Supplier User Account
Discussion List
Supplier Portal: Buyer having an internal view access to Supplier PortalSummary In procurement cloud Release 13, could buyers have an access to supplier view of the Supplier Portal? Buyer would have the same UI as the supplier but secured as…
Supplier Portal User Guide/ManualSummary Supplier Portal User Guide/ManualContent We are planning to roll-out our Supplier Portal to our top preferred/approved suppliers. Has anyone created a Supplier P…
View Payment Details for Supplier User in iSupplier PortalSummary Ability for Supplier Users to have access and view payment details in iSupplier PortalContent Hi Experts! We have been doing a series of tests for onboarding sup…
"Alternate Site Name" should be based mandatory if site purpose is Purchasing in "Manage Supplier" pContent "Alternate Site Name" should be based mandatory if site purpose is Purchasing in "Manage Supplier" page using the sandbox Page composer . So would want to know t…
Need to avoid accidental triggering of the emails to Suppliers from Test environments.Summary Need a check list to avoid triggering emails to Suppliers from Test environments.Content Hi all, I just needed a overall check list of configurations, activities…
Ability to setup a rule where supplier creation /user account error notification to be sent only groSummary Ability to setup a rule where supplier creation/user account error notification to be sent only group of userContent we would like to setup a rule where supplier…
User Roles to Register SuppliersContent What role needs to be given to users to be able to register supplier versus creating supplier? We want to be able to give the ability to create a supplier in the…
How To Change From 'Display Name' Address Of Supplier Registration Notification?Content When the Supplier Registration is approved, New user account created welcome email is sent to the supplier but the "From" is displayed with a link which is confu…
Ability to Route External Supplier Profile Updates through Supplier Portal to Supplier Manager FirstSummary Ability to Route External Supplier Profile Updates through Supplier Portal to Supplier Manager First Before Client User (Supplier Administrator) Receives the Not…
Supplier BPA detail format and sizeContent There is an scenario where we want to put alot of suppliers on BPA which means they must supply images for the goods/services they provide so it can be on the BP…Amit Jha Oracle-Oracle 27 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Amit Jha Oracle-Oracle Supplier Management
Supplier Audit ReportContent We are looking for a report that captures Supplier Bank Changes before and after at BU level. This information is not available via out of the box audit reports …
Supplier Contact user request does not initiateSummary Supplier Contact user request does not initiate when create user is checkedContent Hello, Following actions were completed to initiate supplier contact user requ…
Supplier Portal for B2B communication using Punchout WebsiteSummary What are the functionalities in Supplier portal that we can use for B2B communicationContent Dear All, While implementing supplier Punchout solution, how can we …
Procurement and AP implementation without supplier portalSummary Procurement and AP implementation without supplier portalContent Did anyone implement Fusion Procurement and AP modules without implementing a supplier portal an…
Oracle Cloud Supplier Portal for accessing multiple customersSummary Oracle Cloud Supplier Portal for accessing multiple Oracle customers (organizations)Content Hi, Could you please advise what tool/functionality available to cate…
Supplier Contact FBDI - Create user account for existing supplier contactsSummary Supplier Contact FBDI - Create user account for existing supplier contactsContent I have a requirement from my client to enrich existing supplier contacts master…
Supplier Roles not available when attempting to create a Supplier AccountSummary Supplier Roles not available when attempting to create a Supplier Account for an existing Supplier ContactContent When attempting to create a user account for a …
Masking Supplier Tax Payer IDSummary We would want to mask the Supplier Taxpayer ID across Organization typesContent Hi, The business would want to have their suppliers tax payer id masked, but it i…Jayaganesh Alagirisamy-158335 76 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Sam Pehl Supplier Management
Does Oracle have an option to adjust the search mechanism under the Supplier section?Content When searching for a vendor that was paid in the past, you're able to click on 'Advanced' and use a drop down search feature for names that "contain" or "start w…
Can somebody explain me on the advantages or disadvantages of having a supplier bank account on profSummary Can somebody explain me on the advantages or disadvantages of having a supplier bank account on profile, site and address level?Content Can somebody explain me o…
Making Supplier Contact as Non-Mandatory During Registering Supplier From RFQSummary Making Supplier Contact as Non-Mandatory During Registering Supplier From RFQContent Hi Team - As of now in the task "Configure Supplier Registration and Profile…
Supplier Registration- What is going to happen when a Supplier is created for one BU, and the same sSummary Supplier Registration- What is going to happen when a Supplier is created for one BU, and the same supplier submit the registration request for a different BUCon…
How to withdraw resubmit request for external supplier registrationSummary How to withdraw resubmit request for external supplier registrationContent We have the below scenario Supplier registered through external URL and missed some in…
SCM – Oracle Supplier Management 2020 - Release Highlights and Roadmap Updates, 11 December 2020, 8Content Submit your questions for the SCM – Oracle Supplier Management 2020 - Release Highlights and Roadmap Updates session to have them answered during the live event.…
Is it possible to alter the Supplier user account creation email content/bodySummary Is it possible to alter the Supplier user account creation email content/bodyContent Hi All, We have an requirement to change or alter the supplier email content…Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle Supplier Management
Can a Supplier user create and maintain supplier contact and user its user account via Supplier PorContent As a supplier user(admin contact), can he/she create and maintain supplier contact through supplier portal ? I assume Supplier user can only request for Supplier…Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 55 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle Supplier Management
Supplier does not see the option to create advanced shipment notification (ASN) type notificationsSummary Supplier does not create advanced shipment notification (ASN) type notificationsContent Supplier does not see the option to create advanced shipment notification…
Allow updating supplier contact user account data access in bulk via FBDI or restapiSummary Allow updating supplier contact user account data access (supplier or supplier sites) in bulk via FBDI or restapiContent Due to requirements from the business, w…
Internal Registration with supplier updatesSummary Is it possible to allow external supplier to update profile on internal registration processContent If supplier registration starts from an internal registration…
Update Address Purpose to have more options to selectSummary Update Address Purpose to have more options to selectContent Hello, We have a unique requirement here. We are looking to add more options under the Address Purpo…