Discussion List
New employee Orientation program course link is not assigned to new joiners automatically?Summary: New employee Orientation program course link is not assigned to new joiners automatically? Content (required): New employee Orientation program course link is n…
Integration with Coursera and SkypeSummary: Content (required): Hello, We'd like to know whether the following integrations with OLC are available: OLC - Coursera OLC - Skype Thanks Giada Version (include…
Can't 'see' learners if they haven't clicked into the offering - Set up wrong?Summary: We have our courses set up as: Details, Requested, Active and the offering inside set up as: Details, Active, Active. Once a learner has gotten into the course,…
How to switch on Email notificationSummary: We want to switch on the email notification for the user who register for any course Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicab…
Learning Enrollment Closed NotificationSummary: Send notification if the enrollment for the learning is closed to the employees. Content (required): We have a requirement wherein we need that if the enrollmen…
Active Person working for two business Units from different divisions.Summary: Person working under two business units x and y from two different divisions and whatever learnings they have completed so far, completion is associated to 'X' …
Learners are not fetching from Course and learning assignments UISummary: Learners are not mapped against a safety course but I am able to fetch them from OTBI report. Content (required): Learners have been assigned through initiative…
Multiple Cetrification template for coursesSummary: Dear Experts, Please advise how to set up a different completion certification template. Content (required): In my organization, we required 2 types of completi…
Mass Update and Upload of EnrollmentsSummary: Bulk/Mass upload of the courses or enrollments for a group of learners. Content (required): We have a requirement wherein if a training is taken out of the syst…
Specialization not marking as complete despite all activities being completedSummary Certain courses completed outside the specialization not leading to the completionContent Hello We experienced a bug in 20a (we have since moved to 20B) where ce…
Report on Activity StatusSummary: I'm attempting to prepare a learning status report to share with our managers. As we have several offerings with multiple activities, they are interested in the…
Display WLF_LEARNING_ITEM DFF field be displayed only in the "Overview" section of CourseSummary: Hi Experts, Can "Learning Item Additional Attributes" (WLF_LEARNING_ITEM) DFF field be displayed only in the "Overview" section of Course, and Specialization an…
Official Community - automatic assignmentSummary: The automatic assignment for the official community is not working. When I try to reconcile, it doesn't show any complete/incomplete status. can anyone assist? …
Can we use hdl for loading Learning Assignments and Learning InitiativesSummary: Is there any hdl dat to load Learning Assignments and Learning Initiatives. If yes, could you please share the sample dat line for reference. Thanks in advance,…
Send Email to Learners and Send Email to line managersSummary: Hi All, When we login as Admin and under assignments , we have an option to send email to Learner ,Email learner and manager.When i click on them it is going to…
Is there any way to find out the learner information?Summary: In the learner UI, learner has reported to course owner that they don't find content is on offering level. Content (required): When someone was trying to enroll…
Is there a way to make an Initiative active from inactive status?Summary: Content (required): Somehow, couple of initiatives become inactive and business is trying to get them back, so that could use them further. Version (include the…
Restrict Learners To Take Particular Learning Course Only OnceSummary: We want to restrict the learners from taking the same course more than once. Content (required): If any learner has already completed a training course and if h…
Line Manager - Learning Error in Person SpotlightContent Hi, We had recently upgraded to 20D and since the upgrade, the line manager is getting error when they navigate to Learning from the Person spotlight. This issue…
Is it possible to replay videos or re-read pdf files once Learners have completed?I've tested this and as it stands once they are completed, there is no way to access the video or the file again. Is there a setting somewhere which could make this poss…
Learning Specialist Role only for a set of courseSummary: Learning Specialist Role only for a set of course Content (required): Hi Team, Please let me know if we have any option to provide Learning Admin role for a use…
How do you achieve 100% compliance for Required Compliance training?Summary: Our hospital system is looking for ideas for how to get 100% compliance on required training. Content (required): We absolutely need to achieve 100% compliance …
Employee unable to see the learning dataSummary: Hi All, Our customer implemented global hr and removed all roles related to learning from Employee and Manager role.Now they are implementing Learning .To enabl…
20A External LearningSummary Where is the new external learning in 20AContent Hello, Can someone please advise where the new external learning is recorded in 20A. It was mentioned in the OLC…
Issue with comments whilst withdrawing learnersSummary: Issue with comments whilst withdrawing learners Content (required): Whilst withdrawing learners as a line manager, I am getting an error to enter comments even …
Bulk completion update with different completion dates in LMSSummary: Bulk completion update in LMS Content (required): Dear Experts, I want to update completion for users with different completion dates. Do we have an option to u…
Can the required training show in the right hand side?Summary: Can the required training show in the right hand side? Content (required): Hello, We have a requirement to change the layout of the page wherein the required tr…
Update Error Message Text Under Record External Learning ExperienceSummary: Update Error Message Text Under Record External Learning Experience Content (required): Hello, When entering the link under Record External Learning Experience,…
Including Videos (not Courses) in a CommunityContent Hi there I want to be able to include published videos in a community. The videos are published by an employee and open and can be found on the catalogue. I cann…
Request Button - Course level - IssuesSummary: Hi there - We're experiencing issues with the request button across the banner of a course. When the button is pushed the screen simply 'blinks' but doesn't do …