Discussion List
attending classes how to notify cases of learning not attending?Hello , In classes we would like to document / have information (for the HR or the manager ) if a Learner didn’t attend a class. And to have also information when the le…
How to differentiate between Manager or Learning Specialist rejectionSummary: When learner request access to a Course, the line manager and learning specialist can reject the request. We would like to have a different alert being send for…
Oracle Learning OTBI report files to download?Summary: Where on Customer Connect can I find a list of Oracle Learning OTBI report files to download so I may upload them into our Oracle BI environment? Content (requi…
Creating a report to show how much time learners have spent learningSummary Is it possible to create a report that shows how long each learner has spent learning?Content Hi everyone, I hope you are well. I am currently trying to build a …
Report on Activity StatusSummary: I'm attempting to prepare a learning status report to share with our managers. As we have several offerings with multiple activities, they are interested in the…
How can we query competencies in the audit reportSummary: We are trying to identify the correct combination of "Product" and " Business object type" to query Competency changes in the Audit Report Content (required): V…
Learning bi publisher report How to display learner activity's status and grade?Hello , How can we implement BI publisher report ,which displays the status and grade of activity of learners in a course. A course can have few offerings - and we would…
Learning Cloud - Standard Worklist NotificationsSummary Learning Cloud - Standard Worklist NotificationsContent Hi, Initially, in rel 11, we had the worklist notification feature, but have to abandon due to some techn…
Track Outside CertificationsSummary Utilize Learning to track third-party certificationsContent Our organization would like to use Learning to track third-party certifications. Has anyone been able…
OTBI Reporting on Learning CompletionsSummary: I am trying to get a report on a certain learning item. I need a report that show all active employees and their learning completion status on a certain course.…
How do I build a report to pull the learning questionnaires' result?Summary: I build two questionnaires for self-paced and instructor-led training. Can someone show me how to build an OTBI report to pull the result? Content (required): I…
How to Control Access to Learning Catalog Items Based on Community MembershipSummary: I have a community set up for a specific group of learners. We will be adding these learners in batches. There are 4 specializations that have been added to thi…
Pending workers are getting assigned learn initiativesSummary: Content (required): We have been noticing that pending workers are getting assigned learn initiatives. As a result, the learn initiative is being sent to the em…
Underlying table for Configure Evaluations pageSummary: Hi Team, Is anyone aware of the underlying table for the Configure Evaluations page ? We would like to extract that information as part of a report. Navigation …
Email notification (seeded) - 'FYI Course (X) Created by You Was Reported'Summary: There is a stock email to warn you that a course has been reported by a learner. The email doesn't include the learner's name or staff number, so they can't be …
Creating a report based on DFF's on course level in combination with offering details returns no resWe have configured 2 Flexfields on course level: Category Commissioner When I pull those two fields with the learning item, I get the correct results. But as soon as I a…
Impact of terminating and cancelling work relationship on learning recordsSummary Impact of terminating and cancelling work relationship on learning recordsContent Hi, I have done some testing on termination and cancelling work relationship of…
Automate Load of Completion Data from 3rd Party VendorsSummary Automate completion data load best practiceContent We are looking for the best practices for automating the load of 3rd party vendor completion data to Learning …
Extract Completion DataSummary: Does anyone have a report to extract all completion records from Learning Cloud? I don't see a User Entity in HCM Extracts for Learning. Content (required): Ver…
Subject Area: Workforce Learning-Learning Management RealtimeSummary: I got a chance to go through the Oracle readiness 21D which was released by Oracle recently and What I noticed was, they are going to take the "Subject Area: Wo…
Specialization Progress ReportSummary Specialization Progress ReportContent Has anyone identified a solution to report Specialization progress? Thanks, Lena
Translation of Narrative view text the OTBI analysis based on user local language preferenceSummary Translation of Narrative view text the OTBI analysis based on user local language preferenceContent Hi all, How to do Translation of Narrative view text the OTBI…
SCORM 2004 - Survey questions - Oracle reporting capabilitiesSummary What are the reporting capabilities for SCORM 2004 survey questions?Content Coming from another system (Cornerstone OnDemand) there were some optional reporting …
How to pull a report from SCORM quiz resultsSummary: Hi, One of our content owners requested a report with the results of the quiz that is part of their SCORM course to determine what questions the users are getti…
SQL on Offering details in Learning moduleSummary SQL on Offering details in Learning moduleContent Hi Experts, I have a sql query to get course and offering details. But there is a difference between offering s…
Document Record notification customizationContent Hello, we would like to modify a note in the email notifications sent when a Document Record with attachments is assigned to a user. If a user creates a new docu…
Standard Reports available with Oracle Learning CloudSummary Standard Reports available with Oracle Learning CloudContent Hello experts, Do you have a list of standard reports available with Oracle Learning Cloud? Though t…
Cannot see the Learner name in OTBI reportContent Hi there I am trying to create a simple OTBI report but I do not see the names of the Learners. Actually, if I use columns from only one folder I do get the data…
Simple compeletion OTBI report in subject area "Learning Records Real Time"Content Hi there, I am preparing a report in the "Learning Records Real Time" subject area. The idea is simple and straightforward - get a completion records for one or …
SQL query to get Instructor and learner details in fusionContent Hi, I have a requirement where I need to fetch instructor and learner details of the offering. I have developed the SQL query and attached for the reference. Iss…