Supplier User Account
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Show supplier bank account from supplier address/site on supplier portalSummary Need to check if it is possible to capture supplier bank account from supplier address or/and supplier site to the supplier profile on supplier portal.Content He…User_2025-02-05-08-31-13-790 192 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by MLubbert Supplier Management
Need to Mandatory Supplier Bank account fieldHi All, I need to mandate adding a bank accounts field because I want to prevent saving suppliers without adding bank accounts using a sandbox. If the bank account field…
Can a Supplier defined as Parent to another Supplier access the profile of the ChildSummary: There are 2 Suppliers who have a Parent Child relationship defined in Oracle. When we login into the Supplier Portal through the Parent Supplier Login, we are a…
How To Disable the manage schedules Option In Supplier Portal ?Summary: How To Disable the manage schedules Option In Supplier Portal ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello I was wondering if you can …
How can we add Images in the Supplier Portal?Summary: In order to help the Supplier users to correctly identify the Banking information such as Routing number, account details etc., we would like to add image of a …
Is there any functionality available from Supplier Portal Invoice Number will be changed after AP?I have a scenario regarding the supplier invoice number being changed if the supplier puts wrong invoice from his portal and submits it to AP in Oracle Fusion. Or the AP…
We need to how we can segregate the supplier registration setup based on the Business Unit (BU)It is known that supplier registration pages are common, so we need to determine how we can segregate them based on the Business Unit (BU) due to each business unit has …
How to configure descriptive flexible fields in the supplier portal?Hello colleagues, Do any of you know if there is a possibility to configure flexfields in the supplier portal, specifically on the AP invoice creation screen? I really a…
Is there any way to give edit access only to supplier contact tab and inquiry access to other tabs?Summary: Business was give edit access only to supplier contact tab and inquiry access to other tabs to specific users at manage suppliers task. Is it possible to do the…
In Supplier Portal, Contracts belonging to one Supplier are visible to other SupplierSummary In Supplier Portal, Contracts belonging to one Supplier are visible to other SupplierContent I have created Contracts for 2 Suppliers (Supplier A and Supplier B)…
Where to capture discounts on supplier portal invoiceSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, When supplier creates an invoice on supplier portal without PO, s/he can capture item/miscell…
How to Download all Supplier Business Classification Attachments ?We need to download All Supplier Business Classification attachments. Is there any way?
Supplier Bank Account updateSummary Letting Supplier create or update Bank Account at Site LevelContent Good Morning! Have a quick question and wanted to check if anyone had similar request from cl…User_2025-02-01-05-14-24-477 160 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by avaidisw Supplier Management
How can we eliminate Suppliers Security category from the SSO applied for all employees?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Supplier Change Request Getting CancelledSummary: Hi Experts Supplier Change Request Getting Cancelled after Final approval & Bank details are not updated after the changes done Scenario:- Query the Supplier (M…
System generated ASN numbers for suppliersSummary: Requirement to maintain ASN numbers unique across suppliers, by making use of a system generated numbering pattern. Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
Need to make IBAN Mandatory for a List of specific countries.Summary: Need to make IBAN Mandatory for a List of specific countries. i.e only for Qatar and UAE not for UK, USA, India. Sandbox will make the IBAN Mandatory for all th…
Supplier Profile Update ApprovalsSummary Supplier Profile Update Approvals are not working even after configuring themContent I have setup some conditions in Supplier Profile Management Approvals, even …
Hide Fields in Supplier PortalSummary We need to Hide Some fields in Supplier PortalContent We have a requirement to hide Price fields in Supplier Portal. Can someone help me with these? Version Orac…Sabarish Reddy Ganda 167 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Fernando Chavez Supplier Management
How to allow supplier login with username/password, but keep SSO only for employees?We are looking to implement the Supplier Portal functionality and we would like to know how to enable supplier login with username password, and SSO for employees. We ha…
External supplier registration request keeps being rejectedSummary External supplier registration request keeps being rejectedContent Hi, since a few days, all external supplier registration requests keep beging rejected straigh…
Unable to find data model for Supplier Contact User Account for Global Partners was InactivatedSummary: Hi Team, Production issue & requirement. I am unable to find the path for email template (FYI: Supplier Contact User Account for Global Partners LP was Inactiva…
What is the attribute to use in supplier registration approval for external supplierSummary: Hi All, Here is the scenario: I am creating supplier in Oracle APEX and then pushing the supplier to Oracle Fusion. When the supplier is created as "Spend Autho…
How to update Bulk Reactivation of the supplier user account using the FBDI templateCustomer inactivated the 2000+ supplier user account using the FBDI template, Now Customer need to reactivate the supplier user account in the oracle fusion using the FB…
Manage Supplier QuestionnaireSummary: I have a supplier who has the appropriate roles but how does the supplier go into supplier portal and answer the questionnaire? When the supplier logs in and se…
Is it the specification that data access rows are automatically added?Summary: Is the following behavior a specification? Procurement>Suppliers>Task:Manage Suplliers>Search>open search result supplier>Tab:Contacts:Action:Create Fill in the…REI TSUKAHAR-Oracle 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by REI TSUKAHAR-Oracle Supplier Management
Link between contracts and contacts in the supplier portalHi Inside the supplier portal where I view the supplier contracts and the contacts added to the portal, I need the rest api that allows me to obtain the connection betwe…Michela A. Morgillo 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexandra Rabaea-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
Supplier Site is not visibleSummary: Supplier Site is not visible, following setup is done but still not able to see sites details. I have associated the Business Unit with the user name in the set…
How to make 'Create user account' checkbox checked by default on Supplier Contact pageSummary: I would like to know how we can default the 'Create user account' checkbox to be auto checked when a supplier submits a change request or create a new contact. …
Supplier does not receive email to reset user account password for Supplier PortalSummary No email notifiaction to reset the password/access supplier portal is sent to the supplierContent Tested two scenarios: A) Added a contact with a user account to…