Internal Material Transfer
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Is SSP expected to handle Kit Items, which were recently introduced in Inventory 23A ?Summary: Is SSP expected to handle Kit Items, which were recently introduced in Inventory 23A ? Is it possible to create IMT transactions for the kit items ? https://www…
Transfer order creation by grouping based on Source OrgSummary: Hi, We are creating Internal Transfer order in Self service Procurement. While creating Internal Requisition , and submitting one request ,multiple lines has di…Shobhit Kumar Jain 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Internal Transfer for Planned ItemSummary: We are configuring Internal Transfers for Planned Item. We understand for planned item the flow would happen via GOP (ATP plus sourcing rule and not inter org p…Shobhit Kumar Jain 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shobhit Kumar Jain Self Service Procurement
Source Organization in Internal Requisition is same as destination Location/OrganizationSummary: We are using IMT Flow and want to do Expense destination requisition Whenever Destination Location destination is set as Expense , we see in source organization…Shobhit Kumar Jain 151 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
IMT request : Transfer Order cancelledSummary: Hi Experts, If the transfer order is cancelled , requsition status still remains approved. 1) Is it possible that requsition can also get cancelled? 2) Is it po…
Internal requisition getting returned automaticallyHello, We are facing an issue on internal requisition. Below is the scenario 1. Created a requisition with 2 requester. for one requester the line is getting returned au…
Procurement: Unable to receive in My receiptsSummary Procurement: Unable to receive in My receiptsContent Hi All, Procurement: Unable to receive in My receipts Procurement --> My Receipts We have approved PO but we…
How to add a note to the recipient in a Requisition from stock to stockSummary: When creating an inter-organization transfer in self-service procurement, is there a way to add a note to the recipient who will do the reception of the order? …
Can we set a default source organization for Internal Material Transfers?Summary: Required to set a default source organization in Internal Material Transfers Content (required): Hi, We have a one BU which has Inventory Orgs A, B, C and Z. A,…
Approval for Internal Material Transfers based on RequesterSummary: Hi, Content (required): There is a requirement to enforce approval for internal material transfers through Self Service Procurement. Navigation; Procurement -> …
Unable to edit project costing details in Purchase Requsition/IMTSummary: Content (required): When I am creating Purchase Requisition with destination type as Inventory or creating an internal requisition, project costing section is g…
Transfer Price not found and after few retries it is found on 'Enter Requisition line'Summary: The Transfer price cant be found for item on Requisition Line on 'Enter Requisition line' ordering internal goods (IMT). The use will try a few times, going out…Suzette Bergman 34 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Suzette Bergman Self Service Procurement
Bulk import requisition lines for IMTSummary: Bulk import requisition lines for IMT Content (required): Want to know if this feature is available as we have a requisrement to import the requisition lines to…
Customer Feedback Request: Requirements related to supporting REST based IMT RequisitionsSummary: Customer feedback is requested on the idea related to supporting REST based IMT Requisition creation Content (required): Customers Please refer to this idea tha…
Update 19B: Shopping Results: New Visual Indicator for Internally Orderable itemsSummary New visual indicator introduced in the Shopping Search Results for an item that is Internally OrderableContent Customers / Support In Update 19B, we have introdu…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 258 views 6 comments 7 points Most recent by Ramthilak Self Service Procurement
FYI notification once IMT request is approvedSummary: Hi, User has created an Internal Requisition. Is it possible that system sends a FYI notification when Internal requsition is approved. This notification is req…Sakshi Goel 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
NOT allow INTERNAL Requisition without balance on the Source Organization.Summary is it possible don't allow request an item by Internal requisition without balance available in the Source Organization?Content I need to know if there is a way …
preference of IR/PR in Add to cart functionality from self service procurementSummary: when the item is both internally orderable and purchasable for a organization, when i use the item search functionality from SSP catelog and add to cart.. will …
Update 20A: Purchase Project Specific InventorySummary New 20A Feature: Project Details now supported for Inventory Destination in RequisitionsContent Customers / Support Many of you must have already noticed a secti…
IMT RequestSummary: We have 1 BU with 2 Inventory Orgs X and Y. All items are planned items . Business expenses out items from inventory org.We are using IMT process as this proces…Sakshi Goel 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Overriding System Defaulted Requisition Charge AccountSummary: We have an inventory item which is being expensed out , its an Internal Requisition with Destination Type as 'Expense' .When Requisition Line page is opened and…
Restricting Content Zone by Expense and Inventory Item to the userSummary Restricting Content Zone by Expense and Inventory Item to the userContent Here is my requirement We have Expense item ( Destination EXPENSE) and Inventory Stock …
The source organization for the given destination type can't be determined.Hello Everyone, We are facing an issue while creating the Internal requisition. We have 2 items defined in the system. we are using GOP hence we created an ATP rule base…User_2025-02-12-02-18-58-175 185 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Knowledge Article: Update 22A: How To source non-purchasable agreement based lines internallySummary: This article discusses how to source items internally, that are on an agreement but are non-purchasable. Content (required): Customers / Support We share with y…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 31 views 0 comments 2 points Started by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Why does Oracle Select a BPA as the source vs. Inventory when an internally orderable is requested?Summary: Client user searches shop by category for an item and adds to his cart, item is internally orderable and has transactable quantity available in Inventory but Or…Michael Buchanan 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Buchanan Self Service Procurement
Budgetary Control in Internal Material transfer intercompanySummary: Hello I'm creating an IMT wiht Source organization and destination organization in different BU's but the budget control is not taken this transaction for contr…Miguel Velazquez 52 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Miguel Velazquez Self Service Procurement
SSP: How to default a value for Input Tax Classification Code based on the Source Organization ID?Summary: Is there any way that the below expression can be used to default the value of 'ZERO' on the Input Tax Classification Code when the Source Organization Name is …Sharne Thysse 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
can we use IMT flow in SSP without having costing module?Summary: can we use IMT(inter org transfer) flow in SSP without having costing module? Content (required): can we use IMT(inter org transfer) flow in SSP without having …Abhishek Gattu 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Can an IMT/TO be used to create a PO when Item qty on hand will not fulfill the qty requested?Summary: IMT/TO is created but I cannot fulfill the requested quantity with what I have available in Inventory. Content (required): My client has a business need to crea…Michael Buchanan 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Requisitions without SSP LicenseSummary Requisitions without SSP LicenseContent Currently client only purchased Procurement offereings, SSP & Inventory is not licensed. Can we use requisitions function…