Public Sector
Discussion List
Cannot Have Shared Bank Account - Employee and SupplierSummary We have an employee who shares a bank account with a new supplier we need to create.Content We have an employee who shares a bank account with a new supplier we …User_2025-02-04-14-03-09-386 446 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by Lal11 Supplier Management
Re-send in bulk password reset / welcome email to supplier user accountsSummary How to re-send in bulk the password reset / welcome email to existing supplier user accountsContent Hi Experts, We have a requirement to re-send welcome email / …
Populate Supplier Site DFF via the Update a Site REST Web ServiceSummary Update a Supplier Site DFF via web serviceContent Hello, I have created a global descriptive flexfield with one segment on the Supplier Sites screen for testing …User_2025-02-10-08-27-07-493 258 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Santy29 Supplier Management
Merging supplier addresses with tax registration numbersSummary: When merging suppliers, the tax information at the address level from the merged supplier does not follow, even if we copy the site. The tax information disappe…
To understand the scope of the "Password Expiry Report" process for Supplier Password in OBNSummary Will the password expire if the config has been done to to give the password a life of 90 days but the "Password Expiry Report" process is not run?Content Hello …
Creating new business classificationsSummary Looking to start using business classifications properly, and therefore potentially needing to create a lotContent Until now we haven't used the business classif…
External Supplier Registration Requests are Automatically Being RejectedSummary Registration request is automatically rejected when the are separate participants for Prospective and Spend Authorized requests activeContent We have the externa…
What is the character limit in the internal notes field held in the Negotiation scoringSummary: We have a requirement to hold detailed notes against the Score given to a Supplier Response to a Negotiation. Can you please advise of the character limit for t…
bank account approvals not firingSummary: we are testing ACH functionality and I believe we have enabled all required setups to route bank account approvals to an approval group, but users are adding ba…
Displaying Unmasked Bank AccountSummary When Maintaining Bank Accounts we need to see the full Bank Account numberContent There are occasions when our Account Payable's manager need to see the full ban…User_2025-01-22-19-25-44-650 174 views 17 comments 0 points Most recent by Devd2602 Supplier Management
International Bank Accounts on Supplier RegistrationSummary How do Suppliers enter International Bank AccountsContent It would be interesting to hear from other customers on how International Suppliers can enter their ban…User_2025-01-31-20-05-56-443 43 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
Can you inactivate Suppliers en masse via a batch process?Summary Can a large group of suppliers be inactivated via a process using a set of criteria, i.e. no POs or not invoices paid in x months, etc.Content What tools or proc…
Configuring Oracle Data Quality Matching for Suppliers and CustomerSummary How to enable the Oracle Data Quality Matching for Customer and Supplier Potential MatchesContent Hello Experts! We aim to enable the configuration of the enterp…Jennica M Pedro 212 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
Migrate Suppliers dataSummary How to migrate Suppliers records and transactions from legacy system to Oracle Fusion?Content Our company did an acquisition last quarter, and we want to migrate…
Supplier Registration (Internal + External) - Data Quality and Communication Flow issuesContent Hello, We have been having discussions with the business regarding supplier portal functionality and they have raised a few issues/concerns which could potential…
External Supplier Registration: Duplicate Supplier CheckSummary: How to identify a (possible) duplicate Supplier being registered for the Supplier Registration Approvers? Content (required): Hi, We are implementing the Extern…
Managing external Supplier RegistrationsSummary Business experience and processes for managing external supplier registrationsContent As a new Oracle Cloud customer, we're developing our business rules for man…
How to register and add supplier on negotiation without entering Taxpayer ID and Tax Organization deContent Our client has contract specialist team who creates negotiations and invite suppliers. While adding the suppliers to negotiation they search and add the existing…Srinivas Reddy 26 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Poornima Bhilegaonkar-Oracle Supplier Management
How To Change From 'Display Name' Address Of Supplier Registration Notification?Content When the Supplier Registration is approved, New user account created welcome email is sent to the supplier but the "From" is displayed with a link which is confu…
Making Attachment Mandatory for Supplier Internal RegistrationSummary How do we mandate the attachment on the Internal Supplier Registration flow?Content Gurus, I know a lot of folks have asked for making attachment mandatory on th…
Supplier Audit ReportContent We are looking for a report that captures Supplier Bank Changes before and after at BU level. This information is not available via out of the box audit reports …
Vendor ScorecardSummary Vendor ScorecardContent Hi All, I would like to know what are the options for vendor scorecards in Oracle fusion cloud. Use case : Ability to score vendors based…
Oracle Cloud Supplier Portal for accessing multiple customersSummary Oracle Cloud Supplier Portal for accessing multiple Oracle customers (organizations)Content Hi, Could you please advise what tool/functionality available to cate…
Supplier Profile is BlankSummary The supplier profile is blank for supplier's who have imported bank accounts. Suppliers that do not have bank accounts appear fineContent The supplier profile is…
Do Prospective Suppliers get purged?Summary Do Prospective Suppliers get purged?Content Is there a mechanism to purge prospective suppliers after a period of time when they have not been promoted to Spend …
Supplier ManagementSummary Supplier Readonly/View only except PROMOTE TO SPEND AUTHORIZED functionContent Hi Team, We having a requirement to create a custom security role that can fulfill…
Supplier Registration Requests Error tableSummary Supplier Registration Requests Error tableContent We are trying to build a BI Report to send out a notification to the Supplier creation requester whose Supplier…User_2025-02-06-06-00-48-276 110 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
Supplier Profile Change Request hides all tabs except contactsSummary When supplier tries to submit a profile change request via portal, all tabs except the contact are hiddenContent When logged in as Supplier Self-Service Administ…
Display DFF on Supplier Profile based on ConditionSummary Display DFF when Supplier Type = 'Federal'Content Hello, I've seen many posts regarding conditional display of Descriptive Flexfields. However, I am unable to ge…
Supplier Profile change - Prevent changing Company name in supplier portalContent We have a business requirement to prevent supplier users from creating a supplier profile change to update the company name using supplier portal profile change.…