Supplier User Account
Discussion List
How to make 'Create user account' checkbox checked by default on Supplier Contact pageSummary: I would like to know how we can default the 'Create user account' checkbox to be auto checked when a supplier submits a change request or create a new contact. …
Supplier does not receive email to reset user account password for Supplier PortalSummary No email notifiaction to reset the password/access supplier portal is sent to the supplierContent Tested two scenarios: A) Added a contact with a user account to…
Securing Oracle Fusion Cloud Supplier Portal with IAM Domains and MFASummary: Oracle Fusion Cloud Supplier Portal is a great option for many of our customers to connect with their suppliers. However, opening to users outside their organiz…Mohamed Shawky-Oracle 105 views 0 comments 3 points Started by Mohamed Shawky-Oracle Supplier Management
parentSummary: Is it possible to have multiple email addresses under one main user account? For example I have a vendor who represents multiple manufacturer's they would like …
Supplier Portal - 1 supplier user with access to 2 different suppliersSummary: We have a requirement where single supplier user (user account based on email address) needs to access supplier portal for 2 different suppliers who are not def…
one time code verification for supplier usresSummary: We are on a new Implementation for Supplier Management, and client is looking for way to do MFA for supplier users Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Supplier profile descriptive flexfields not appearing in supplier portalWe have configured few DFFs at the supplier profile level. However those custom fields are not available in supplier portal for the supplier contact to request for profi…
Not displaying the order for ASN creationSummary: HI, I can't create an ASN with a user who has been registered in the contacts of the supplier on whom the order was created. When I search the order I can't fin…
How to integrate Supplier Data flow from Oracle Fusion to Oracle Retail Cloud?Summary: Is there any Auto Inbound Integration Supplier Data flow from Oracle Fusion to Oracle RMS? Eg: As and when Supplier has been created in Oracle Fusion, using any…
How to Search Supplier Name with different languageSummary: Supplier created in Japanese Language But Client is looking for the search of supplier in Both Japanese and English. Any pointers to achieve - Supplier Name: Bi…
supplier portal licence calculation methodSummary: Dear All, I Want to understand form the team here on how the licence for the support portal will work. We have close to 1200 + Supplier users in EBS and these w…Kiran Katti Mobily KSA 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shameer Kappil Supplier Management
Supplier User creation email notification is not triggered when a new contact createdabove configurations are in systems, anything else need to be configured?
Unable to change the display name of email sender for Supplier User Account NotificationsSummary: There is a business requirement to change the display name and email address of the email sender for Supplier User Account Notifications for the below. Supplier…
Supplier profile user account synchronizationBased on our security setups, our security admin (IT Security Admin) does not have access to the supplier profiles. On the same token, the supplier profile admin does no…
supplier-user associationSummary: Hi , I need to associate a user with a specific supplier. My goal is to view the order, with my user , created on the specific supplier ( in the search task "Cr…
Supplier portal - Can parent/child suppliers be accessed with one user account?Content We have suppliers that would like to use supplier portal that have Parent/Child suppliers in our system. Is it possible to access all of the suppliers in the par…User_2025-02-06-06-53-48-161 95 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Manjita Supplier Management
Is there a way to restrict the supplier user from editing PO and BPA?Hello everyone, Do any of you know if there is a way for the supplier user to not be able to edit purchase orders and purchase agreements from the supplier portal? Thank…
Suppliers are not able to attach document in ASBN via ADFDI excel upload (Using Supplier Portal)Summary: We have checked and found that there is no functionality to attach documents via the excel upload? We need suppliers to be able to upload invoice PDFs and packi…
facing issue while updating a supplier from fusion To wms through OICSummary: Hi All, when ever a supplier is created or updated then its needs to be changed in WMS Through OIC, So I have taken an app driven and with supplier created busi…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhavaleshchandra Sukesh-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Supplier updation error while integrating from fusion to wms.Summary: I updated the existing supplier in fusion. I try to integrate the update supplier details to WMS through OIC. when ever a supplier is updated in fusion then the…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Two layers of Spend Authorized Supplier ApprovalSummary Currently, when a spend authorized supplier is submitted for approval--it gets approved once and then approved again. How can we set it up so it is only one laye…
From Email ID on Notifications is not changing related to ProfileChangeRequestSupplierFYIHello, We have a requirement that From Email Id should be changed from default to '' for all notifications which are sent to suppliers,…
I need to update the suppliers product and services in bulk uploadI need to import the supplier's products and services in a bulk upload. I found the FBDI template but the supplier number is not included in the template as in the pictu…
how to add navigation guides or user manuals in the supplier portalSummary: how to add navigation guides or user manuals in the supplier portal. We want to add steps/ document/guide related to how to create invoice, how to respond to ne…
Prospective vs Spend authorize SupplierSummary: Prospective vs Spend authorize Supplier Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can Prospective supplier take part in bidding process, if…CraigX 122 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Supplier Management
what is the feature the Oracle provides to send the supplier registration link.We would like to know if there is any feature or service that Oracle provides to send the supplier registration link by email through the system to the suppliers.
Not showing any supplier transaction on supplier portal if we inactivating and reactivating accountSummary: I have created an administrative contract supplier user through supplier registration processes and, for some reason, I have inactivated it and reactivated it a…
Unable to update paygroup under supplier sites using FBDISummary: Unable to update paygroup under supplier sites using FBDI Content (required): I am populating Supplier Name, Procurement BU, Supplier Site and Pay group in the …
How to include username in new supplier user account emailSummary Steps to include username in the new supplier user account emailContent When a new supplier user account is created in the application, an email is sent to the n…
Modify text in supplier profile creation notificationContent (required): Is it possible to modify the body text of the email that arrives to the provider when a user account is created? Example of the email I'm referring t…