Narrative Reporting
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Is there a way to reduce the number of prompts when creating a book in Narrative ReportsSummary: Looking for a mechanism for having master prompts for a book Content (required): We are implementing Narrative Reporting to publish six monthly financial report…
Prompts in BooksSummary: Prompts do no seem to be working Content (required): I have two reports that each prompt you to select a member from the department dimension when they are run.…
Duplicate Reports CreatedSummary: Report is duplicated in Reports folder when copying to another folder. Content (required): When we copy a report from the Reports folder in the Library, it is b…
Default round up when using scaled valuesSummary: Hi Experts, I have a case when I use the scaled value by millions, and the values are automatically rounded up. For example, in this report, I tried to adjust t…
Can you add/link a PDF (doclet) to an otherwise Word based Report Package?Summary: At the conference, we asked how we could embed an existing report package (say a year end audit with notes) into another package (an AGM package). We were told …
Double spacing between texts when embedding variables on the MS Word document in Report PackageSummary: We used the existing default font type "Public Sans" and the size 10 in Narrative Reporting (NR) Library and in the excel reference doclet, and then embedded it…
How do we get started with narrative reportingSummary: We want to understand how we get started with narrative reporting Content (required): We want to start using narrative reporting and test migrating some of our …
Narrative Reporting Report Package in Word formatSummary: Difficulty when creating Report Package in Word format. Content (required): Hi Experts, I've created a Report Package in Word format, but my user and I find dif…
e-sign in Report PackageSummary: Hi Experts, I want to add/insert an e-sign in every doclet that has been reviewed in Report Package. I was searching for this feature/function, but didn't find …
How can I download all the comments posted in a review instance in Narrative ReportingSummary: How can I download all the comments posted in a review instance in Narrative Reporting Content (required): Requirement is to keep an offline copy of all the com…
Bilingual in Narrative ReportingSummary: Hi Experts, I'm new in Narrative Reporting and I want to create a report like an annual report in bilingual, is there any function or feature that will translat…
Can Narrative Reporting be used to write operation reports?Summary: Our business user asked us a question if they could write operation reports like open AR,AP, PO, payments in NR. I told that NR is only used to write financial …
How to use relative member function with promptSummary: How to use relative member function with prompt Content (required): Hello Gurus, In Narrative reporting, I have two columns. First one is accounting period and …
Resolution Issues in PPT Report PackageSummary: Font/Text resolution issue in PPT Package for MR Reports Content (required): We created a PPT Report Package and embedded some MR reports Grids and Charts, Most…
Why are folders duplicated and showing up as empty in Narrative Reporting?Summary: When establishing a SmartView connection to Narrative Reporting, folders are duplicated, and the duplicate folders are showing up as empty when the original fol…
Show alias (node description) only in reportSummary: How to show exclusively the alias in a management report when using Fusion as the data source? Content (required): Hi All, As show in the image below we have bu…
Can you integrate with other EPM instances on Narrative reporting home page?Summary: In Planning, FCCS, PCMCS etc, we can create shortcut to other EPM instances via connection in the navigator. Can the same be done in Narrative reporting? The co…
Formula for sum up in specific conditionSummary: Hi, I want to create a formula that will sum up the values in other rows if those values are less than 3000. I've created the formula in Excel, please check thi…
Open All Doclet at once in Report Package via SmartViewSummary: Hi, I want to know if there's a way to open all doclet at once in Report Package via SmartView. Currently, we can just open one doclet in one Word doc. The user…
How to Show Row and Column Headers in Oracle Narrative ReportingSummary: Hi, When I preview a report, I notice there are no Row and Column headers there. I was looking for the feature to activate it like in Financial Reporting Web St…
FCGL Source ConnectionSummary: FCGL Source Connection Inquiry Content (required): Hello everyone, I'm new to Narrative Reporting and me and my colleagues were trying to utilize this applicati…
Conditional Suppression Based on DateWe are trying to use Conditional Suppression to suppress rows based on a date. In Planning, users enter a date at an Account set to a Data Type of "Date." This same inte…
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 23.07What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 23.07 Please refer to the July 2023 What's New Guide to understand the new features included in EPM Cloud…Dave Roberts_-Oracle 41 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Cannot run report in Narrative Reporting that has connection to Oracle ERP by EPM Power UserSummary: Content (required): We are using the EPM only user "BU User" that has Power User Role in EPM instances. In Narrative Reporting, we logged in using a Service Adm…
IFThen conditional function cannot return a text string in True/False-ParameterSummary: For a variance column using the function VarPer([A],[D]) comparing Actual to Budget I get some crazy high positive or negative percentages e.g. when Budget data…
Merging multiple word doclets into a single page in report packageSummary: Option to merge multiple word doclets into a single page number in report package Content (required): We have a requirement to split sections of the annual repo…
How to create native ID to define Data Source in Narrative ReportingSummary: Currently we have SSO User id for EPM in IDCS OCI GEN2. Kindly advise how to create native ID Content (required): Read through the document. It mentioned "You m…Sukittima Siwapetcharakorn 72 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Krishna Kumar-Support-Oracle Narrative Reporting
Preview of Report not showing up in Report Package but shows up in Report PreviewI created a report and can preview it. When I add it as a doclet to a PDF report package using the same POV, the preview is blank. When working with other reports in oth…
Export NR Reports into PBCSSummary: Content (required): Is it possible to export Narrative Reports from NR and import them into Planning? I have tried this using the following approach but hasn't …