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Need to copy data from current month to the multiple future periods.Summary Copying data from one intersection to another for multiple times. Content We calculate certain value for a certain month, based on a certain formula. The value c…
issue while Adding validation rule for column with % value in a formSummary: Encountering issue while adding validation rule for column with % values Content (required): Here we are trying to add validation rule for a column in a form, i…
Does Oracle have plan to have Smart Forms be supported for Standard-mode?Summary: Currently, the smartview option is set to Standard, so there is no possibility to use Smart Forms, the client doesn't want to change to Native since it is known…
Data Validation and Throw Exception using Groovy Grid IteratorSummary: Groovy DataForm data validation - raise exception and highlight cells which are causing this causing. Content (required): I have quite number of columns on the …
Is there a way to sort Planning form rows by a column value while the form is loading?Summary: Looking for a way to sort the rows in a Planning by a column value each time the form opens. Users are able to use the sort function after the form is loaded, b…
"User" role can't enter data in form after creating application?Summary: User created with the" User" role was not able to enter data in the webForms even after defining the user variables. Tried to check if there are any security ap…
Disable member indentation in Smart View for flex forms?Summary: Is it possible to disable member indentation for flex forms? If I use "Suppress Hierarchy" within the form setup, it works when opening the form, but any refres…
How to make a formula in a particular cell of webformsHello All, I want to make a formula in a particular cell of my form : for example, calculate the division of the cells C2/C1 in the cell D2, so I should set this formula…
Special Division Formula in webformsHello, I'm building a new form in Planning, and I want to make a division of a cell by another cell. For this, I'm trying to use *Mod* function in Formula member column.…
How to know if PBCS is configured and how to access it?Summary: I am not sure if PBCS is configured and how to access it. Content (required): Hello, The business mentioned that OBCS has been setup, but it has never been used…
Summarizing portions of rows in a form?Summary: I am trying to figure out how to create summary lines in a form without blowing up the form. Content (required): Due to security requirements, a large number of…
2023 year not available in POVSummary: Dear all, We cannot select 2023 year in Years POV in our EPBCS application: only 2022 is available. Can you, please, suggest what reason 2023 is not in the list…
Can a parent and child be shown on a form?Summary: Need to display both a level 0 member and it's parent on a form Content (required): I am trying to create a form that would show an employee's level 0 departmen…
Need to refresh a form to see rows available for inputSummary: I have SmartView version 22.20. When I open a data input form, sometimes they open with all rows being greyed out. After I click Refresh, I start seeing rows in…
Scheduling of Flex FormsSummary: I'd like to hear about experience of using the Flex Forms. We understand that Flex Forms are executed sequentially, i.e. if two forms were submitted at approxim…
Business Rule/Groovy Scripting to remove data in ASO at a specific intersectionSummary: Trying to determine if there is a way to create a business rule or groovy script which would clear data in ASO at a specific intersection utilizing members deri…
Smartpush at parent level from on Planning app to anotherI'm trying to push parent level data from one planning application to another. Dimension - Cost Center (Sparse) Member - 6PRE (Dynamic Calc) I'm able to push at childlev…
Enabling Batch/Shell Scripts execution from Business Rules (Like OnPrem CDF Functionality)Summary: We would like to implement a functionality where Business Rules having ability to call Shell/Batch Scripts. The same feature available in OnPrem (CDF Functional…
How to refresh a form using a groovy rule?Summary: How to refresh a form using a groovy rule? Content (required): Dear all, I've written a Groovy rule to add some complex control before saving data. This rule is…
Is it possible to run a Groovy rule before load without User Variable error?Summary: Unable to execute a script replacing user variables because user variables are missing. Content (required): I am trying to execute a script that automatically f…
Sort members on alias in formContent Hi all, Is there an option to sort members alphabetically based on the member alias when a user opens a form? Situation is that we have some general member names…
Detailed companies are not displayed in a form when parent is selectedI have a form, when I select a cost center at Level 0, is displays something like below But I select, a parent cost center, I see this, added screenshot from ePBCS and H…User_2025-03-10-22-57-31-218 61 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-03-10-22-57-31-218 Planning
Form is invalid in SmartViewHello All, I can't open any form I created in SmartView. It gives me this error : "The form **** is invalid" What can be problem ? Would be grateful for your help! Best …
Group columns for expand / collapseSummary: In excel grouping columns / rows so you can expand and collapse them is often used function for reports. Is there an equivalent in Oracle Planning? Content (req…
Groovy Business Rule - crossDimCell across Multiple Dimension Members (Account and Scenario)Summary: We are attempting to use Groovy to assist with custom validation rules to run prior to save on forms in our application. However, the form in question uses the …
Suppress Missing Blocks - Identify intersections of data that exist, but have missing blocks?Summary: Using a form, we are suppressing Missing Blocks to ensure that we do not hit the data governor. In validating the forms, we discovered that the checkbox "Suppre…
Can I use User Variable in Smartpush?I have a smartpush associated to a form, I have mentioned user variable in the form, whereas in the data maps, I do not have the option to select the same user variable,…User_2025-03-10-22-57-31-218 101 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-03-10-22-57-31-218 Planning
Error when submitting data using dropdown functionality in formsI have created a form and enable "Enable drop-down for dimensions" segment property. When selecting a new intersection in SmartView and submitting following error appear…
How to change Dimension Year in Forms in previous month January situations?Summary: I like to build a simple form with two columns current month and previous month. How to adjust the year dimension based on the Period Dimension Member January. …
Width of Page Dimension in Webform Adjustable?Summary: Client is testing and looking at a dimension length in webform. The dimension have lenght counts of up to 49 spaces and selecting the dimension name is abbrevia…