Discussion List
Usage of 'Related Learning' on Learning Item Details pageSummary Usage of 'Related Learning' on Learning Item Details pageContent Hi, Can someone please explain the usage of the 'Related Learning' section on the Learning Item …
Learning Assignments - Error ADF 21CSummary: when access Learning Assignments in version 21C appears ADF error, in version 21B I was able to access calmly, has anyone experienced this? what would be the pr…
How to see all available Learning in ME>Learning searchSummary: Courses and offerings are not visible that are open to all employees when searching under ME.Learning. Search learning index is run successfully every 5 minutes…
Point System for SpecializationSummary: The current system for Specialization is by completing required activities/courses, each of them is equivalent to 1. Is there a way for it to recognize that a c…
Where does the trailer show to learners?Summary: Where does a learner see the button to view a trailer? Should it still be under the course title? Content (required): We've just received the 21C update in our …
Is is possible to change sections on course page so they default to being expanded?Summary: There are a couple of sections on the course page that the learner has to expand manually. Can we adjust the page set up so they default to being open when the …
Can we give administrators the option to set course duration in either minutes or hours?Summary: Is it possible to adjust the duration units so that a Learning administrator can use either minutes or hours when setting up courses? Content (required): Is it …
Add to Calendar option for Instructor Led offerings in the Learning Module.Summary: Adding a calendar entry for the period of an Instructor Led event feels a clunky process, as the user after clicking 'Add to Calendar' must navigate to the iCal…
Enable courses for refresh (P2T)Summary: Content (required): Hello, If we want to enable some courses for refresh (to copy over to our Test environment when we have a P2T), do we need to run the Schedu…User_2025-02-06-20-56-07-048 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jamie Rancourt-Oracle Learning
Remove My Shared Learning from LearningContent Hello Guys, We need to inhibit the task of My Shared Learning from Learning to the employee. Someone know if is it possible to do by privileges or role? I hope i…
Report a courseSummary How can I know who reported the course?Content Hello, I'm receiving report notification when a course is innapropriate or when there is a mistake for instance. L…
First Time Creating a SpecializationSummary: When I assign the specialization, the offerings are not available to the user. I have to manually assign each offering. This is tedious. Does anyone know the pr…
Rate a CourseSummary Rate a CourseContent When you rate a course via employee > catalog > select course > actions > rate > select star and comments, where do you find the ratings and…
What is the midstream renewals import processSummary: In the 21C upgrade has one feature related to the midstream renewals import process in the learning module. If any one Know about this and how to use kindly upd…
Restrict text to a certain pageSummary: Need to restrict text to a certain page in Learn Content (required): We have added text to a learn page (Me > Learning) and we have found that it shows in Oracl…
Can a history of a course started in LinkedIn can be transferred to Learning Cloud?Summary: If the learner completes a course not started in Learning Cloud but started using LinkedIn - what is the best way to ensure the history gets moved into Oracle L…
Is there any way to make Manage Training Resources view only?Im trying to create a custom learning specialist role that will grant view only access to instructors, classrooms and training suppliers, however there is no view traini…
Show total hours taken in SpecializationSummary: Is there a way to be able to show the total hours that you have taken in the current specialization? It may have something to do with the scoreboard, then it wi…
Leaner should not skip any of the offering activitiesSummary How to create offering activityContent I have assigned the self-paced offering to the learners with 13 activities. Leaners are attending the self-paced course. W…
Is there a way to pull data to see who has viewed a video that was part of a learning community?Summary: We have some managers who have created communities for their teams. In these communities they have added some product videos and things for community members to…
UPDATED LEARNING ADMINISTRATOR NAVIGATION AND CATALOG SEARCH EXPERIENCESummary: I don't see this enablement in my 21C release. Content (required): Do I need to make any changes in order to access learning administration tasks directly using…
What happens when you change the name of an assignment analysis that is used in an initiative?Summary: I need to change the name of an assignment analysis (vs create a new assignment analysis and then create a new learning initiative.) Will OLC still reconcile th…
Point System for SpecializationSummary: The current system for Specialization is by completing required activities/courses, each of them is equivalent to 1. Is there a way for it to recognize that a c…
Can we reduce the filters that are used for ESS?Summary: Client wanted to remove Noncatalog Items and Legacy in the choices of filters in ESS. Is it possible? Content (required): ESS Filter Version (include the versio…
Is the Instructor of a course supposed to see the Enrolee Self-Service comments in an OfferingSummary: Content (required): Hi there, I have assigned an Instructor on the Instructor tab of a course. The instructor can go inside an Offering and choose the tab Self-…
How to extract the Content Files from Legacy SystemContent Do anybody know the process of extracting the Content files from the Legacy system. Can you share the details of the process.
Learner's navigation in Oracle Learning cloud - Learner's dashboardSummary: What can we do to make the OLC navigation more user-friendly for the learners? Content (required): Has anyone worked on the OLC user interface to make it more u…
User experience with SpecializationSummary Sections are tied to course instead of offeringContent Hello, We created a specialization with multiple sections, each section has various courses, and each cour…
Offerings and Courses - LearnersContent We can assign activities based on Offering as well as Courses. Just wanted to know when to directly assign offerings to Learners and when to assign courses. Than…
Unable to Withdraw a Learner from Course or OfferingSummary Unable to Withdraw a Learner from Course or Offering- 18BContent Hi Guys, At the moment we're unable to withdraw a learner manually from a course or offering and…