Discussion List
As a Procurement Requester - How do I configure 'ability to get a reminder email for 3 way PO'Summary: How do I configure this - As a Procurement Requester, I want the ability to get a reminder email for creating a receipt for a 3-way PO Content (required): Abili…
Is it possible to have automatic notification to Requesters for receipts that was not processed?Summary: Is it possible to have automatic notification to Requesters for receipts that was not processed for aging POs? Content (required): There are aging POs that have…
How to remove "Receive" button from My Receipts pageSummary: This is the client requirement for end users to restrict PO receive transactions from this Procurement Requester role. Navigation: Procurement -> My Receipts Ho…Udhaya Kumar S 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Inventory Management
How to import a receiving Transaction for two transactions having same Employee Name?Summary: How to import a receiving Transaction for two transactions having same Employee Name? Content (required): if there are 2 receivers with same name existing in sy…Asutosh Mishra 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
What does "Did Not Receive" button do in the Receipt Confirmation email notification?Summary: My understanding is it basically puts the notification on "snooze" for a time period. Is there any other functionality? Also, is it possible to track this respo…
Is there a column in the FBDi file for receipt import which can be used to populate source?Summary: Is there a column in the FBDi file for receipt import that can be used to populate the source? Content (required): The Client business has a requirement that th…
Unable to receive for requisitions/orders transferred between usersWe have a list of requisitions/orders that were transferred from one user to another to manage for the department. For some reason, the new requester is not able to pull…
Over-Receipt Tolerance Precedence not working as expectedSummary: Our "Over-receipt Tolerance" for PO receiving is sat up to 10% , but we still are able to receive more than the 10%. Any suggestion ? Thanks, in advance Content…
Confirm Receipt Notification TemplateLooking to modify the template for notification emails generated by Confirm Receipts. The request from our Procurement department is to remove the action links from the …
Can we use Oracle FBDi to correct receipts as well?Summary: Can we use Oracle FBDi to correct receipts as well? Content (required): We can go to the existing receipt and correct the quantity. Can we correct the quantity …
How Can setup a defaulting requisitioning BU if we are creating a Self-Service receipts using mySummary: I would like to populate the default business unit if we are creating any Self-Service receipts using my receipt option in the oracle self service procurement m…
Option to set tolerance by Item Class from Receipt to Invoice - SCM to APContent (required): We have configured our system to allow overeceipt on a specific Item Class by 10%. The receipt processes as expected. At this point, we have not upda…
Reminder to requester after need by date expired (RQ - PO)Summary: How to send a reminder to the requester of a purchase order line that has not been received after the due date Content (required): I can enable a reminder that …Yerwin Blanco 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
OTBI Subject Area to be used to create report in capturing receipt details and DFFSummary: OTBI Subject Area to be used to create report in capturing receipt details and DFF in self-service receiving. Content (required): Self-service receiving Version…Cliford 61 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Sahithi Kolasani-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for SCM
Receive Expected Shipments and My ReceiptsSummary: Content (required): My understanding is that "Stock able and Inventory destination items" will be received in Receive Expected Shipments. "Non-Stock able and Ex…
How to allow team members of the same department to create receipt for requisitions raised by them?Summary: Ability to create receipt on behalf of requestor by other team members belonging to the same department. Content: Requirement: Our clients process is as follows…Ananda Bhargav Potluri 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Want to hide "Receive" button on My Receipts pageSummary: We don't want to allow requester to receive Req/POs, but allow requester to query unreceived Req/POs. How can we hide "Receive" button on My Receipts page? Cont…Tomoyuki Hyakutake-Oracle 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madhu Chalamalasetty Inventory Management
Requester requires to see invoice details before receivingSummary: Requester requires to see invoice details before receiving Content (required): 3-WAY match and receipts are done by the requesters. Issue is that there is a lot…Alexander Joseph 71 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexander Joseph Self Service Procurement
Procurement: Unable to receive in My receiptsSummary Procurement: Unable to receive in My receiptsContent Hi All, Procurement: Unable to receive in My receipts Procurement --> My Receipts We have approved PO but we…
How to add a note to the recipient in a Requisition from stock to stockSummary: When creating an inter-organization transfer in self-service procurement, is there a way to add a note to the recipient who will do the reception of the order? …
Manual Numbering for the receipts created using SSPSummary: We want users to enter receipt numbers manually for the receipts created from SSP. We made the relevant changes in the "Manage Receiving Parameters" but started…Bhavik Shah 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Inventory Management
Want to add PO and Invoice Hyperlink or deep link on Confirm Receipts email notificationSummary: Hi Team, We have requirement were we want to add PO and Invoice hyperlink on email notification of Confirm Receipts ESS job. This ESS job sends email notificati…
Is it possible for the requester to receive inventory items through ''My receipts''Summary: Hi, Is it possible for the requester to receive inventory items through My receipts if i add ''Receiving agent'' role to him, or only ''My receipts'' used for r…Kodanda Paluri 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Logic behind Need-by date and Items Due in self-service receivingSummary: What is the intended logic behind the 'Items Due' research field and the Need-by date column in Self-service receiving? Content (required): Hi, As I was doing t…
Not able to import self service receiptsSummary: We are trying to import Self Service Receipts for expense items. We are repeatedly getting error of invalid "VENDOR_SITE_CODE". We verified that the Supplier si…
Receipting module: How to show Purchase Order Tax Classification Code details in Receive Items UISummary: Tax Classification Code of a PO line need to be added as a column in the receipting module (Receive Items UI) Content (required): While receiving Purchase Order…
How do you track which periods the amount received covers?Summary: Content (required): Here is the situation we are having a challenging time managing: A standard PO is created for a service and the supplier is expected to bill…
Searching for receipts - can you search by requester with items due anytimeSummary: My customer has raised a support incident as they are getting an error / warning message saying you cannot search for receipts by requester / any time I am assu…
Functionality to notify a requester that their items have been receivedSummary: When a requisition gets approved the requester gets an email stating so. When it is turned into a P.O. another email is sent. Is there functionality that lets t…
Is it madatory to confirm a receipt process in System .Summary: As and when we will receive we are providing the information in Receipt from do we have any imaging solution and later we can verify the digital signature Conte…Amit Jha Oracle-Oracle 11 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Amit Jha Oracle-Oracle Inventory Management