Supplier Profile Management
Discussion List
How to create a supplier from an existing carrier?Summary: If a carrier created in the system becomes a supplier one day, how can we create the supplier easily? So far, we cannot search for a party from the Supplier pag…
VAT invoice hold when invoice submitted via supplier portalSummary: When supplier submits an invoice via Supplier Portal, this is being placed on tax hold. Invoice tax amount does not fall within range. Invoice tax amount is not…
How to send business expiring notification to Category Manager?Summary: Hello All Need Help, Business needs a report for Category Managers that helps them identify Vendors with nearly expired Certificates (30 days or less) and Recei…
Query Supplier contact name based on Job titleSummary: Where to extract supplier contact name based on job title Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am creating a data model using SQL to…
terms and Conditions for Supplier Portal usage by Supplier usersSummary: We have a new S2P Implementation and the Client Business wants to know if there is a list of terms and Conditions that are applicable to Supplier Portal usage. …
Need to Update Existing Supplier Name but Keep Reference to Legacy Name on Old TransactionsSummary: Through normal course of business, suppliers will undergo name changes. However, if we update the name of the supplier on the vendor record, it will update all …
Monitor Expiring or Expired Supplier Business ClassificationsSummary A couple of ways for supplier administrators to monitor expiring or expired supplier business classification certificatesContent Keeping supplier business classi…
How to identify paymentPartyId using REST APIsPlease provide sample payload to paymentPartyId
FYI Notification sent to Supplier for Internal Supplier Change RequestsSummary: Is there an FYI notification sent to the supplier for every internal supplier change requests triggered by the supplier administrators in Oracle? Content (pleas…
Usage of email field available at Supplier addressSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, On the supplier address page, there is a field for email. What is the purpose of this fi…Anshul Rana 49 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Tomoyuki Hyakutake-Oracle Supplier Management
Invoices processed via the Supplier Portal are all showing as Tax Exempt in errorInvoices processed via the Supplier Portal are all showing as Tax Exempt in error. The Supplier's tax classification is set to Standard and the Purchase order iss also s…
Bulk update of supplier bank account currency codeSummary: Is there a workaround or alternative options available for performing a mass update to remove the currency code from the supplier's bank account? Content (pleas…
Supplier Profile change Approval - Organization details and income tax.Summary: What fields are covered by Organizational details and income tax in term of triggering the change approval? We need to know the list of fields that trigger the …DavidOliveiraPeloton 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by DavidOliveiraPeloton Supplier Management
How to map multiple supplier products and services to single procurement categorySummary: We have a requirement where we need to map multiple supplier Products and Services to the same item category (Purchasing category). Content (please ensure you m…
Need Nelp for Training video and Guided Learning Document along with Videos for Supplier portal.Summary: Client wants to share this video and Guided learning document with Supplier for Supplier proral on boarding. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…RAGHWENDRA CHAUBEY-Oracle 2 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by RAGHWENDRA CHAUBEY-Oracle Supplier Management
Supplier bank account creation, Need to know how account owner is fetched with the organizationSummary: Customer is trying to add the bank account for the supplier in the supplier site level, After adding the supplier bank account, Supplier is try to add the accou…SV Manjunath 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Query to retrieve all the payment methods associated with the suppliersSummary: I need to retrieve a complete list of existing payment methods associated specifically with suppliers from an Oracle Fusion table. This list will be used as LOV…
Request for Adding Approval Rules for Supplier Portal ChangesSummary: Currently, only certain changes made on the Supplier Portal are routed for approval. We would like to implement additional approval rules so that any changes to…
Supplier Merge-REST API or FBDI for mass mergeSummary: Hi All, Is it possible to do supplier merge through REST API or FBDI instead of one by one from UI? We have a large number of duplicate suppliers and planning f…
unable to view attachments added by Approvers in supplier profile change Approval notificationSummary: Hi Community, We set up approvals for profile changes in the event that employees or the supplier through supplier portal modify the bank account. We set up the…
Business wants to have Text info in Company Details Redwood page?Summary: Hi Team, Business wants to have a text info on Company Details Redwood page. Below to Welcome Guardant Health, They want to have "Enter a value for at least one…
Can we apply discounts in Purchase Orders based on the supplier?Summary: We have a requirement to apply discounts to the Purchase Orders based on the selected supplier in the Purchase Order. Currently we are using the manual entry of…
Rest API/ Table Name for getting supplier bank name and branch name LOVsIs there any REST APIs/fusion Table name to get the LOV for supplier bank name and branch name Thanks in advance
OKTA account creation at the time of user account creationSummary: We have requirement where we want OKTA account to be automatically created once supplier is registered through supplier portal and his user account is created.P…
Hide item categories linked to products and services from the user raising a Purchase RequisitionHi, We have a requirement that the item categories linked to products and services should only be visible to suppliers and not to the requestor creating the requisition.…
How to disable external supplier contact user account creation email notificationSummary: Requirement is to not send the external Supplier Contact User Account creation email notification Content (required): In ideal external supplier registration pr…
Alternate pay site in Supplier , How to enable ??Summary: I read about the alternate pay site but unable to enable it at the supplier master level in address how i can use it ?? Content (required): Supplier Version (in…
How to avoid internal Supplier profile change approval while creating the Supplier?Summary: Is it possible not to trigger Internal Profile change approval during Creation of the Supplier? Content (required): As per current functionality, if we opt for …
How to configure consent form for external supplier registrationSummary: How to configure consent form for external supplier registration in different languages Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (…
Approval Rules for Internal Supplier Bank Account ChangesSummary: I have a requirement to enable approval for internal supplier bank account changes. During my research, I couldn't find any documents on how to create a rule in…