Discussion List
Can Evaluations be attached to offering activity in bulk using HDL?Summary: Content (required): Can Evaluations be attached to offering activity in bulk using HDL? Since eSignature is not available yet in Oracle Learning Cloud, we are p…
Advanced Rules for the Assignment VERSUS Re-assigning LearningSummary: Can someone please help me understand the difference between setting up the Advanced Rules for the Assignment (using validity periods and renewal options) and t…
How to add a Dashboard in the Learning Administrator HomeSummary How to add a Dashboard in the Learning Administrator HomeContent Hi, I need to add a dashboard in the Learning Administrator Home Page (My Client Groups > Learni…
Search for Learning Outcomes and viewing Learning Outcomes in Course Details as a LearnerContent Hiya we've have created our content etc. in our Talent Profile and I can attach competencies as Learning Outcomes.Once the learner has completed the course and a…
List of Standard notification in Oracle Learning CloudSummary: List of Standard notification in Oracle Learning Cloud Content (required): We like to understand what all the Standard notifications/Alerts be triggered from Fu…
Setting up Category and Topic communities for browsing: best practices?Content Hello, Our organisation has not used Category and Topic communities for browsing before, but now, as we are moving to 21B where this is going to be the default b…
OLCSEQ-Learning Controlled Availability-Observation ChecklistSummary: How to determine the observers in the observation checklist? Content (required): Observers>Observer Type>Representatives, I am wondering how the below Represent…
Is there an HDL Loader to delete active assignments?Summary: Hello, I am interested in using an HDL loader to remove Not Started, In Progress, No Offering Selected and Not Passed courses in learning. Is there an HDL loade…
End a Learning CommunitySummary: What are the steps I need to take to close a learning community that's no longer relevant? Content (required): I have a learning community that will no longer b…
OTBI QuestionnairesSummary: How can I obtain the results of the questionnaires that a student completed in a course? Using Data Model or Content (required): student number, student name, q…
Recording from the latest training session on new features in 23A is now available onlineThanks to everyone who participated live in our training session "Oracle Learning – New Features in Release 23A" on Wednesday! The recording is now available here on Cus…
Auto assign to the courseSummary New users need to be auto assignContent Dear Experts, Please help me how to set the auto-assign the course to the new hires. Please guide me with the steps to ho…
Oracle Learning Cloud - Without Core HRSummary Can you have one without the other?Content Do you have to have Core HR to be able to leverage / obtain a license for Oracle Learning Cloud? Or could you have a c…
Assign Course to Learner after 100 days of joiningSummary: If we can setup up a course in OLC that only trigger to employee to complete after 100 days of joining? Content (required): When an employee joins an organizati…
As an HR how do we administer and check the transcript/course for a particular employee.Summary: As an HR how we want to administer and review the transcript/course for the questions to see whether the employee is answering correctly or not, and also need t…
Create learner groups based on different criteriaSummary: HI Oracle Team, we have a requirement where Learn Admin has to create a group on different criteria Content (required): The system should allow Learn admins to …
Why are the Offerings Blank under Edit Assignment?Summary: Navigation: My Client Groups - Learning - Courses - Search for a Course (with available offerings already scheduled) - Learners - Filter 'Assignment Status' to …
Need OBTI Course Record Count ReportSummary: I do not know what I'm doing wrong. I need a report where I can get the Overall count and % or completions and not completed, but I keep getting errors. Does an…
Are there any sample obti analysis reports for assigning learning?Summary: I'm on the Reports and Analytics>HCM> I have looked at the HCM Reports sharing center and the Fusion OBTI HCM Analysis with no success cause filter doesn't work…
How to use "Add to Calendar" using alert deeplinks?Determine how to use the "Add to Calendar" invite in Learning Resource Alerts.
View documents (PPT or PDF) within LearningSummary: Hi Oracle Team, We have a requirement where we have to upload a PPT (PowerPoint) formatted file in Learning Content. Content (required): We have to upload the P…
Couldn't get Attempt count from Learning Events for a Learning ItemSummary: I want to capture the Attempt count of an Learning event for an Learning Item using OTBI. I am getting a Zero value against the Attempt count. Kindly guide me a…
Lock Elements within a Training ActivitySummary: HI Oracle Team, Hope you all are doing well. We have a requirement where we have to lock or restrict the learner to taking the 2nd activity/component of the lea…
Learning Record Real Time: Retraining / Future Learning Records MissingSummary: I created a custom report for our trainers to see overdue, current and upcoming training. When I use the Learning Record Real Time subject area, I noticed train…
How to set the renewal options to make sure the new assignment has always a due date set on 31.03?Summary: Hello, I would like to set the renewal options to make sure the new assignment has always a due date set on 31.03 of the following year. Content (required): Hel…
Report on QuestionsSummary: Hi Experts, Can we built a report on questions available in Learning Assessment subscriber to indicate who has changed questions and date/time of change ? Conte…
Differences among 'Manage Catalog Defaults Setting' and 'Global Access Group' and 'Manage Default AcSummary Configuring view and access settings in Oracle LearnContent Hi All, This could be a basic question, but I would like to have it clarified. My requirement is not …
Redwood Self Service for Learners - when will it become mandatorySummary: Bit of a left field question, but are there any indications on when the new Redwood experience for Learners will become mandatory? I seem to remember it was 23A…
Withdraw assignments of incompletelearners nolonger apart of the learning initiative target audienceSummary: What is the purpose of select and ticking the checkbox to "Withdraw assignments of incomplete learners no longer a part of the learning initiative target audien…
Lets build a repository of Resource Alerts for Learning moduleSummary Repository of Resource Alerts for Learning moduleContent Hi All, Since we are moving away from OTBI and using Resource alerts as our primary tool to send emails …