Discussion List
New Learning Assignment Resource Alert notification is not coming up in the Table formatContent Hi All, I'm using a custom resource alert for sending notifications to the learners when they are assigned to the course by the admin, But the notification which…
Completion Date of ILT TrainingSummary Completion Date of ILT TrainingContent Hello All, I am facing some issue with respect to ILT training Completion Date. One of my client has requirement of Mandat…
Restrict courses to be assigned by ManagersSummary: Restricting managers to assign specific courses. Content (required): We want managers to not to be able to assign certain specific courses to learners i.e. to r…
Learning Alerts ConfigurationSummary: Content (required): We have been using the follwing documents to configure Alerts in learning (https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=2…
Upload bulk scorm contentSummary: Hi, We have a requirement to upload bulk 300 SCORM contents.Could you please share if there is any process to do so? Thanks Content (required): Hi, We have a re…
how to back up learning objects before p2t?Summary: Hello, We have a p2t soon and have many learning g objects such as : contents offering ,courses , specializations , learning initiatives. How can we backup and …
Learning Approval WorkflowsSummary: I'm looking for a way to integrate professional designation approvals into Learning. Right now we use a manual process with paper forms that are completed, scan…
Learning how to perform a person talent profile upon course completion?Hello , In learning we would like to update the Hcm talent profile of the learner upon completion of a course assignment. how is it possible to perform ? Thanks a lot Re…
Is it possible to assign learning courses to an Employee based on the competencies they chooseSummary: Content (required): Our client has a requirement where the Employee chooses certain competencies in their IDP and they should receive learning courses based on …
Creating a report based on DFF's on course level in combination with offering details returns no resWe have configured 2 Flexfields on course level: Category Commissioner When I pull those two fields with the learning item, I get the correct results. But as soon as I a…
Adding Multiple Learners Using Person ListSummary: I created a CSV file with just person numbers (no headers) for a significant amount of learners I want to add to a course. I continue to get the below error whe…
Training Supplier not being savedSummary Training Supplier not being savedContent Catalog Resource > Create Training Supplier > Save and Close > Errors > then cant find in training supplier search resul…
21C - Not Passed Status on Courses that previously completed without issueSummary: After receiving the 21C update we have random courses that no longer go to a completed status. The status of NOT PASSED is presented with the completion date. I…
How to modify the *Initial Due Date OptionSummary: Modify *Initial Due Date Option Content (required): I mistakenly updated the *Initial Due Date Option as 1 instead of 30. Do we have the option to modify that a…
Learning Initiative Automated AssignmentsContent We currently have a Learning Initiative programmed with analysis criteria for each of our required courses. We selected in the initiative how many days each new …
Learning: Resource Alert - Deeplink not workingSummary Resource Alert Deeplink (of the learningitem) is not respondingContent Upon clicking the deeplink from the email body, it is navigated to the application login s…
Alert Composer - Mark CC to ManagerSummary Alert Composer - Mark CC to ManagerContent Dear Experts, We have a custom resource alert to notify learners of any voluntary/required assignments. I want to mark…
how to back up learning objects before p2t?Summary: Hello, We have a p2t soon and have many learning g objects such as : contents offering ,courses , specializations , learning initiatives. How can we backup and …
Learning froze and no buttom to resume training- Any suggestions on how to fix?Summary: a users learning froze about 60% of the way through. When he went back in to complete it, there was no resume button. Content (required): We were ultimately abl…
Batch changes to courses - e.g. Branding ImageSummary: I would like to make batch changes to courses - e.g. changing the same attribute on multiple courses at once. This could be category, or in this case, branding …
Is there any way to change Initial Due Date Option in the Learning InitiativesSummary: Can we change the initial due date option after we created the learning initiative? Content (required): I have created one of the learning initiatives last week…
What type of access is needed to access Learning QuestionnaireSummary: As a learning admin, what type of access I need to be able to create assessments or survey questions for the courses? Content (required): Our team is looking fo…
Impact of terminating and cancelling work relationship on learning recordsSummary Impact of terminating and cancelling work relationship on learning recordsContent Hi, I have done some testing on termination and cancelling work relationship of…
Automate Load of Completion Data from 3rd Party VendorsSummary Automate completion data load best practiceContent We are looking for the best practices for automating the load of 3rd party vendor completion data to Learning …
How to configure rule conditions for ApprovalsSummary: Content (required): Hello, We have a requirement where if someone enrols onto or withdraws from a specific course/offering then it needs to go to a particular a…
Why does the Cancel Initiative button in Learning Initiatives not remove the assignments?Summary: Attempting to cancel a Learning Initiative using the Cancel Initiative button and the assignments are not being removed from the learners. Additionally, some co…
What is typical behaviour for Withdraw action for Line Manager?Summary What is typical behaviour for Withdraw action for Line Manager?Content Hi there, I have a question because i am not very clear about it from the documentation. C…
Community Manager not able to see Closed CommunitySummary Community Manager not able to see Closed CommunityContent Hi, We are exploring "Communities' in Learning. It seems that if its "Closed" community then you are no…Pooja_Chowdhary-Oracle 39 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by ChelcieN-Support-Oracle Learning
Why did a Reconciliation Withdraw occur?Summary: We created a voluntary assignment for learners in an offering. When the instructor logged in to mark the learners complete in the ILT, they were already withdra…
Is there a preferred browser for launching SCORM courseSummary: We have loaded courses, (developed internally and externally); we are seeing differences in successful launch of course depending on browser. Content (required)…