Discussion List
Manage Data Access for Users - Batch UploadSummary How to use the spreadsheet to give user data access to multiple users at once.Content I am struggling with the right way to fill the excel sheet to give many use…
Restrict visibility of seeded processes in scheduled process work areaHi Team, We have a requirement to provision a user with access to run ONLY ONE custom job (custom report) in Scheduled Process area, without displaying other seeded prog…
OCI cloud shell user bulk deleteHi, my client worked on synchonizing users with SCIM. As it was not working correctly he has now more then 4.000 Users in the OCI Domain. To delete them manually it will…
How to make delete button and delete action on pricing strategy to invisibleSummary: Hi all, I have a business requirement to make the delete action invisible. I've tried using "page composer," but the options seem blocked. Do you have any other…Eliran Hadad 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Eliran Hadad Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
HCM Document of Record view onlySummary: Hi, I have a requirement to grant access to HCM "Document of Record" only in read-only/View mode. That includes removing the "Add" button, editing existing reco…
Error when testing Identity providerSummary: Once we setup the new metadata file to setup a new certificate, when I go to test I get this error. Any idea how to resolve? Content (please ensure you mask any…
How to get Oracle Fusion Security Console Audit LogsSummary: Hi Team, I would be like to introduce one of requirement on Oracle Fusion Security Console Audit logs, What is the scope of an audit in Security console? can an…Rama Krishna Kanakala 136 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ranveer.Tiwari-Oracle Applications Security
Error: Could not create/update Identity ProviderSummary: We are getting an error when we are trying to update the metadata for the identity provider in oracle. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
How to set Single Sign-On between Azure AD as Identity Provider/IDP and Fusion as Service Provider/SSummary: How to set Single Sign-On between Azure AD as Identity Provider/IDP and Fusion as Service Provider/SP Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…Adrian Dogeanu-Support-Oracle 428 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Saif Rehman-Oracle Applications Security
Option of creating custom accounts in File import and export secured by duty rolesSummary: We are looking to create Custom Accounts which can be available in the File Import and Export tool - Account dropdown. Also we want to explore possibility of se…
How to enable user provisioning between Azure AD and Oracle FusionSummary: How to enable user provisioning between Azure AD and Oracle Fusion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version y…
Limiting Access to specific tasks under Setup and MaintenanceSummary How to grant sepecific tasks to End UserContent Hi, We need to grant one of the End Users access to "Manage Chart of Accounts Value Set Values " task from Setup …
Unable to view Reports and Analytics in Home PageSummary: Content (required): I am created a new user as employee and given one role to him as 'Advanced Procurement Requester'. I want this user to have view access to s…AbhayT 110 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Dimple-Nagesh-Support-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Allow a security roles to see submitted Expenses, Invoices, and Requisitions for approval managerSummary: Is there a way to allow specific employees to view submitted Expenses, Invoices, and Requisitions from a specific approving manager? Example: HR Dept - View all…THawkins_LGI 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by THawkins_LGI Payables, Payments & Cash Management
REST service is failing with 401 Unauthorized error in Postman and OIC in GEN 3 (worked fine before)We have created a sample REST API in OIC to send out notifications and was working fine. Now, we see that service stopped working and throwing 401 Unauthorized error as …
Define Employees as usersI have imported all employees as users , but the generated user name was based on the employee number, so I want to make it to be as FirstName.LastName , I have adjusted…
Line managers are not able to View future assignment changes.Even after adding the ORA_PER_VIEW_FUTURE_ASSIGNMENT_CHANGES aggregate privilege, Line managers are not able to see the future dated employee records. Import user and ro…ShivaKumarB 23 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Signe Winther Allerup Human Capital Management
How to Monitor Fusion applications performance?Summary: How to Monitor Fusion applications performance? We are using FAs in more than 30 countries and there are many processes/ integrations/ reports scheduled to run …
HCM Roles a Terminated User had?Summary: Once a person is terminated, do you know if there’s a way to see the roles they used to have? Content (required): start/end dates? Which HCM tables might contai…User_2025-02-12-15-41-59-245 51 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Zaneta Zetkowski Applications Security
How to redirect URL to the /FuseWelcome home page? (HCM Cloud)Summary: How to redirect URL to the /FuseWelcome home page? (HCM Cloud) Content (required): When a person accesses HCM Cloud using the below URL, they get our home page …
Is there a HDL loader to add Roles/Priv to a security Role?Summary: We have a role we want to update that includes one privilege it should not have. It is also inherited from another role so we would have to remove the inherited…
Is there a way for the budget control (ERP) in the rules to only take the value of the account whenSummary: Is there a way for the budget control (ERP) in the rules to only take the value of the account when it is debit and ignore or not affect the budget account bala…
Security roles that allow access to view submitted Expenses, Invoices, and RequisitionsSummary: What Security roles will allow access to view (NOT EDIT) submitted Finance Expenses, Invoices, and Requisitions? We have some HR reps that need to be able to he…THawkins_LGI 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Marina Mititelu-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Create a DB user in DBaaS and assign all privledges to other schema objects in one goSummary: How can we create a database user in DBaaS and grant superuser privileges to specific users for all schema objects? We have three schemas: CUSTOM, ERP_CNV, and …Abhilash K - Deloitte USI 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Abhilash K - Deloitte USI Fusion Applications Administration
Audit query to find out who is logging in locally vs using Company Signon SSO pageContent We have chooser page enabled where users can login using the SSO page vs the traditional way. Some of the user accounts, mostly admin, also have a local password…User_2025-01-31-00-15-48-087 80 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Mohanbabu Applications Security
Is it possible in HCM to View Role Information Using Security Dashboard?Summary: Hi! We are trying to follow this steps to have access to the Security Dashboard Steps to view the Security Dashboard: In the Reports and Analytics work area, cl…Pilar F. 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by veerendranath pulivarthi-Oracle Applications Security
GDPR needs to setup in Oracle HCM (record retention policy)Summary: Hi All, Can anyone have a solution or sample workaround on this??? We have a record retention policy at (Client), can we develop an automatic record purging pro…RamkumarKadhiravan 73 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by RamkumarKadhiravan Applications Security
Fusion Apps - License ConsumptionSummary Trying to understand how license consumption per user worksContent Hi Community, Can anyone explain how license consumption works in Fusion Applications. IS the …User_2025-01-30-20-23-15-920 381 views 27 comments 3 points Most recent by alexey.shtrakhov Applications Security
Read only Role for external auditors for all Oracle ApplicationsSummary: How can we grant Read-only access for External Auditors? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are usi…THawkins_LGI 82 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA Applications Security
What Roles and Privileges give access to Learning Transcripts only?Summary: We would like to configure a role (like the Learning Specialist) but only includes access to Learning Transcripts. Which roles/privileges should we include? Con…THawkins_LGI 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by veerendranath pulivarthi-Oracle Applications Security