Discussion List
How to implement B2C Service ChatSummary: OOTB B2C Chat Inlays don't work in OCC. Content (required): We're attempting to add the Oracle B2C Service (formerly Service Cloud and Right Now) chat inlays to…
I am Displaying Date using ccDate not working Display Error i don't know whats the error?Summary: I have just want to display current date using ccDate but it display error that Display Error: Unable to process binding "ccDate: function(){return {date:curren…
I have to display custom widget setting image mediatype in storefront using knockout binding ?Summary: I have created custom widget in that i have taken one title text and info text and one image of mediatype to display on storefront but text and title are displa…
how to configure custom widget setting and display that in storefrontSummary: I have created custom widget in which i have taken a customize configuration setting in that have displayed mediatype but how we can make that visible in storef…
OSF: How to Display Promotional Bar on Header Row on Some Pages?Summary: How to display a promotional bar on the header row on some pages, but not on some other pages? Content (required): Since the OOTB adaptive region in the header …CharlieL -Support-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by CharlieL -Support-Oracle Commerce
Integrate CX Commerce with Google AnalyticsContent Introduction This article explain how to setup CX Commerce tracking in Google Analytics. Commerce tracking allow you to track specific events (such as user regis…
Can you set audiences on default slot?**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Summary: 22.1.8 Is there a way to set an audience on the default slot, for widgets with variants slots? …
Why the Labels for form fields in Login/Reset Password/Create an Account dialog are hidden?**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: 22.2.0 Summary of the question: We have used OOTB header widget, while testing accessibility us…
OSF Plugins OverviewSummary: Learn more about how Open Storefront Framework applications are developed and how the framework architecture supports customization through plugins. Content: Th…
Supplemental Technical Resource Guide for Oracle Commerce Cloud - July 2020Content The Oracle CX Commerce product team supplements our official documentation and Oracle University curriculum with technical content and materials that we believe …
Unable to include regex patterns in site settings configSummary: We are trying to upload a site settings widget, which has an input field, which should ideally contain semicolon separated list of email values. For ex "support…
Item Level Order CancellationContent Hi, Do we have Item level cancellation as a standard flow in commerce ,just like item level return available as OOTB. Can we cancel a line item of a particular o…
Supporting GDPR Order Deletion in Commerce CloudSummary How-to with sample script for deleting orders in OCC to adhere to GDPRContent Oracle Commerce Cloud enables full compliance with the European Union General Data …
Implementing Consent for GDPR in Oracle Commerce Cloud (Updated May 15, 2018)Summary FAQ with details on implementing consent for GDPR in OCC. Includes updated sample cookie code.Content In order to comply with the European Union General Data Pro…
Multi Select Facet in OCCContent Hello, Is there any standard method to create a multi select list just like we have a single select list while creating Sku properties. Maybe any api that create…
How to Implement Back in Stock NotificationsSummary Updated version with the new Item Back in Stock WebhookContent Back in Stock Notifications allow merchants to use a custom widget to add a “Notify Me” link on a …
Override CXC Item DiscountSummary How to : Apply a CXC discount on list price if external price is less than the price after applying cxc discount on list price.
Configure sort options in the product listing pageSummary Configuring additional sort optionsContent We need to add additional sort options other than Sort by: Price low to high,Price high to low, Default in product lis…
Edit Addresses - Ko binding becomes ambiguousSummary Edit Addresses - Ko binding becomes ambiguous upon navigating from edit address to edit profileContent Hi all. Im facing an issue with the widget.user().loggedIn…
Order Cancel using Agent endpointsSummary Quantity becoming 0 when the order is cancelledContent Hi , We have developed a cancel order flow using 2 endpoints /orders/initiateCancelOrder and /orders/submi…
Adding a additional sort option in product collection pageSummary How to add additional sort option based on a sku property in Product Listing JsContent Hi, We have a sort by dropdown with standard sort option Price Low to high…
Is there any configuration to be done for sorting ProductsSummary Additional configuration to be done for sorting?Content Url :ccadmin/v1/products?sort=listPrice:desc Response : { "errorCode": "50012", "message": "Sorting all p…
New Feature Fridays - Open Storefront FrameworkContent What will enable you to go to market faster with new sites, achieve faster page load times, and put a smile on your developer's face? OSF! Dive into this 17:30 m…
Child SKU List price at the collection pageContent Hi Team, We have a requirement to show the child SKU price and SKU name at the collection page level. Currently it shows the product list price but we want to di…
Custom Field in Account Registration PageSummary To get the value of Custom Field in Back-end PropertyContent Placed a custom checkbox field in the Account Registration Page (inside Login-Registration element )…
Calling Admin APIs from StroreFrontSummary Calling Admin APIs from StroreFrontContent Hi , How can any Admin API s be called from Store front (from a custom widget). I have a requirement to display all th…
Display Promotions in the StorefrontSummary To show the latest Promotion in the storefrontContent Hi, We have a requirement to show all the latest Promotions to the Storefront shoppers. Please help with ho…
Estimated Product Delivery DateSummary Estimated Delivery DateContent How can I calculate and show the Estimated Delivery Date for a Product Shipment in the Product page.
Node.js Storefront Extension CLISummary Example Node.js command line interface (CLI) for managing your CX Commerce Storefront extensionsContent Calling all developers! Oracle CX Commerce enables extens…