ability to admin/business to select/key in any coverage amount for the employeeHello team, Question - we want the ben admin to input the coverage amount for every employee under this specific plan. Please advise how this can be implemented in oracl…
Benefits: How to hide an option from employees but visible to the Benefit Specialist Only?Summary: Hello, We have a business requirement that a benefit option should be hidden from all employees but visible only to an administrator such as a Benefit Specialis…
Life Event condition not getting evaluated in Fast FormulaCreated the Plan with option spouse and Child, Validation for the addition of spouse and child vary as per the life event. Example :- For life event marriage and Child E…
New plan not showing up for OE event but appears on other eventsSummary: I have setup a new plan with effective date 1/1/1951 AND added it to my benefits program with an effective date of 1/1/2025.i can see the new plan if i do a tes…
How Coverage can be continued when HSA option changes or downgrades from Family to Employee+SpouseSummary: When Employees enrollment option changes from Health Savings Account (selected with HDHP only) Family to Employee + Spouse upon child dependent attaining 26 yea…
Scheduled Processes - BenefitHello Team, We have scenario wherein 9 employees Status in the Benefit are still Started even though the Enrollment is already closed. But the status are still "Enrollme…
Need to create dashboard in Benefits Evaluation and Reporting page for managing action itemsHi, Need help in creating dashboard in Evaluation and Reporting page for managing action items. Using this dashboard, we would like to manage the pending action item bas…
Default Cost Profile - AccountWe currently have one of our benefit reimbursements that will cost to an account that essentially is a catch-all account for us when the total percentage doesn't add up …
Calculate age as of first of calendar year in Age Determination Fast FormulaSummary: Hello Experts, I want to modify an age determination ff we have. There are 2 conditions, for some life events, I want the date to be the 'occurred date' and for…
Benefits with contextual journeySummary: Hello you all. Our client have requested to create a context journeys for benefits, related to "Family and Emergency Contact - Action". In Brazil we use this ac…
Open Enrollment - Date Question - Enter OE for Test PurposesSummary: @Aurora_Adams Any help is appreciated. I have created an Open Life Event in our Test environment for the following Dates 11/4/24-11/27/24. I am attempting to ad…
Renaming the label "Covered by another plan"Summary: How can we rename the change "Covered by another plan" and Personal Info under Me ⇒Benefits ⇒Before you Enroll" We want to change "Covered by another plan" to s…
Meaning for Life Event which is configured with information type.Hello Experts, Business have configured Life Event with 'information' type. We want to understand the behavior of such life event and what is it use for? Thanks Neha Kam…
Dependent Coverage Start Date Formula - 15 days after Date of BirthSummary: We have a requirement that a new born child (14 days and below) can be enrolled but the coverage should start when the child reaches 15 days old. We tried creat…
ACA Reporting for Retiree and COBRA with Oracle CloudSummary: Our client is in higher education. Their benefits are primarily outsourced to various vendors, covering processes like open enrollment and life events. Oracle C…Sudarshan M 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Aleta Hutcherson Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Benefits: Is it possible to add an instruction text for an otpion?Summary: Hello, We have the following client requirement. The client wants that for a benefit option, there should be a text (e.g an instruction type text) to be display…
Ending flex credits programSummary: Currently the benefit program is a Flex Credit plus core Program Type. During Open Enrollment the employer is going to discontinue the Flex Credit program and m…