Benefits Tips
Discussion List
Is having the ACTIVE_AFTER_TERMINATION enabled is safe on BEN_BENEFIT_RELATION_STATUS?Summary: Hi Experts, We have a problem that we cannot Evaluate the Termination Life Event after the termination in Core HR, our solution was to set the Benefits Relation…
Cannot Evaluate New hire life event Enrollment in Benefit service center pageHi Team, I am attempting to process a new hire life event for an employee. However, when I try to evaluate the life event, I encounter the attached error. This issue is …
25B Add a Journey to the Help Section on the SSBEN Landing PageSummary: Redwood extensibility has been added to the SSSBEN Landing page where users can integrate a Journey to the Need Help Section Content (please ensure you mask any…
25B Hide Need Help on SSBEN Landing pageSummary: For customers that want to hide the Need Help on Self-Service Landing page users can simply use the Page Properties and switch from True to False. As a reminder…
25C OTBI Report on Enrollment QuestionnaireSummary: The new Redwood enrollment pages will provide an opportunity for an Employer to place a questionnaire to survey their employees at the end of the Redwood Self-S…
Adding subcategory duplicating in printable statement for Total Compensation StatementHi Experts, I have a requirement where we need to show a pie chart for annual salary and benefits. I have added benefits as subcategory in Base pay category but due to s…
25C OTBI Extra Input ValueSummary: Any customer that uses the Extra Input Values on their standard rates can now report on this data via OTBI. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Supplemental Life Plans with Sequence restrictionHello Team, We have requirement to trigger EOI for Supplemental Life plan based on Plan/Option sequence. We have setup below options, Sequence-Option: 10 - 1X of Sal 20 …
Minimum coverage amount not getting updated for Supp Emp LifeSummary: I have updated the min amount from 0 to 10k for both Spouse and Emp Supp life but for Emp life when I am checking the drop-down while making elections the min a…
Is there any way to override benefit billing amountSummary: When Benefit billing process is run for the person who are on leave of absence , the amount is populated in Billing tab under enrollment Business wants to overr…
Fast Formula for Child Dependent Coverage RatesSummary: I’m currently working on a project for a client who has specific coverage rates based on the selection of dependents, which include children and a spouse. I wou…
unable to delete benefits option in the planWe are currently looking to change the coverage starting from 2025. At present, we have coverage associated with the existing plan, but no rates available. I would like …
What is the best practice for adding commission payments to basic salary?Summary: What is the best practice for adding commission payments to basic salary when the life insurance is based on overall income (not just basic salary)? I confirm t…
1/1/yyyy Termination RatesSummary: Client's Open Enrollment is 1/1/2025 with Rates effective Pay Period preceding event (12/15/2024). Client has an EE that terminates effective 1/1/2025 but with …
Is it possible to edit the delivered error messages in Oracle Cloud HCM Benefits?We are using Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications24C ( We have conflicting elements that are being used by two plans. Now if the employee enrolled in the Reti…
Default Enrollment Fast Formula Issue with Medical PlanSummary: HI all, we have a three plan types Medical plan, Dental Plan & vision Plan. Dental plan & vision plan are working fine, but coming to Medical plan in this we ha…
How to override benefit enrollment in redwoodWe are currently testing redwood benefit pages, and am unable to find how to override an enrollment. In responsive, we would click on the 3 dots beside the specific plan…
How to keep enrollment for divorce LESummary: For Divorce LE how to keep the enrollment for HSA, dental and vision plans as EE + Spouse, instead of Waive can it be set up to keep the same medical, dental an…
Option for D-enrolling Covered Dependents in Benefits EnrollmentWe are looking for a Solution / Automation process to D-enroll covered dependent in Benefits Plan Enrollment. Consider as of 12/31 for medical plan, Employee has enrolle…
I want to display custom message which is US specific in benefit screenSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
OTBI Analysis/SQL Query to return Benefits Rates, Plan Ids, descriptionsHello, Looking for an OTBI Analysis (tables)/SQL Query to return Benefits Rates, Plan Ids, description etc.? Version 23C Thanks Gail
Error : You need to select more options to enroll in this plan. Select at least 1 optionsSummary: We're encountering an issue with the 'Dependent Age Out' life event, triggering an error message that requires selecting at least one option to enroll in the Me…
How to get the ESS log write of Fast FormulaSummary: We have created the Benefits Fast Formula and wanted to check it is working or not with help of writing the ESS LOG WRITE. What is the best way to test the form…
Benefit provider documents in Oracle HCM BenefitsSummary: Hi, I would like to know if there is any area in HCM Benefits where in we can put in the Benefit Guides from the providers so that the employee can review the B…
Default Enrollment Fast Formula IssueSummary: Hi All, MY FF Is not working , Employee is getting defualted to same option its not selected to new option, anyone can help on this please Thank you. Fast Formu…
Benefits - Bulk Update Original Enrollment DateHello Experts We use Oracle HCM Benefits, but payroll is ADP, since oracle has not a native Brazil payroll. For the systems to properly Integrate we need to pass "Origin…
how to make option for a plan ineditable/ greyed out during enrollmentSummary: I want employee to see plans like this during a specific life event. I tried adding default enrollment rule at plan level after making waive option as Assign on…
Need Help seeded text, personalize per customer if NOT using AOR.Summary: Customers not using AOR which is areas of responsibility users can simply modify the text and publish it within seconds to put in contact information for their …
Benefit Rates (FLEX) are end dating on same day of Plan Enrollment StartInviting Experts Inputs for below Issue: Problem: Benefit Rates configured for Flex Program are end dating on the same day as Benefit Start. (Eg- Benefit Enrollment Rule…
Need to be able to update benefit rates and plansSummary: We need to be able to update benefit rates and plans without impacting the effective date on all benefits. The effective date should be that of OE or an actual …