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"Submit" button not display on edit supplierSummary: "Submit" button not display on edit supplier Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if appli…
Request to resubmitHello colleagues, Currently, for the approval of supplier registration requests I have a group of 5 people as approvers, in parallel mode, so when a supplier is register…
Can we set validation on Address Format in Supplier ProfileSummary: Hi Sir/Madam, there would be error in payment process (clients' internal system) if PO box address is used. Thus users want to add a validation of exact wording…
Link between contracts and contacts in the supplier portalHi Inside the supplier portal where I view the supplier contracts and the contacts added to the portal, I need the rest api that allows me to obtain the connection betwe…Michela A. Morgillo 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexandra Rabaea-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
Is it possible to trigger Supplier business classification notifications multiple times a day?Summary: The supplier business classifications is not triggering notification for a new data whenever the job is submitted. instead it is only triggering only once per d…
ASN Qty Is Greater Than PO QtyHi Oracle Team, After reviewing this document: https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=11459936274701&parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&sourceId=PROBLEM&id=…
How to setup Supplier pop up so that it can be viewed on invoice creationSummary: We have a requirement where we need to define a DFF at the supplier level to give some additional notes and this notes should be pop up when accessing this supp…
deductions (retainage, recoupment, taxes,or any negative ) from invoice created from supplier portalSummary: Is it applicable from supplier portal to deduct retainage amount and apply prepayment in invoice matched to PO created in supplier portal ? Content (please ensu…Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by azharaazmi Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How To Enable Pop Up Message At Supplier registration Bank Account Attachment.Summary: How To Enable Pop Up Message At Supplier registration Bank Account Attachment. How To Enable Pop Up Message At Supplier registration Bank Account Attachment. Re…
How to populate DFF value based on another DFF value during external supplier registrationSummary: Unable to drive DFF value based on another DFF value automatically Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I have defined two DFFs on…
supplier-user associationSummary: Hi , I need to associate a user with a specific supplier. My goal is to view the order, with my user , created on the specific supplier ( in the search task "Cr…
Two layers of Spend Authorized Supplier ApprovalSummary Currently, when a spend authorized supplier is submitted for approval--it gets approved once and then approved again. How can we set it up so it is only one laye…
Can we migrate from FIFO to average costing when we are live in PRODSummary: Can we migrate from FIFO to average costing when we are live in PROD Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we migrate from FIFO to …
How to prevent a supplier from submitting an invoice lateSummary: What functionality is available in Oracle fusion to prevent a supplier from submitting an invoice late Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…Shalini S 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by SankarBalu Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Can't see additional attributes in the audit reportsSummary: Content (required): I have enabled auditing in the audit policies. For supplier model, classification attribute is selected by default. I have added another att…
How will supplier user knows about the unit price while creating the ASBN from supplier portalSummary: How will supplier user knows about the unit price while creating the ASBN from supplier portal Content (required): Hi, We are implementation the Supplier portal…
Can bank details be shared between employees and suppliers?Summary: As part of Fraud mitigation - Can bank details be shared between employees and suppliers? One type of fraud would be employees setting up false companies Conten…
How To Delete Rejected Suppliers Request ?Summary: How To Delete Rejected Suppliers Request ? Content (required): Hello I was wondering if Rejected Suppliers can they be deleted? Some are rejected because incomp…
Ability to make it mandatory to link Supplier contacts to Supplier addressSummary: Ability to make it mandatory to link Supplier contacts to Supplier address Content (required): When creating a supplier contact, in order for the contact to be …
Import items from supplier portalSummary: Please need the official oracle documentation for the feature of uploading items from supplier portal from this path supplier portal manage products Content (re…Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Hari Kurra-Oracle Product Master Data Management
What document category to be added while creating invoice through Supplier loginSummary: We have created one PO with inventory destination type and received the same. However , while trying to create an invoice, we are getting below error Content (r…Tabasum123 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sowmya Bonala-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Mapping Purchasing Categories to Product Category at Supplier LevelSummary: We are trying to map the Purchasing categories to Supplier Master data. We are using the below configuration. Based on Oracle Docs we had identified to use Purc…
Supplier profile change approval depending on business unitSummary: How to control and direct Supplier profile change approval depending on business unit ? because there is no DFF on Supplier profile change So customer need to c…Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anjana Das-Oracle Supplier Management
Unable to view process parameters for Inactivate SuppliersSummary: Unable to view process parameters for Inactivate Suppliers based on certain filters Content (required): When I am running the process 'Inactivate Suppliers', I …
Supplier PortalSummary Supplier Portal Changes NotificationsContent Is there a workflow notification that can get triggered whenever a supplier makes a change within Supplier Portal th…
How to selectively hide individual PO Line DFFs on Supplier Portal pagesSummary: we created few PO LINES DFF for internal uses (buyer) and one DFF for common uses (buyers and suppliers) is it possible to expose only specific DFF at supplier …
Table and FBDI for Manage Supplier Products and Services Category HierarchySummary: Which table stores information for 'Manage Supplier Products and Services Category Hierarchy' Content (required): I need to mass upload categories to 'Manage Su…Nidhi Chhajed 294 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Supplier Management
External Prospective Suppliers to be assigned only to Suppliers Bidder Role in Oracle FusionSummary: As per Oracle functionality, Supplier roles will get default based on "Manage Supplier User Roles" setup. For external supplier registrations, when we provide U…SUDHIRNARAHARISETTI 101 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anjana Das-Oracle Supplier Management
How to disable external supplier contact user account creation email notificationSummary: Requirement is to not send the external Supplier Contact User Account creation email notification Content (required): In ideal external supplier registration pr…