Discussion List
OTBI report including the link to the Offering pageContent Hi there You know that there are three links when one clicks on the Offering number. The first link is the "Self-Service Link". I wonder if this link can be capt…
Learning Request Approval - non-catalog to go for info to AdministratorsContent We would like for non-catalog learning requests to go to the learning administrators for information only. I have configured the approval as screenshot but it is…
Grouping People as in MS TeamSummary Grouping People as in MS TeamContent Hi All, One of the customer if looking below capability in OLC, which currently they are maintaining within MS Teams: 1.Form…
Pending Active Status?Content What causes a learner to be in a "Pending Active" status when adding to an instructor led offering? I am not entering it any differently, and have received this …
Noncatalog Learning Request for my Team - goes straight into Approval when registered by ManagerContent Hi all, just testing the approval for noncatalog Learning Request and it works great when the learner logs it. However, when the Manager goes in through My Teams…
Alerts shoot every two hoursContent Hi there, I have opened a SR for that and Oracle is working on it, but I wanted to hear if anyone has had similar experience? This is a major showstopper for us.…
How to identify who has updated Learning Initiative ?Summary How to identify who has updated Learning Initiative ?Content I was looking at table WLF_EVENT_ASSIGNMENTS_F_TL to track changes made on Particular learning Initi…
Learning Initiative for Promotion caseSummary Learning Initiative for Promotion CaseContent Hello All, We have a client requirement to define a Auto-Assignment of course when there is a Promotion from Grade …
Ability to view individual answers of an assessmentSummary Looking for suggestions on how can learning administrator verify text type answers submitted by the learnersContent Hi All, One of client has a requirement where…
Historical enrollment data migration from Legacy systemSummary Historical enrollment data migration from Legacy systemContent Do anybody have idea about migration of the Historical enrollment from Legacy System. Please share…Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle 18 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by marina zhurovich-262517 Learning
Expiry date alert for historical courses not in learning managementContent Hello, Does anyone have experience in configuring alerts based on historical expiry dates? The client moving from taleo learn to learning management. The course/…
Learning Integration with SkillsoftContent How the integration of OLC with Skillsoft will work ? What are the steps to be followed for the integration?Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Learning
Security - created external learner but can't see the offeringContent We have created a custom role called External Learner. This enables them to only see the learning they are assigned to. We have assigned learning to them on a co…
Lookup values for marking activities completeContent We have added some values to the code ORA_WLF_COMPLT_RSN_ONLINE_IL for example. Now those reason seem to appear for Exempted, Not Passed and Completed. How do we…
Automatic Completion after I have deleted the first EnrollmentContent Hi there, is this behaviour normal? I enrolled myself in a required course. Then withdrew and Deleted the entry. When I enroll again, the status goes automatical…
Alert for Completed with the EXIST clauseContent Hi there We use the EXIST clause for enrollment notifications exists (SELECT 'x' from dual where ${assignmentCreatedDate} >= (select nvl(max(runs.run_end),sysdat…
OTBI Notification Reports Link IssueSummary OTBI Notification Reports Link IssueContent Hi, We have an email that goes out to our employees when a new learning assignment has been assigned. From what I can…
The Learning admin cannot assign members in Self-service community - is that a normal behaviour?Content Hi there A line manager has created a Self-Service community, I cannot add member or managers to the community as Learning admin. Is that a normal behaviour? Tha…
Bulk upload of learning items/learning catalog resources - R13/18ASummary Bulk upload of learning items/learning catalog resourcesContent Hello, I am trying to bulk upload learning item definitions and its file (SCORM/PDF) via learning…
Can we integrate Linkedin and Oracle Fusion LearnContent Hi, We have a requirement where we want to link Linkedin and Oracle Fusion Learn as currently, our Learning contents are getting managed on Linkedin. and we want…
Enrolment FormSummary Is it possible to edit the enrolment form?Content I was wondering if it was possible to edit the enrolment form and add an additional question rather than build …
Frequent server error for eLearning enrollments since NUX went liveSummary Server errors becoming more frequent this year since NUX liveContent Have any other customers experienced an influx of server errors since going live with NUX. B…
Differentiating between faculty/staff and student workers to auto-assign required trainingContent In order to auto-enroll new hires into required training (Title IX, etc.), we need a way to for Learn to differentiate between faculty/staff and student workers.…
Reconcilation Withdraw on AssignmentContent I have a really odd behaviour in my system. A learner has self registered on a required course and the status was in progress. As we are working with expiry/rene…
Mass Actions Learners not completingSummary We use Mass Actions to complete activities but are finding that occasionally some users are not completingContent We use Mass Actions to complete activities but …
Creating alert for learners when they are move from waitlisted to enrolled in an offeringContent Creating alert so that employee is notified when they move from waitlisted status to enrolled status in an offering. An alert should also be triggered when an em…
Learn Expected Effort Label is missing in How To Complete SectionSummary Learn ESS- when after learner completed the Assessment, Expected Effort Label is missing in How To Complete SectionContent After the 21B upgrade "Expected Effort…
Changing background color for Learning header (ESS --> Learning page)Content We are trying to change the background color of header in the Learning module (ESS --> Learning). But while we do so the headers in rest of the module also chang…
Browse catalog community categorySummary How to configure the categories for communities in Browse CatalogContent Hello, With the Oracle HCM 20C upgrade, a new functionality has been delivered by Oracle…
How to send translation alerts from alerts composerSummary Send translation alert notifications to Spanish usersContent We need to send enrollment alert notifications to the US and Mexico users in translation. When we cr…