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Removing members from selectionWe have multiple examples where we have to remove multiple members, or even entire hierarchies from the selection. We noticed that you aren't allow to remove more than o…Peter Joelson 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Peter Joelson Profitability and Cost Management
Is there a way to create Counterparty transactions in EPCM?Summay: For EPCM Transfer Pricing based Application, we want to create counterparty entries of Transfer Pricing Results. Content (required): If Transfer Pricing Results …Sivavignesh V 83 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Gebril Abdellatif -Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
What's the best way to automate the process of running a rolling forecast data for 18 months in EPCMSummary: Hi All, I have 18 months of rolling forecast data from EPBCS, and I need to automate the monthly allocation process for the next 18 months. I want to avoid hard…
Need to hide Template from Users who don't have access to themSummary: We are using Enterprise Journals for creating adjustments for PCMCS. We are also using Teams for approval process instead of individual users. We want to restri…Manoj Rathore 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Purpose of using EPCM_GOVERNORS_OVERRIDE_KEY variable in EPCMSummary: Hi, Request anyone to let me know the purpose of using EPCM_GOVERNORS_OVERRIDE_KEY variable in EPCM. It would be helpful if any resource link is shared for the …Harish Kumar C 21 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Harish Kumar C Profitability and Cost Management
Is there a report available to export out of EPCM to get driver data for all rules?Summary: We are needing to get a report of all rules and the driver that is being used in those rules. Currently we export the Model Documentation and create formulas to…Crystal Eide 31 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Crystal Eide Profitability and Cost Management
Mass Edit features not workingSummary: No features on the Mass Edit screen are working. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Has anyone experienced an issue where the Mass E…SAW23321 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mark Zacchilli-Support-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
IPM insights for EPCMSSummary: Aug 2024 update supports IPM Insights for EPCMS and will this be same as per planning? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): IPM Insigh…
Allocation to SiblingsSummary: Hello, we have an allocation requirement where source data will come against children member in hierarchy, and it needs to be allocated to the siblings of Sourc…Mohit Pahuja 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohit Pahuja Profitability and Cost Management
Getting Error when submitting Allocation Model in EPCMCS using PipelineSummary: We are using Oracle EPCMCS for generating allocations and production version is 24.05 patchset. We had to skip the patchset due to issues. We are getting error …Manoj Rathore 41 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Manoj Rathore Profitability and Cost Management
Allocated Amount Type: Percentage-- End User Update?Pretty sure this isn't possible. We will have quite a few allocations that simply take X% of the pool and allocates it to a specific intersection, and an offset to a dif…Peter Joelson 24 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
How is this (Code Review and CI/CD) going to work on EPBCS?Summary: How is this (Code Review and CI/CD) going to work on EPBCS? Is it tool assisted? If so, is there an OTB feature for Code Review with EPBCS? Or, is it over-the-s…
Source-Target Combination countSummary: How do you find the Source-Target combination count, without running the calculation? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The combina…
Mapping of Dimension based on different data Intersections directly in EPCM ApplicationSummary: Dear Experts, Our Source data is of "No Entity" and we want to map it to proper Entities based on different dimension member combinations (Account → Revenue/ Ex…Sivavignesh V 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Smart Lists in EPCMSummary: can we use smart list in EPCM Allocation rule/ Custom calculation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): we have requirement to use to s…Raama Rao-Oracle 36 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Raama Rao-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Allocation Rule Execution ErrorSummary: Allocation rule is failing with below error Error - Allocation Rule 'RULENAME' failed with following error: com.essbase.api.base.EssException: Cannot Perform Al…Abhi Jain 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by cmalladi-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Allocating new members to new members in a single dimension (Design question)Hello, We have a requirement for one of the allocations where end users will create a new Project. This new project will have to allocate to other new project members. A…Peter Joelson 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raavi Divya sri-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
EPCM Model View - Role UsageSummary: In EPCM there is a role for Model - View. What is the usage of this role and where should we use this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
PCMCS Out-of-the-Box (OOTB): 4.TraceabilitySummary Traceability and transparency within PCMCS - Out of the box featuresContent Traceability is the buzz word in any regulated industry. Being able to prove the numb…
StevenRigby 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Raavi Divya sri-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Mass Edit "Find member" feature in EPCM is not workingSummary: Mass Edit "Find member" feature in EPCM is not working to find a "Same as Source" member when the field is left blank. We recently migrated from PCM to EPCM and…Marmitchell 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
EPCM - Using UDAs to Filter Source Dimension Not WorkingSummary: I have a requirement to allocate back office cost centre costs to other back office cost centres and thereafter allocate the fully-load back office cost to fron…
Job Comments not captured in Calculation Statistics and AnalysisSummary: Job Comments that are provided to model executions are not captured in Calculation Statistics and Analysis. Is this an expected behavior in EPCM? Have seen this…
Rule **** cannot use the Scratch Cells removal enhancement, this option is disabledSummary: Receiving this error message on Allocation rule that has previously had no issues: Rule ''****'' cannot use the Scratch Cells removal enhancement, this option i…
Cannot Submit Data via Smart View While Rules are RunningSummary: Users have a requirement where they will submit data such as Adjustments via Smart View during the cycle. When a rule is running an error in Smart View states, …Tuan-Anh M. Nguyen 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Tuan-Anh M. Nguyen Profitability and Cost Management
How to pull in Rule Alias in Export DataSummary: We are exporting our EPCM data through 'Export Data' (Navigator - Overview - Export Data) and would to like export the Rule Alias, not just the rule name. Conte…Marmitchell 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Omar Shubeilat. Profitability and Cost Management
PCM Custom Calculation querySummary: In EPCM; I am trying to create Custom Calculation rule to copy data across different Entity. The difference is in the primary Entity where the data is loaded it…Muruges89 43 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Risingstar27 Profitability and Cost Management
Is there a way to display the Description of a rule in Model Documentation Report?Summary: I would like my Model documentation report to display the description under the rule name on the rule page. Is that possible?Michael C Stefanavage 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Don Bean-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Use of Substitution variable in Custom Calc in EPCMSummary: Substitution Variables used in Custom Calcs are not working though rule shows as Valid. Content (required): We have a use case where we need to calculate the Cu…Kapil K Nankani-Oracle 176 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Raama Rao-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Error Message upon Deploying cube: Deploying Essbase Cube Failed. Cannot unlock olap file objectSummary: We have 3 power users in PCMCS. 1 Power User has the ability to refresh the database; 2 Power Users receive the following failed message: Deploying Essbase Cube…