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Unable to apply decimals precision to Workforce OWP_Basic Salary (Out of Box member) column in WorkfSummary The precision for dollar values of Salary is not working despite of setting it to Min/Max 0Content Hello Experts, We have created a data form from Workforce Repo…
Dashboard with multiple forms has each form with a live cell highlightedSummary Can you set preferences to highlight the "active" or "live" cell when we have multiple forms on a dashboard?Content Hi, we have a dashboard that holds 4 forms us…
What is the Maximum length of Dimension Member Alias?Summary Maximum length of Dimension Member Alias?Content What is the Maximum length of Dimension Member Alias? We have a need for it to go upto 280 characters.
Any way to hide cells in a Form?Summary Is there any way that individual cells can be hidden in a Form?Content Hi, Is there any way or workaround to hide individual cells in a form? For example a total…
EPBCS Application - Different entities follow different fiscal yearContent Hi Team, Greetings! We have configured an EPBCS application, at time of application creation it asked start month and end - we selected Jan to Dec - 31/12. The c…
Free Form Application entering data into non level 0 membersSummary Cannot enter data into non level 0 members via forms in a free form applicationContent Hi All, We have a free form application and have built a data entry form w…Brian Somers 19 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by M. Kyle Goodfriend-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
What's New in 20.10?Summary Many things but especially another long-awaited enhancement...Content Wow, this crazy year keeps flying by. We've got another great update this month. As always,…
EPBCS Sandbox issues - Data not copied from working to New sandbox versionSummary EPBCS Sandbox issues - Data not copied from working to New sandbox version. When user tries to enter data to the new sandbox version, there is an error - "error …
Planning Form Security in EPM CloudSummary Planning forms not inheriting folder securityContent Hi All, Has anyone met the issue where even if we set security (read) for user groups at the planning forms …
Benefits are getting calculated incorrectly for all employee's despite what is inputted in Benefit SSummary Benefits are getting calculated incorrectly for all employee's despite what is inputted in Benefit Selector FormContent Benefits are getting calculated incorrect…
Form Actions: Open in Smartview not opening form, just a long string of charactersSummary When opening a form in Planning and selecting 'Open form in Smartview' under Actions it just creates a long string of charatcersContent When opening a form in Pl…
Data Export from PBCSSummary PBCS Data Export using a groovy business ruleContent Hello Friends - Hope all are doing well and staying safe!! I need some help on Data Export in PBCS. I have w…
What's New in 20.09?Summary ...Some cool stuff!Content Well, here we are again. Another monthly release with lots of exciting updates. As always, please be sure to read the official What's …
Groovy-Clear Non Numeric data in Formula RowsSummary SetFormattedValue() and SetData() functions are not working as expectedContent I'm trying to clear Non Numeric Data in Formula Rows. The SetFormattedValue() and …
Expand All Button is not working in butterfly report(FR)Summary While debugging the issue I have found that When I keep any column before the metadata column then the report is not opening with expand all button. Once I chang…
Essbase Data Export not matching BSO Amounts viewed via SmartViewSummary Data Export (Application > Overview > Export Data) extract amounts are not matching the amounts in the related BSO cube's intersections when viewed via a SmartVi…Irina Feldesh, CPA, CGA 30 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by M. Kyle Goodfriend-Oracle Planning
Cannot add rows to Flex Form in EPBCSSummary Created a Flex Form. Was able to open the form but cannot add any rows to it.Content I have added new rows with valid intersections which has data. But the row j…
ASO formula member low performanceSummary A good performing ASO formula started performing poorlyContent Hi all, Our client has an ASO cube that uses a View dimension, like this: View YTD Per Data is loa…
Can i use @PRIOR in an XREF?Summary Can i use @PRIOR in an XREF?Content Hello I have a data form that runs a background rule to use XREFs to pull data from a separate cube. The rule uses a run-time…
Rolling Forecast Form for 12 months from the current monthSummary To create a rolling forecast form which always shows 12 periods from the current open period.Content Client requires to have a rolling forecast for 12 months, fr…
Viewing Comments to New Hire RequisitionsSummary Unable to view comments made on New Hire Requisition Form in Workforce planningContent I am attempting to add a New Hire Requisition within the Workforce cube of…
What's New in 20.07?Summary Let's dive into this month's New FeaturesContent Well, it's that time again. Sorry for the delay as the US Holiday last week and some other reasons have led to t…
Planning form drill down from parent to Lvl0Summary Navigate in a hierarchy without all descendantsContent Hi, Is there any way in a planning form to show the hierarchy collapsed and drill down from certain parent…
Access Permission in HFRSummary What is the difference between Full Control, Modify, Inherit access which we give from explore the repository. I didn't find anything from docs
Valid Intersection is not working in the HFRSummary We have setup valid intersection for two dimensions called Cost Centre and Analysis, It is working fine in the forms but not working in the financial report (HFR…