SCORM 1.2 and 2004
Discussion List
Error in Accessing the SCORM content "An error occurred while launching your learning item."Summary: Hi Team, We are facing an error while accessing or previewing the SCORM files. Error message "An error occurred while launching your learning item.". We have te…
Content enabled for refresh but wont change from 'source not ready' statusSummary: When new SCORM file is uploaded to Learning> Content, usually when the 'enable refresh' button is selected, the status would change to 'enabled - source ready' …
How to change "Do not Enable learners to review"Summary: When uploading SCORM packages, the settings will not allow learners to review the content. The settings are fixed and we cannot change them in Oracle. Content (…
View Content After Finishing an Activity - Content before 24B ReleaseSummary: Our learning admins have pointed out that some courses from before the 24B release can no longer have their content viewed after they were completed. One exampl…
What is the best process for applying assignment rules?Hi there, can I please ask for thoughts and feedback on the following scenario, any suggestions welcome. I feel there should be a better way to achieve this. At present,…
How to migrate Learning Contents from Test Instance to Prod InstanceSummary: How to migrate Learning Contents from Test Instance to Prod Instance For Example: We have uploaded approximately 4K contents (SCORM, Video and PDF) in Test Inst…
Has anyone created an integration wtih Moodle Enterprise?Content We are exploring creating an integration with Learning Alliance using Moodle Enterprise. This integration will have the same function as the Skillsoft integratio…User_2025-02-04-11-16-01-386 76 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Jose Antonio Gil del Prestamo Learning
Fusion Learn Module ImplementationSummary Need help to on conversion of SCORM Courses & AICC Contents as Learning Content to Oracle LearningContent Hi Experts, As we are new to this Learn module, We need…
Issues with SCORM Content Accessibility Across BrowsersFor some people, when they access SCORM content from Google Chrome, they can see the audio symbol and hear sound. However, when they access the same content from Microso…
if learner has completed the course with offering and activity added was Content ASummary: If learner has completed the course with offering and activity associated with that offering was Activity A with Content A which being created under catalogue r…
SCORM 1.2 content loads, active, but preview says "Not Found"Summary: We are working in our dev environment to test OLC, I can load SCORM content (SCORM 1.2). It shows active, but when I go to preview it says "Not Found" in the wi…
Maximum Wait time of Oracle Learning system for Scorm File when clicked on Add Online ContentSummary: We have a network policy in place for our organization and it unzips the zip file, checks for any sensitive data and later zips back and loads the file into Ora…
OLC to UdemyContent Hi, Is there a document available on how to integration OLC with Udemy? Thank you!
Before click on launch/ resume button video/course is starting in Learning RedwoodBefore click on launch/ resume button video/course is starting in Learning Redwood Content type is Scorm
Report to monitor SCORMs answersHello everyone If the contents are SCORM, it is possible to produce reports (e.g. a report that highlights, for each individual question, the answer provided by the user…
Do we have a WYSIWYG type editor in Oracle fusion LearningDo we have a WYSIWYG type editor in Oracle fusion Learning? The client wants to edit the content that is being updated to Oracle learning cloud system and seeking an inb…Anthony Shabir Kumar-95923 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anders Northeved-Oracle Learning
Is there a provision to allow third party embedded codes to be added for video contentSummary: Ability to allow third party embedded codes to be added for video content Embed code which will allow us to borrow the video from a third party platform to atta…Anthony Shabir Kumar-95923 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Austin P. Oracle OLC-Oracle Learning
Process Unfinished AttemptsSummary: Hello Experts, Process Unfinished Attempts learning process updates offering activity statuses to Completed for learners with a completed attempt that the activ…
Can the browser warning message for self-paced offerings be amended or hidden?Summary: Recently a warning message has started appearing on our self-paced offerings regarding issues with Chrome and Edge browsers. One of our internal stakeholders wo…
ScormSummary: Hello, We are looking to convert SCORM packages from our current learning platform to Oracle learning. Has anyone had success doing a mass conversion and are th…
SCORM 2004 3rd Edition - Mastery Scores and Completion IssuesSummary: SCORM 2004 3rd Edition - Mastery Scores and Completion Issues Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We were recently informed through a…
No sound playing in SCORM 1.2 files on mobile appSummary: We are investigating using the mobile app for some of our off-site staff so they can continue training while out of the office. But in our testing, no sound see…
Unable to Replace SCORM File from Articulate RiseSummary Unable to Replace SCORM File from Articulate RiseContent Hello, I am facing an issue where I am unable to replace any SCORM files that were created using Articul…User_2025-01-30-01-04-51-351 121 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Pavan Kumar M G-Oracle Learning
Bulk upload of SCORM contents via Rest API with Recorded Attempts "Unlimited"Hello, Is there any way to massively upload SCORM contents via Rest API setting the value of "Recorded Attempts" field as "Unlimited" instead of "Single"? Thanks Giada
What is the purpose of the Recorded Attempt Review drop down in SCORM settings?Summary What is the purpose of the Recorded Attempt Review drop down in SCORM settings?Content Hi All What is the purpose of the Recorded Attempt Review drop down in the…
Oracle Learning SCORM Engine?Summary: Does anyone know what SCORM engine Oracle runs? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, does anyone happen to know what type of SC…
Upload bulk SCORM contentSummary: We need to bulk upload 610 SCORM content. Could someone please inform us if there is a specific procedure for achieving this? Content (please ensure you mask an…
Scorm Review Content lost ProgressContent Hello Experts I have a SCORM 1.2 When user finishes activity and save. when go into review content the scorm restarts, as if it has not saved the progress. Even …