Internal Material Transfer
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Requisition Approval based on one of the segment value of the Charge AccountSummary Requisition Approval based on one of the segment value of the Charge AccountContent We have a requirement as follows let us say, we have a charge account as foll…Sam Samaddar 52 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Aditi Surana-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Issue with IMT Quantity as the requisition Qty requested and transfer order generated line qty is diSummary Issue with IMT Quantity as the requisition Qty requested and transfer order generated line qty is differentContent HI , We are trying to create internal request …
Procurement Master Content DocumentSummary This document will allow you to find Oracle Procurement cloud-related KM notes which are not only distributed throughout the document from flow basis but also ar…ROHIT.R-Support-Oracle 144 views 5 comments 3 points Most recent by Saravanan Subbaiya Self Service Procurement
Internal Request Transfer back orderSummary Drop ship with Internal tranfer RequestContent Dear, Can we use the drop ship functionality with the transfer order request? like if the requested quantity is mo…
Public Shopping List- Selecting an item from shopping list with incorrect SourceSummary Public Shopping List- Selecting an item from shopping list with incorrect SourceContent Hello I have a an inventory Organization A (Warehouse)-- item 123--Locati…
Internal Requisition process with Destination Type ExpenseSummary Internal Requisition process with Destination Type ExpenseContent Hello We want to use the internal Requisition process using transfer order for Non Plan items. …
Internal Requisition for Non Planning Items- How to define the item Source?Summary Internal Requisition for Non Planning Items- How to define the item Source?Content Internal Requisition for Non Planning Items Hi, I going to use Internal Requis…
Internal Material Transfer between Two Inventory Org belongs to two different BU which belongs to diContent Hello Friends, I have been trying to find a way how to configure Internal Material Transfer between Two Inventory Org belongs to two different BU which belongs t…
Oracle Cloud Procurement - Unable to select Source Inventory Org from a list of values for InternalContent Hi, I'm creating an internal requisition that will give rise to an Internal Material Transfer when the Req generates a Transfer Order. The issue is when creating…
Last Approver of the Purchase Requisition should not be able to Receive the Goods against the PR.Summary Last Approver of the Purchase Requisition should not be able to Receive the Goods against the PR.Content If a user who is the last approver of the PR document an…Hitesh Goyal 34 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Customer Input on an Idea: Substitute Items based Requisition flowsSummary We would be interested to understand if you have use cases for this ideaContent Customers There is an i…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by raju penmetsa Self Service Procurement
Internal Material Transfer Request ErrorSummary unbale to create the Internal Material TransferContent Dear, While creating the transfer order, when I select the item code system generates this error "The sour…
Knowledge Article: Update 20D: Internal Transfer using Unit of Issue -Bug fix for Incorrect QuantitySummary When an item containing the UOM as the Unit of Issue is added to cart, the quantity is changed incorrectlyContent Support / Customers This has been an issue that…
Transfer Order between sub inventories within the same warehouseSummary Transfer Order between sub inventories within the same warehouseContent Can we use the Transfer Order functionality between sub inventories within the same wareh…
Cannot Create IMT if Supplier is made mandatory on "Enter Requisition Line" pageContent Hi, We have personalized the "Enter Requisition Line" page to make supplier mandatory. However, if we change the source from Supplier to Internal, to create IMT,…
Internal Material Transfer-Transfer Price logicSummary Internal Material Transfer-Transfer Price logicContent When creating a Requisition line that is sourced internally (ssp feature enabled for internal material tra…User_2025-02-05-15-08-40-338 196 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-15-08-40-338 Self Service Procurement
Sourcing logic for requsitions Supplier vs Inventory-Internal Material TransferSummary Need to derive requisition line source type (inventory vs supplier) based on available inventory qtyContent Hi, we have enabled self service procurement feature …User_2025-02-05-15-08-40-338 44 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-15-08-40-338 Self Service Procurement
Items which are not assigned to deliver to IO should not come in catalogContent Hi, We have few internally orderable items that belongs to certain inventory orgs (Lets say A) and the IR is created from the catalogs. However, if the inventory…
Internal Requisition created even though Inter Org Parameters does not setup for IMTSummary Internal Requisition created even though Inter Org Parameters does not setup for IMTContent Hello, We have below scenario for Health care client: Two Inventory O…
Inventory Organization and Location Set up for Internal Requisitions in Self Service ProcurementContent * One Inventory Organization under Corporate Business Unit supplies Stationary (Expense Items) to Employees associated with other Business Units like Real Estate…Sachin Nabar-Oracle 45 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
can we generate Invoicing (AP &AR) for IMT intercompanySummary IMT invoicing between two different legal entites and between two differenct BU's under same legal entityContent we have two Cases that we need to know the appli…Mohamed Attia-Allah 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Deepak.Padhy Self Service Procurement
Not able to enter requisition LineContent Hi All, I get this error when I want to enter a requisition with an item that have the source type = "Inventory" : An error occurred while retrieving the transfe…Khalil Ferhat 256 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Vijay Bose-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Controle source type when raising a requisitionSummary Controle source type when raising a requisitionContent Hello experts Have few questions: * Shop by Category: when creating a requisition through shop by category…Joëlle Mpinganzima-136698 74 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
IMT feature included in purchasing licence offering or i shoud have SSP offering to enable itSummary i need to use IMT Feature and i have only licence of Purchasing and manufacturing and supply chain managmentContent should i have enable offering of Self service…Mohamed Attia-Allah 26 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to setup internal supply orderingSummary How to setup internal supply orderingContent We currently have several Punchout catalogs setup in Procurement so our terminal locations can order supplies from s…User_2025-01-25-06-00-22-809 39 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Self service receipt for Transfer orderContent Hi all, I am testing the self service receipt for transfer order (raised through PR, with inventory destination). The shipment is successfully shipped and I can …Marcus Tam-142282 33 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Internal Material TransferSummary account of internal RequisitionContent Hi All. kindly i need How is the account when creating an Internal Material Transfer (Destination Type:expens) I want all …User_2025-02-07-08-26-19-537 80 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
approval processSummary error when submed PRContent HI please .when created new PR from new user I get error this error coming soon before 6days .. please ugly support best regards Vers…User_2025-02-07-08-26-19-537 34 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
After new release update, Unable to create the Transfer OrderSummary Unable to Create the Transfer OrderContent Dear, SInnce Order has updated a new release,system is not generating a Transfer Order with Internal Purchase Requesti…
IMT order not adding to cartSummary IMT order not adding to cartContent Hi Guys, I have a issue. I created IMT order but as soon as I click on add to cart, nothing happens. I have tried this multip…Mayank Pande 32 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement