Discussion List
Open Accrual Balances - Invoice InformationSummary: Hello, Looking for some support around Receipt Accrual Adjustments and Balances. I am trying to figure out when the 'Net Invoiced' area of the Open Accrual Bala…
DFF issue at Receipt delivered levelSummary: Hi Can we use same attribute of RCV transaction for different context in OIC request payload for Receipt transaction API ? Receipt creation REST API: /fscmRestA…
How can we send purchase order receipts from EBS to fusionSummary: We need to send PO receipts from EBS to fusion and both instance should be in sync and also update the PO status to close for receiving in Fusion ⇒ Please provi…
Correct and Return Tab is not Visible in the My Receipt screenHi team, One of our users, 'dhanasekaran_kb', wants to return a receipt that was created in Procurement > My Receipts. However, in My Receipts > Manage Receipts > Query …
Complex PO - Work Confirmation Adjustments - CreditsSummary: Work confirmations on complex po's must allow the ability to be adjusted - reduce receipts to allow the remaining adjusted balance on the po to close or finally…
Defaulting Receipt Routing based on User Item TypeSummary: Hi All, We need to ensure that during item creation, users can select "User Item Type" as either "ITEM" for Inventory Items or "Standard Service" for Service It…
Account In-transit Inventory for Inbound Purchase Orders using INCO TermsSummary: Hello Experts We try to implemente this new solution from 24D we have generated the PO, the ASN, the new event and distribution is created. activate the ownersh…
Allow PO Price update after Invoicing but not after receiptSummary:Allow PO Price update after Invoicing but not after receipt Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We want to uncheck the "Allow manual p…
Item with Receipt Routing as Inspection not routed for InspectionHi, We have an item defined Receipt Routing at Org level as Inspection but while receiving the PO it is not routed to Inspection it directly goes to Putaway. Regards Ash…
Notes on po receipt not being displayed on the PO life cycle screen from 24DSummary: We are unable to view the PO Receipt Noted on PO Life Cycle Screen Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version y…
Unable to receive using responsive self service receivingWhen trying to search the Req/PO in responsive self service receiving\, unable to view the these PO/Req to receive. However, I am able to find the same req/PO in classic…
1Suppliers want to Acknowledge the ERS Invoices from Supplier PortalSummary: We have specific question on Supplier Portal Invoice acknowledgement - Can suppliers acknowledge the Evaluated Receipt Settlement Invoices from Supplier Portal …Kardam Shastri 41 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Kardam Shastri Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Work confirmation allowing over receiving in Oracle FusionSummary: Is there a way to restrict user from "over receiving" for a complex PO, Is there any role of "Receiving Parameter" for Work confirmation for a complex PO? Conte…
how to receive goods/services without preparer or requester role granted to the user.Summary: We want to take away Procurement Preparer/Requester access to some of the users due to segregation of duties. There are few inflight POs raised by them and want…
Not available to invoice -Summary: There exist a receipt that has an amount but is listed as "Unavailable to Invoice". Please advise how the system assigns this status or what causes an amount to…
Is there any way to Create a services line type that is 3 way match and accruesSummary: Is there any way to Create a services line type that is 3 way match and accrues. I want to create a 3 way match for amount as type and i want to find the acrrua…
How to send ASN Notification To Multiple People Along With BuyerSummary: How to send ASN Notification To Multiple People Along With Buyer Content (required): We have a global procurement scenario, where one BU is processing the requi…rajesh.patil 121 views 7 comments 4 points Most recent by Swetha Ventrapragada-Oracle Inventory Management
Purchase Order and budgetSummary: Which Financial Budget will the amount be deducted from. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Create a purchase order during Financial…
Role required to enable Manage Receiving ParameterWhat is the Role required to enable Manage Receiving Parameter? When I am going to Global search and typing Manage Receiving Parameter, the menu is showing as read only …
2 Way Match PO is not auto-progressing to ClosedSummary: We have a setup of Match Approval Level to 2-Way and Receipt Close Tolerance Percent to 0 in Manage Purchasing Line Types. The PO does not automatically "Closed…
QUERY PURCHASE ORDERS WITH RECEIPTSHello everyone, I require a query for a report in OTBI that allows me to reach those values (those in the red box) when I pass the purchase order number as a parameter.
How suppliers create work confirmationSummary: Can anyone please provide me with the process when suppliers create Work Confirmation request for Complex Service Purchase Order via Supplier Portal? Content (p…
How suppliers create work confirmationSummary: Can anyone please provide me with the process when suppliers create Work Confirmation request for Complex Service Purchase Order via Supplier Portal? Content (p…
can a buyer receive 3 way service PO instead of RequesterSummary: It seems only requester can perform receiving on 3 way service PO. but is it possible to allow buyer to perform the receipt on 3way service PO. right now buyer …
How Buyer send alert to Supplier for overdue PO quantity / receiptSummary: Buyer want to know when the supplier will deliver product Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Want to know how we can send notificati…
RMA and RTV ReturnsSummary: Suppose if po created for 100 qty—Received 100 qty and invoiced for 100qty… Now after receiving 100qty there is 5qty damaged. Which customer want to return thos…
"How can I create receipts in the 'My Receipts' menu for other Buyers and Requesters besides myself?Summary: How can I create receipts in the 'My Receipts' menu for other Buyers and Requesters besides myself? What roles and data access need to be assigned?"
Multiple requisitions are put on 1 PO, all same items combine into one line, causing receiving issueSummary: When multiple requisitions for different deliver-to locations are combined into one PO, the items that are the same combine into one line item even if their dis…
Reversal of a PO receipt which was already invoiced and paidSummary: Hi all, there's a case in which the business received an item which was not included in the Purchase Order. Now, the receipt can't be returned since the item wa…
Requirement: Not to associate LCM invoice to Trade OperationMy client has the requirement to capture item cost by the material cost in PO and Trade Operation estimate cost only. Any variance occurs during landed cost invoice crea…John Chan KC-Oracle 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manikandan S R-Support Oracle-Oracle Costing