Collaboration Messaging Framework
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Fusion Procurement - EDI Transaction SetSummary Process to generate Format 850 (EDI) for Purchase Order (Outbound interface from Oracle Cloud to third-party)Content Hi, Kindly suggest the process to generate t…
how to customize the seeded cmk xsl file to add additional fieldsSummary: Requirement is to pass the details of Sales Agreement number, line numbers, but we do not see any fileds to hold this information. How to identify the fields to…
Does this email ID belong to Oracle?We received following email from email ID: OBN Operations - Do Not Reply . Need to confirm if this is authentic Oracle email address as we are good to proceed further. …
How to use Electronic AP Invoices (Inbound) through CMK without a service provider?Summary: Hello I would like to set up the Electronic AP Invoices (Inbound) through CMK without a service provider. I attached a doc were we need to used the first flow C…Wazir Sairally 84 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Miranda Beuc-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Is separate license required to use Oracle Business NetworkSummary: Is separate license required to use Oracle Business Network or OBN license comes bundled i.e. free with Procurement Fusion application Content (please ensure yo…
PO cXML Customization: New TagHi Experts, I want to add a new tag in the Purchase Order cXML to carry Procurement Card information. I successfully edited the Purchase Order Data Model and can output …
PO status is not getting changed even after the EDI-855 processing in CMK.We are having an issue in processing EDI 855 inbound, PO status is not getting changed even after the 855 processing in CMK.
How to communicate B2B messages from all Supplier sitesMy customer is using EDI not OBN to communicate all B2B messages to the trading partners. Trading partners have multiple sites but PO created for any other supplier site…
Buyer Assignment IssueSummary: Whenever a collaboration team member is on leave, the system should support or have the privilege to allow access of the negotiation RFQ to the departments head…
How can we simultaneously connect Test Cloud instance and Production instance to OBN account.How can we simultaneously connect Test Cloud instance and Production instance to Oracle Business Network account. The requirement is to maintain both connections simulta…
Advance Ship Notice - Inbound received via B2B CMK using EDI failedSummary: CMK B2B configuration has been done to communicate with trading partners using IBM EDI, AP Invoice has been received and processed successfully but ASN Inbound …
Purchase Order Acknowlegement B2B 855 Price Change FunctionalitySummary: Our business is working with multiple vendors to set up Purchase Order EDI communications. We currently have some vendors provide an 855, order acknowledgement …
How To modify the cXML date format for punchout purchase order through OBNSummary: We are having collaboration messaging setup for purchase order outbound to a supplier from Oracle. This outbound messaging is done through the OBN. In the trans…
how to customize the seeded cmk xsl file to change the mappings.Summary: We have an issue with customer Product number which is having double quotes (") in it, due to this the order is not getting created Oracle suggested to use Cust…
What is the difference between Test/Regular Account Type and Mode?Summary: Hi All In OBN, What is the difference between Test/Regular Account Type and Test/Production Mode? Should we create Test and Regular Account Type, or the Test Ac…
Price change from acknowledgement not changing PO for item on BPASummary: Upon testing of EDI 850 and 855, we are finding that when we get an acknowledgement with a price change for an item on a BPA, where BPA line has the "Allow Pric…
Can we send PO PDF to supplier with direct punchout to OBN?Summary: Can we send punchout orders using Email as the communication method? What does Dakota Rigger need to do to translate the cXML file as it seemed like they need i…
Add 'BillToAccount' field in Purchase order acknowledge outbound CMKSummary: After Sales order gets created with Order source as ORA_ELECTRONIC_DOCUMENTS, We are going to 'Under Validate Outbound Collaboration Messaging Setup' and select…
Ship-to Address for Drop Ship POSummary: Hi We have scenario drop shipment which is PO from Customer (we store as Sales Order) will be PO to supplier. Let say Customer A create order that ship to their…
Creating cXML Process PO Messaging WITHOUT OSNSummary Having an issue creating a PO through cXML messaging without OSNContent Hello, hoping someone may be able to provide some clarity. There is almost no documentati…
Best Practice for Ship-to Address Dropship POSummary: Hi We have scenario drop shipment which is PO from Customer (we store as Sales Order) will be PO to supplier. Let say Customer A create order that ship to their…
Best Practice for Dropship POSummary: Hi We have scenario drop shipment which is PO from Customer (we store as Sales Order) will be PO to supplier. Let say Customer A create order that ship to their…
Assigning default user in OBNSummary: One of our user (suppose A) in OBN has left the organization and now we have created another user (suppose B). User A is default user in OBN but there is no opt…
UOM Error on ASN and AP InvoiceHi, I am facing UOM issue with the Inbound documents received from trading partners: (our client is using IBM Sterling EDI and OBN is not used.) In Fusion: UOM Code=EA, …Nishi Kulshrestha 39 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Nishi Kulshrestha Payables, Payments & Cash Management
PO is not communicated to supplier for newly created delivery to locationsSummary: We have a supplier for who PO is not communicated for newly created locations, i have checked all the setups everything looks fine, supplier was asking that do …
What is the Delivery Method Type Should We Used?Summary: Hi All We want to used OBN to integrate our PO to supplier and their ASN and Invoice to our Oracle Fusion. What is the Delivery Method type (Receive from OBN) s…
OracleSN PO Outbound OBN ConfigurationSummary: PO Outbound is currently configured for OracleSN. We are configuring ASN Inbound using OBN, does PO Outbound need to be configured for OBN as well? Content (ple…
PO is not communicated to supplier for newly created delivery to locations.Summary: We have a supplier for who PO is not communicated for newly created locations, i have checked all the setups everything looks fine, supplier was asking that do …
Can we Map the Fields that will be Integrated in OBN?Summary: Hi Currently we have to setup OBN to connect with our supplier. Let say there is ASN integration between supplier and our Oracle through OBN. Can we take the co…
Intelligent Oracle Business Network (OBN) Connectivity” feature no longer supported from 24c?Summary: Why Streamline B2B Document Sharing with Intelligent Oracle Business Network (OBN) Connectivity” feature no longer supported from 24c, what is the alternate or …