Requisition Processing
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Process Requisitions - Expenditure Organization and Expenditure Type are not availableSummary: In the Process Requisitions page, the Project and Task fields are available as inquiry parameters and also are visible columns in the result section. The other …adelsorbo-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arindam Bhattacharya - Oracle-Oracle Purchasing
Cancel Purchase Requisition Lines via Visual Builder Only Outputting Reqs Created by MyselfFollowing Doc ID 2855776.1, I am successfully able to output data; however, the data is limited only to requisitions that I had submitted. I do have the required securit…Chrissy Anderson 49 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Chrissy Anderson Self Service Procurement
View Life Cycle RequisitionSummary: Why is there no button View Life Cycle in the Requisition Header? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): notice that PR with fund status…
It is possible to remove the 'inventory' destination type on the requisition preference screen?Hello, It is possible to remove the 'inventory' destination type option on the requisition preference screen? "Some BUs do not have inventory, but as the base of registe…
How to Implement Responsive Self Service Procurement My Receipts ( New)Hi Team, We have ran all the necessary setups for using the My Receipts ( New) Functionality with respect to Responsive Self Service Procurement. But we are never able t…
How to stop creating PO's from one specific legal entitySummary: Hi Team, Business wants to stop creating PO from one specific legal entity. for two orgs, business assigned one legal entity. We should stop creating PO's for t…
responsive SSP: How to handle the SSP requisition in new system RSSP?Summary: Hi Team, Kindly answer the below question. How can we handle the old system (SSP) PR in the new system (RSSP) - Is it possible to edit, withdraw? PR Print PDF o…
Supplier Item, Manufacturer and Manufacturer part number are not displayed in the PO line level !Summary: We are using Trading Partner Items Associated with a Master Item But Supplier Item, Manufacturer and Manufacturer part number are not displayed by default from …
Item Substitution in Purchase RequisitionHi, In oracle cloud item A is discontinued, but there is a substitute item B. When entering an procurement via purchase requisition, we never know if an item is disconti…
How to stop attachment flow to purchase orderSummary: While Creating Requisition if we select attachment category = To Approver then attachment flowing to Purchase order but as per client request attachments should…
How to know the Buyer once requisition finally approved?Summary: How to know the Buyer once requisition finally approved? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to know the Buyer once requisition f…
Unable to restrict the users from clicking on the Update Preparer and Requestor icon using VBSSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement to restrict the users with certain role from clicking on the 'Update Preparer and Requestor' icon by greying out the same under th…
Dropship PRs not getting converted automatically to POIssue: Dropship PRs not getting converted automatically to PO Analysis: Every 25th of the month we will upload/create agreement for the same (Supplier, Supplier Site and…
VAT Line Details Not Generated in Receipt Distribution for PO which was cancelled before running it.Summary: HI All, We have Observed that VAT Line Details Not Generated in Receipt Distribution Accounting for PO which was cancelled before Create Receipt Accounting Dist…
Inconsistent approval notifications screens being presented to userSummary: User is receiving inconsistent approval notifications when an approval is assigned to them Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Desire…
Is it possible to keep the 'Advanced Sort' settings in 'Process Requisitions'?Summary: Hi, Is it possible to have the 'Advanced Sort' setting saved or remembered by the system in 'Process Requisitions' so it doesn't reset every time you enter the …
Don't send requisition reassignment notification to ApproverSummary: Currently, the Approver of a purchase requisition receives an email notification every time a requisition is reassigned. This is confusing and a hassle for them…
Funds Check or Reservation failed on requisition(PR) while canceling itSummary: We tried canceling a requisition to release the funds back to the budget. The Requisition Line and header statuses changed to canceled but the fund status chang…
Generate Purchase Orders with same Requested Delivery Dates on all lines from requisitionsSummary: Our client has below requirement: Primarily, a purchase order needs to be prepared with same date on all the lines. When requisitions get generated automaticall…
Can I create Separate Doc No for Negotiation Regarding to Doc styleCan I create Separate Doc No for Negotiation Regarding to Doc style
Updating the budget date on requisitions using Rest APIIs there any way to update the Budget date using Rest API's Requirement:- 1)How can the approved requisition budget date be updated? 2) After updating the budget date on…mohana ungarala 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by mrprieto-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Can we create work confirmation with quantity purchase basis?Summary: Hi Here are the procurement flow of our business process: Requester create PR, existing system (non Oracle) is using master item in PR line, so we also create P…
How to default requisition and purchase order ship to location form project ship to locationSummary: Default ship to location in procurement from projects Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We want to default ship to location in requ…
In SSP screens like PR,Item Description is in English even user session logged session is in spanishSummary: We have item translation available in Spanish and French, And when user logged with Spanish as user language , while creating the Requisition, Item description …
Can message bypassing the negotiation process message, PO-2055175 be disabled?Summary: When adding purchasing requisition lines without negotiation to the document builder to create a purchase order, the system displays warning this warning messag…
When the Supply Order is created we are getting error and PR is not getting createdHello, We are having an issue with the Supply Order which is created when the Sales Order is scheduled. Supply Order is not progressing due to the below error on the sup…
how to Create BPA from approved Purchase Requisition?is there any Way to create Blanket Purchase agreement from approved Purchase Requisition?
Approved Requisitions Do Not Show in Process RequisitionsSummary: Content (required): We have a approved PR . However it doesn't appear in Process requisition. When I checked in Oracle Noted I found below note. I ran a script …
Approved Purchase Requisition not visible in process requisition screenSummary: Approved PR is not visible in the Process Requisition window. Content (required): What I have observed is when I am creating PRs for a specific BU, none of the …
Requisition is not available in Process Requisition or Requisition Lines in PO Document BuilderSummary: I have run diagnostics for a PR: Requisition Not Present In Process Requisitions, because the PR created is not showing in Process Requisition Page in Purchase …