Discussion List
Hide "Due Date" field under Request Non Catalog Learning using VBCSSummary: We wants to hide "Due Date" field under Request Non Catalog Learning under Me > Learning .Is this possible to do via VBCS to hide Content (please ensure you mas…
Which table stores the start date for External Learning RecordHi Team, I am working on a External Learning record query almost all of the columns are fetched, but i am unable to identify the start date column. I tried searching all…
Recommended Learning Page - not populating Learner detailsSummary: Learner drop down field not populating any values while recommending learning. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include t…
Access Redwood Pages using the Standard/Delivered rolesSummary: We are in the process of enabling the Redwood Pages for the Oracle Learning Cloud module. We are currently evaluating the feasibility of utilizing the Redwood L…
How to prevent the user from editing or changing an attachment after approval flow?Summary: I need help adjusting user access to not allow the user to edit or delete an attachment from the "Record External Learning" page after it passes approval. Conte…
My Team Learning DuplicatesHi, When searching under My Team > Learning > Removing all filters and sorting by 'Name, A-Z' - the manager sees duplicates. Why is this? Thanks, Anna
notes and alerts on assigned courses - Are they editable?Summary: Hi all, we would like to know if the notes that are shown in the screen below are editable. Has anyone ever edited these notes? Thank you, Alessandro.
Errors on course details pageSummary: Errors on course details page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): A user with the seeded pending worker role is getting these errors …
Community Landing Page When Clicking Back ButtonWhen you click Back on a Learning Community it goes directly to the landing page. Is there a way to remove this default setting? Version (include the version you are usi…
Visual Studio Builder how to hide certain search filtersSummary: Visual Studio Builder how to hide certain search filters Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): See screen shot. I want to hide only "Ci…
How have other customers been making out during Redwood implementation?Summary: With Redwood Learning being required to implement by 24B (Learner and Manager pages), I am curious how other customers have been making out during their impleme…
To reduce the number of notifications/emailSummary: Hello everyone, Our customer required to reduce the number of notification sent by the application. For example, in case of an autoapproval flow > learner will …
To extract employees list that receive standard notificationHello everyone, is it possible to extract a list of employee that receive a standard e-mail from the system? Thank you Alessandra
My Learning missing after Visual Studio Builder changeSummary: Learning and sort drop-down are missing after making a Visual Studio Builder change. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Thankfully t…
Enabled redwood but the Me >> Learning page is still showing responsiveSummary: Hi Team, I have enabled redwood by following all the steps mentioned in the guide but I am still landing on responsive page when clicking on ME » Learning page.…
Is there a time associated with the course publish end date?Summary: If the course Publish End Date is set as 06/21/2024, until what time on 06/21/2024 will it be visible to learners in the catalog? Version (include the version y…
Line Manager not able see all reports under "My Team"Line manager can see only course assigned /enroll members Under My Team and in All Report Filter also able see only the one assigned /enroll course members only is this …
Before click on launch/ resume button video/course is starting in Learning RedwoodBefore click on launch/ resume button video/course is starting in Learning Redwood Content type is Scorm
DCS Service Selfservice User Email Id UpdationSummary: DCS Service Self User had enrolled himself with a Emailid last year and now their company has changed emailid so can we update existing Userid's old email id wi…
OLC - How to enable Redwood Learner ExperienceSummary: OLC - How to enable Redwood Learner Experience Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, in the next release (24 B) it is mandatory mov…
How to hide the context segment field in Redwood pageSummary: I have a requirement to hide the context segment field in Redwood page in learning resources page (Classrooms, Instructors, Training Supplier). Though we hidden…
Specialization Completed must change status in order to add new activityHello We do not use Communities since changing to redwood. Key users dislike it being totally apart of "My Learning", the need to lick on "View my communities" So they u…
filter for double assignmentsSummary: Hi to all, I entered as a Manager with a double assignments. The path for the first picture is My team > My team and I can filter the visibility on direct repor…
Reduce clicks for learner in redwood UISummary: Reduce the number of clicks from notification to enrollment for Learners in Redwood UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have fo…
OLC | Hide buttons under 'action' menuDear all, I'm on the new UX manager and I wonder if it's possible to hide the buttons under the 'action' menu. I'm attaching you a screenshot. Regards, Lorena regards, L…
FYI to managers for courses assigned by AdminSummary: Hi Experts, We need to send a FYI to the managers when the learn Admin has assigned a course to the employees. So that any course/workshop that has been assigne…
Unable to Add the Box, Text and few more using Visual BuilderSummary: Hi Team, We are trying to add the Box and text sections by using Visual Builder in the Redwood Pages like same as using the page composer tool in the Non Redwoo…
Oracle fusion learning mass association of course with categoriesWe recently switched to redwood setup in learning and defined categories. through community (Category community and topic community) setup, but we have to attach courses…
Modify "Start on or After" field while requesting "Request Noncatalog Learning"Summary: Hello Experts, We have a requirement to enter data from past in the field "Start on or After" field while requesting "Request Noncatalog Learning" from Me—>Lear…
Fields of a search creation in saved searches?Summary: Hi all, i want to ask, for every field/point (Enable sharing, Mark as default, Enable as a system search, mark as system default) in the screen about a search c…