Requisition Processing
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Auto PR creation for Recurring Expense based on Purchase AgreementSummary Auto PR creation for Recurring Expense based on Purchase AgreementContent Is it possible to create automate PR for recurring expense every month, Let's say, we h…Sandeep Nihalani 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ivan Pena-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Modifying Quantity when converting a purchase order from a Requisition: Can I reuse the requisition?Summary Can I use a requisition on which I modified the quantity when creating a purchase orderContent I thought it might resonate with at least a couple of customers if…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 61 views 15 comments 4 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to configure approval for buyer modified linesContent Hello, We have a requirement- If a buyer modifies any information on po based on requisition then it should route for the same approval of requisition We have en…Yogesh Kumar-234569 98 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by ElSayed Fouda.-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Do not see 'Cancel Requisition Lines Using a Spreadsheet' option in Requisition pageSummary Do not see 'Cancel Requisition Lines Using a Spreadsheet' option in Requisition pageContent Do not see 'Cancel Requisition Lines Using a Spreadsheet' option in R…Raviteja Sangaraju 30 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Mass cancel requisitionsSummary How to Mass cancel requisitionsContent Is there a way to Mass cancel requisitions (I know that we have one for POs) but wonder if there is a way to do the same w…Yasmin Kennedy 49 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Raviteja Sangaraju Self Service Procurement
Backing Requisition status not change to Cancelled when PO was cancelledSummary When an cancelling a PO using a backing requisition the requisition status does not change to Cancelled.Content Hi Gurus- Hope you can provide inputs on below is…Haydee Mercado 188 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Query who is assigned the requisition approvalContent Hi, I need to create a report to find out which user is assigned the Purchase Requisition approval. Does anyone have the query or tables I need to create this vi…
TAB charge account "mapping set" depends on PR Line DFFsSummary i need to retrieve some segments in TAB charge account depends on PR Line DFFsContent Dears, depends on Customer's requriements;i need to Create a mapping set "s…
Knowledge Article: Update 20C - How to manage Projects via RESTSummary How to manage Projects via RESTContent Customers / Support My colleague, Ifeanyi Katchy, has provided another article on REST and this one shares information on …Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 73 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Ashok Rout-Oracle Consulting-Oracle Self Service Procurement
how to make Punchout supplier on the front page of the purchase requisitionSummary how to make Punchout supplier on the front page of the purchase requisitionContent how to make Punchout supplier on the front page of the purchase requisitionYogesh Kumar-234569 46 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Knowledge Article: Update 20C - Resolve Requisitions stuck in Pending Approval StatusSummary How to resolve requisitions stuck in Pending Approval statusContent Customers / Support This in my mind, is a very important feature that you must familiarize yo…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 137 views 4 comments 5 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Process Requisition REST APIContent Hello Is there a way to process a requisition and create a PO using REST API ? Thanks SamuelSamuel Durand 44 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sampath Reddy Devireddy-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Transfer Order between sub inventories within the same warehouseSummary Transfer Order between sub inventories within the same warehouseContent Can we use the Transfer Order functionality between sub inventories within the same wareh…
Knowledge Article: Summary of all Opt-in Driven Features in Fusion Self Service ProcurementSummary Consolidated Opt-in driven feature list in Fusion Self Service ProcurementContent Customers / Support There are questions I get often on posts that seem to indic…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 35 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Can Requisition Approvals be configured based on Item Class or TypeSummary We have a different types of Items and the approvals have to take a different route w.r.t the Item typeContent Hi All, Can anyone provide recommendations on achi…Pavan Kosaraju 29 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Requisition User PreferenceSummary Alert for Requisition User Preference to Change the Requisition BU.Content Hello Team, Below is the business requirement on changing the Requisition BU and Deliv…Gyani Tewari-232879 58 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Profile Details - FND_REDWOOD_PAGE_HEADERSummary FND_REDWOOD_PAGE_HEADER additional documentationContent Unable to edit the Requestor name in Self Service page after R20C update. However PRC:SSP: Requisition Sh…
Is It possible to configure line type as fixed services(2 way) for Punchout PO DirectlySummary Is It possible to configure line type as fixed services(2 way) for Punchout PO DirectlyContent Hi , We got a requirement from our client for one of the punchout …User_2025-02-10-05-51-05-868 97 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Triage Article: Punchout Error due to special characters in the Return PayloadSummary Why am I unable to successfully process a punchout request line?Content Support and Customers, I thought this was interesting and the development updates on this…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 47 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Having requirement to update requisition dff at the time of changing requisition charge code from reSummary Having requirement to update requisition dff at the time of changing requisition charge code from requisition form before Submitting for approval. Please let us …
Update 19A: Online Requisitions not converted to a Purchase Order: First Level TriageSummary How to triage issues with purchase orders not automatically created for online requisitionsContent Support and Customers I am hoping this article will help you t…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 105 views 11 comments 4 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Cart ID in Punchout cXMLSummary Need CartID from supplier against PR created from Punchout.Content Hi All, There is requirement from one of Supplier where they need Cart ID when PR is created f…
A single DFF segment Appears Twice on Edit Requisition Screen.Summary A single DFF segment Appears Twice on Edit Requisition Screen.Content Hi - I have designed a segment on Requisition header DFF as per screenshot but when I publi…Deepak.Padhy 64 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Segregating Locations when raising a requisitionSummary We have a significant number of locations and in EBS we have a customisation that limits the locations the requester sees. What are my options in Cloud?Content W…
Lov Item Categories EmptySummary Lov Item Categories EmptyContent Hi, When I go to the Manage Catalog Category Hierarchy task, the lov "Item Categories" was empty. Have anyone an idea of the iss…
Featured CategoryContent Hello, Can we have a featured category under a featured category? Regards, YogeshYogesh Kumar-234569 144 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Yogesh Kumar-234569 Self Service Procurement
How to create requisition without BPA in self service procurementContent Hello, Our requirement is to create Requisition without entering supplier details, Category and price. As per my understanding this is possible only with the hel…Yogesh Kumar-234569 59 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Yogesh Kumar-234569 Self Service Procurement
Restrict PO Automation to only based on agreementsSummary How to restrict automatic PO creation for requisitions based only on AgreementContent We have users creating requisitions, using the Advanced Procurement Request…
GDPRSummary GDPR MaskingContent Is there such a functionality where due to GDPR, some requesters names can be masked? Business Case A medical smart form is created to allow …