Benefits Tips
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Expand Benefit Self Service Plan Options and InformationEmployee goes into Benefits Module > Clicks to Start Enrollment or Make Changes > Clicks onto a Benefits Plan or Program > Information and options are automatically mini…
Trigger Life Event when Contact is createdWe've a requirement where when an employee creates a new contact, then a life event should be automatically detected as of the creation date. Any suggestions on the Tabl…
Unable to find the formula type for Enrollment rule in benefitsSummary: There is a requirement to setup Fast Formula for one of the Enrollment rules. The formula has to be populated under Plan > Enrollment train stop > Schduled> Ope…
Duplicate ContactsSummary: Hello, We are seeing duplicate contacts for employees and unable to delete them. The Duplicate actually happens when we delete one contact then it weirdly adds …M. S. 36 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Human Capital Management
End to End Implementation document - US benefitsSummary: Hi Everyone! Is there any custom documentation to implement US benefits end to end ?. If yes, requesting you to share. Thanks in advance! Version (include the v…
Approval on adding new contact from Before You Enroll PageHi, We've a requirement to add approvals on the Before You Enroll Benefits Self Service Tile, whenever a new contact is being created the transaction should follow an ap…
Unlock the Full Potential of Open Enrollment w/ #ORACLEHCMCLOUD Benefits Open Enrollment DiagnosticSummary: Ensure a seamless open enrollment experience with our Benefits Open Enrollment Diagnostic Report, your ultimate tool for identifying and resolving potential iss…
Case StudyHi Community We are looking at implementing a new benefits platform and Oracle is on the list of possibilities. We would like to reach out to customers currently using O…
how to prevent employee from selecting supplemental life insuranceSummary: how can employee not increase limit if EOI is rejected and also he can see coverage during open enrollment but cannot increase limit Content (please ensure you …
When recruiting an employee, can his projected retirement bonus to be provisionedSummary: When recruiting an employee, can his projected retirement bonus to be provisioned Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When recruiting…
Benefit enrollment not end dating on terminationSummary: We are facing an issue where the Benefit enrollments are not getting end dated for some employees but the Termination life event gets processed and closed. We t…
What change do I need to get the double deduction?Summary:Currently the system does not double deduct benefits for any new hires who have missed their first payment of the month their benefits are effective in. Also, sa…
How to back out most recent life event through batch process?Summary: I am running backout LE process on daily basis to re-run evaluate & calculate the benefits amount daily. However the backout process is failing for multiple emp…
Using HCM Communicate for Open Enrollment notificationsSummary: I have been reading up on the HCM Communicate functions within Oracle and was curious if anyone has used this with Open Enrollment communications. We still stru…
Unable to create Life Event using REASON_CODE in PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENT_M Table for create person changeSummary: Need to create a life event using the navigation ( data change >> person change >>table name "PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M' ) for the reason_code = 'RETIREMENT' , Ther…
End-dated Contact Record but Person Record for contact is still activeSummary: We have a file feed we send over to our carrier, but it was failing because a dependent was listed twice under one of the plans (with two different names but sa…
Designate Oldest to Youngest Child < 18 yearsWe've requirement where we need to only allow the employee to cover their children from oldest to youngest child and they can cover upto a maximum of 3 children. Example…
Is there a way to restrict employee from changing options more than twice in a yearHello Team, We have requirement to restrict employee from changing options within a plan not more than twice in a year. Is there a way to achieve this? Thanks & Regards,…
Enroll in Default BenefitsSummary: When Enroll in default Benefits process runs , on what criteria this process picks up the employees to process for enrollment. On what data changes Enroll in de…
Benefits displaying incorrect communicated rate.Summary: We have a requirement to display the monthly deductions for a Cyclescheme plan( it's a loan plan and ends exactly after 12 months) on the self-service pages. Al…
Is the benefits self service module fully Redwood?Summary: We are looking to implement the benefits self service module. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our benefit self service tile is cu…
Transfer HSA to WSASummary: Hi, We have a requirement where in the employees should be able to transfer some amount from Health spending account to wellness spending account plan. There ar…
Unable to auto trigger the life event based on length of service.My requirement is to trigger a life event when the employee crosses 5 years of experience. Upon clicking 'Self Assigned' , i have added the eligibility profile to the li…
Show EE+Family Option only when there is a Child OR SpouseWe've a requirement to show the EE+Family option only when the employee has either an eligible child OR an eligible spouse, we tried to achieve this via the Family Membe…
How to change life events with manual status to detected status?Summary: I am using collapse life events rule to remove unwanted life events but the resulting life event is getting the status as 'Manual'. How to change this back to '…
Using ben_fn_get_char_value function to get plan and option enrolled for this period onlyHello experts, We have a customer requirement where we need to define a primary amount (Employee Contribution) and a secondary amount (Employer Contribution). Further de…
Benefits Open enrollment triggers additional plans.Summary: When running the open enrollment LE, all the options that are configured under the program as auto-enrolled are checked in automatically. This is happening even…
How to hide guardian details from new contact under before you enrollSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, Under 'Before you enroll' there is a option where employee can add their contacts, once u …
Employee should be able to update benefit details only while joiningSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We want Employee to update the dependent details for benefits only on joining time, therea…Aishwarya_15 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Human Capital Management
Benefit Program follows the fiscal year, while our payroll operates on the calendar yearSummary: Our Benefit Program follows the fiscal year, while our payroll operates on the calendar year. As our payroll operates on the calendar year, it's not working as …