Discussion List
Re-using learning initiative groupsSummary Is there a way of re-using a previously saved learning initiative group?Content Hi everyone, Has anyone worked out how to re-use a learning initiative group. Whe…
Course Expiration Date into Talent Profile!!!Summary: Hi Guru's, We have a requirement to send course expiration date into Licenses and certification of Talent profile against the employee. I have done few of my an…
Receiving Error when trying to attach OTBI analysis to InitiativeSummary: Error: The selected analysis object doesn't contain a list of people to assign the learning. Specify the person list in the analysis object. (WLF-5145108) . whe…
As a Learning Specialist how do I reconcile an Initiative?Summary: My reconcile button is grayed out? I don't understand why I can't use this? I can't even make proper edits when they are active. What information is needed to g…
What happens to learning initiatives if 'Run As' person leaves the organisation?Summary What happens to learning initiatives if 'Run As' person leaves the organisation?Content Hi All At the moment, if we set up a learning initiative, we tend to leav…
Minimum Capcity - How to not activate the learning assignment until the minimum capacity is reached.Summary: What happens when I set a "Min Capacity" that is not reached? Is it possible to set the system so that the bid is pendig until the Min Capacity is reached and t…
How to delete an offering related to a courseSummary: How to delete an offering related to a course Content (required): Hi, as Learning Administrator we would like to have the possibility to delete an Offering asso…
Specialization and Course assignment records relationSummary Tables for specialization and course assignment relation recordsContent Hello Folks Can anyone in this forum help me with information regarding the tables which …
How to disable sequencing option in LearnSummary: We have enabled sequencing in our environment but we want to revert back to the old non -sequencing so we have changed the profile option ORA_WLF_SEQUENCING_VER…
Recording and Slides from the latest Training Session "Oracle Learning– New Features in Release 23B"Thanks to everyone who participated live in our training session "Oracle Learning – New Features in Release 23B" on Wednesday! The recording and slides are now available…
Edit learning activities in a spreadsheetSummary: We have an offering with 10 learners, I want to update 5 learners, I select the 5 learners, and click More Actions - Edit learning activities in a spreadsheet, …
Where are you tracking CPR and Other Licenses required for Healthcare StaffSummary: Tracking CPR and other Required Licenses Content (required): This is for those in health care who are accredited by The Joint Commission. Where are you tracking…
Sequencing - Detailed stepsSummary: need detailed steps for setting up sequencing in a specialization Content (required): Where do we find the detailed steps on how to set up sequencing in a speci…
Unable to add members to a communitySummary: Hi Team, Im trying to add members to a community and I dont see them getting added after I submit the request. Is there any ESS job that needs to be scheduled t…
How to revert the course status of assignment from Bypass Complete to Active AssignmentSummary: Hi, We have courses loaded the status as "Bypass Completed" for most of the learners. when these courses are assigned to the employees, these courses are showin…
Are there any Learning processes that would auto mark an employee's Learning to ByPass Complete?Summary: Are there any Learning processes that would automatically mark an employee's Learning status to ByPass Complete? Content (required): We launched a required trai…
How can I make Courses/Offering not viewable to anyone but the Learning Specialist?Summary: I need to make learning not viewable when I'm trying to make an assignment. I also need to know how to make the course/offering unviewable once we don't need it…
Learning Program Participant Size is zero even after adding the Add a PersonSummary: Learning Program Participant Size is zero even after adding the Add a Person Content (required): Learning Program Participant Size is zero even after adding the…
Why specialization status shows InProgress even though employee completed the course?Summary: For a specialization status shows InProgress even though employee completed the course under that specialization Content (required): Version (include the versio…
Enrolling learners in a course with multiple offeringsSummary: What is the best way to enroll learners in an ILT course that has multiple in-person offerings occurring on different dates? IE: ILT Course: Learning 101 Offeri…
page customization in new learning experience pageSummary: How do I perform page customization in new learning experience page for employee Content (required): I an unable to use the basic sandbox tools inside the VB pa…
How can i find the initiatives tied to a Course?Summary: Need to find a way to identify the initiatives that have specific person_id in the RUN AS ID column and also identify the course(s) the initiative is linked to.…
how HR can assign course to any candidate??Summary how HR can assign course to any candidate
Legacy Learning records with complete status showing in Current LearningSummary: Converted learner items using the business object LegacyLearningItem.dat then added learner records through the HDL using LearningItemType=ORA_LEGACY . Learning…
How can I add a Mastery Score when uploading content?Summary: We are not able to see what a learners final score is. Is this where it needs to go? and how do I get access to use it? Content (required): Version (include the…
Views, sql or learning mapping tablegood morning experts Could anyone please help me to know the table, views or Sql to find the data on the next page? We want to make a report with the data entered on the…
Recommended learning initiatives not assigning using person criteria analysis reportSummary: Content (required): We have created learning initiatives for recommended learning. The learning in the initiative assigns when we add users by person number, ho…
Is there an HDL to execute to mass update the RUN AS field in WLF_EVENT_ASSIGNMENTS_F?Summary: We have a number of initiatives that were created by a former employee. The RUN AS is set to that former employee. Now that the former employee is no longer act…
Cancel Initiative - PrivilegeSummary: Hello Team, Do we have any specific privilege that give 'Cancel Initiative' access to Learning providers or is it bundled with other privileges? Im unable to ge…
How to give special access to LMS Specialist to be able to schedule OBTI report they create.Summary: We have leadership and different area of the organization request specific information from learning data. They often want this more than one time, and we can't…