Discussion List
How can i create course due learning reminder notification.Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):User_2025-02-10-11-10-35-305 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by PatriciaS-Support-Oracle Learning
How to add DFF in Learner Enrol Page?Summary: DFF Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Approval submission confirmation message missing for Non Catalog course requestSummary: Hi All, We are facing issue, for NonCatalog request for Learners.The Approval is triggered and working fine.But, once Learner requests submits for approval..it …
Enable Learning Assignment Metrics in ResultsSummary: How do we enable the metrics to appear in the Learner Assignment Results as below? Currently it shows as below I want to show like the below Thanks, Sahir Conte…
I need to assign the New course to all employees (all contract types) in India and Dubai.Summary: I need to assign the New course to all employees (all contract types) in India and Dubai. Content (required): Hi Team, We have created new Course and we need to…
Adding .iCalendar file in resource alerteSummary: We'd like to have the possibility to add a .ics file in the New learning assignment alert (WLF-00010) so that learners can easily add learning to their calendar…
How can I enable the toggle that controls if an eval is required for completion?Summary: We have a default evaluation available to enable at the offering level to ensure we are collecting feedback on our learning programs. Currently, the toggle that…
Do any other Oracle Learning Cloud customers use NAVEX Global courses?Summary: Our organization uses compliance course programs from NAVEX Global. We have had many repeating issues with the courses from NAVEX not registering a team member'…
Do we have any options to select Asssignment Type at courses and offerings levelSummary: Dear Team, I can see inside courses-> We have Add Learners option-> There we can select Assignment type as (Required/Voluntary/Recommended). I want to check and…User_2025-02-12-14-48-07-866 12 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Jamie Rancourt-Oracle Learning
How to access UISelectItems in Oracle HCM LearnSummary: How to access UISelectItems in Oracle HCM Learn Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snipp…User_2025-02-12-14-48-07-866 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dineshkumar Ramarao Learning
New Elearning Player (21A)Summary: Hello! My company just implemented Oracle Learning and our system is still operating on the older Elearning Player used prior to the 21A release. I am in the pr…
Change Learning Assignment dateSummary: Hello Experts, i need to change the assignment date of learners on a course to a past date, if it is possible is via HDL, ive tryed using the LearningRecord.dat…
Check or change learning assignmentContent We have some Health and Safety training that needs to be done by the most senior person in each of our locations each year. So we have assigned it to those peopl…
Browse Catalogue link changedSummary: Content (required): Hi there, We used to use a link that leads directly to the Learning catalogue, but now the link shows no course in the search results. It is…
How to handle Instructor Led training that runs everyday across different locationsSummary: We have a requirement where a Course runs throughout the year at different locations and with multiple instructors conducting the training across these location…
When uploading a video it does not come up as ACTIVE. How do I add it to a Course?Summary: I am able to successfully upload a video as Content. However it does not always come up as Active, which means I cannot add it into a Course as an Activity. Som…User_2025-03-10-21-26-28-299 81 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by PatriciaS-Support-Oracle Learning
Mass upload 'Completed' status for employeesSummary Loader template for mass uploading offering completed for a number of employees on a given dateContent Dear Experts, I have over a 100 employees who have complet…
We need to assign the course to all Continent employees (all contract types) in India and Dubai?Summary: We need to assign the course to all Continent employees (all contract types) in India and Dubai? Content (required): Hi Team, We need to assign the course to al…
Connections between HCM Performance and Learning modulesSummary: Content (required): Hello, Our customer would like to get the most out of using both Oracle HCM Performance and Learning modules, indeed he would like to levera…
Include the "With this note" field in Resource AlertSummary: Content (required): Hi there Is that even possible? Thanks Bobby Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 21D Code Snippet (add any code snip…
Scoring assessmentSummary: Content (required): In a scoring assessment it is possible to have the result obtained by the users even if we don't configure a mastery Score? Version (include…
Assessment Activity to Show Hints and Correct ResponsesSummary: Ability for the learners to see hints and correct responses when and after completing an assessment activity Content (required): Is there any way we can have ot…
Assessment Activity to Show Hints and Correct ResponsesSummary: Ability for the learners to see hints and correct responses when and after completing an assessment activity Content (required): Is there any way we can have ot…
Learning Cloud Instructor Booking Event Removal alertSummary Learning Cloud Instructor Booking Event Removal alertContent Has anyone managed to get this alert working correctly? If I change the offering and/or activity cla…
offering keyword: how to fill this field?Summary: Offering>Advanced Search>Add Field>Offering keyword: how to be able to have data to fill this field? Content (required): Where do I enter keywords linked to the…User_2025-02-12-02-05-45-167 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jamie Rancourt-Oracle Learning
How do you retrieve the response for individual SCORM questions?Summary: We are interested in being able to see if particular questions are being answered incorrectly so we can either rewrite the question or provide additional traini…
Finding the Database Column of the Justification field in Noncatalog requestSummary: Content (required): Hi there how can I get the database column name of the "Justification" field in Noncatalog request? Is there a way to spot these easily? I h…
Hiding Conversation sectionSummary: Hiding Conversation section Content (required): Is there a way to hide Enrollee & Self Service Conversation sections for Learners? Version (include the version …
Report on Responses Answered in the SCORM fileSummary: Report on Exam Responses Content (required): Client is requesting for a report for any responses provided in the exams attached in the SCORM file. Is there any …
Learning Calendar - Not getting directed to Offerings from the Learning CalendarSummary: We've configured Learning Calendar in out TEST environment using calendar in Demo instance. We've updated the URL/Deeplinks to redirect to our TEST environment.…