Requisition Processing
Discussion List
How to show work order and Item of the Work order information on OSP Purchase OrderOther than the description column i symbol is there any other way to display the work order and item related to work order information on the Outside Processing Purchase…
How Can I apply Retention on Entire PO not only on PO LineFor Complex PO Document style in Oracle Fusion Procurement i can apply Retention only on PO Lines is there a way to apply it for Entire PO?
How to query APPROVAL_GROUP_NAME FROM PO_HEADERS_ALLSummary I am looking to get approval_group_name from po_headers_all for BI reportContent Hello, I can see that APPROVAL_GROUP_NAME EXIST IN POR_AMX_ACTION TABLE, but can…
Configuration of Default Ship-to Location for POs where Destination Type =InventorySummary: Dear Oracle Support Team, I am seeking clarification on configuring the Default Ship-to Location in Purchase Orders (POs) within Oracle Cloud. In our previous E…
way to cancel reinstated line and requisition?Summary: Hi everyone, I’m encountering an issue with cancelling a requisition in Oracle. Here’s the situation: A requisition was created and subsequently approved. The r…
How to add Freight Charges on Purchase Order LinesSummary: Need Freight Charges to be added on the Purchase Order Lines Content (required): We have a requirement to add Freight Charges on the Purchase Order Lines as per…
How to increase priority of BPA when auto process PRWe have 2 procurement BU: BU_SN_HK and BU_JS_HK, and one requistioning BU: BU_SN_JP When we create PR that requistioning BU is BU_SN_JP, the PR always auto-create into a…
Procurement Account Rules ConditionsNew to Fusion. Are there any documents and / or videos that detail how to create conditions in Procurement Manage Account Rules? I find the documentation very confusing …
Same Document number for the PR RFQ and POSummary: Is there any possibility to have a same document reference for PR RFQ and PO? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include th…
Warning while Assigning Business Unit Function (Legal Entities)Summary: a. There are 20 LEs, one management BU which will be used for Procurement. b. We have created 20 BUs which will be Profit center buisness unit for these 20 LEs.…
Unable to route Requisition Approval using Mapping SetSummary: We want to rote Requisition Approval using Mapping Set to Project Team Members. We we able to achieve it without having any condition in Mapping Sheet ( Just by…Vijay Jeyakumar 53 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Somya Saxena-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Conversion Rate not brought from PR to POSummary: Hi experts, we encounter the error message of "You must provide a value for the Conversion Rate attribute." with PR having the conversion rate type set to our c…
Reassign Requisition Error after 23B UpgradeSummary: Reassign Requisition Error after 23B Upgrade Content (required): I am unable to reassign requisition from BPM, as such I tried doing same from Transaction Contr…
Process Requisitions - Process entire PR's instead of by lineSummary: Current design is to have the Buyer pick up PR lines in the 'Process Requisitions' screen and transfer them into PO. Client requests if there is a possibility t…
Extracting Requisition and Purchase Order Rule Details defined in BPMSummary Extracting Requisition and Purchase Order Rule Details defined in BPMContent I am looking if anyone know if there is a way to run a query/report or table name wh…
Showing Text Message in dependent Flexfield or Popup MessageSummary: Hello Dears, I tried to show a text message in a dependent flexfield and selected a display type as TextArea as shown below When I selected a value from the par…
How to display custom field in RFQ negotiations PAGE.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to display custom field in RFQ negotiations PAGE. I.e The long description field i want it di…
Purchase Order Line With Multiple Distributions.Summary Purchase Order Line With Multiple Distributions.Content Hi Team - We have an agreement # AGR1 and on the agreement level we have enabled the grouping flags as sh…
Is it possible to make the Agreement and Supplier fields mandatory in Purchase Requisition?I have a requirement from a client to make the Agreement and Supplier field mandatory in Requisition page. I have been answered in one of the community discussion I comm…
can we open PO after canceled by BuyerSummary: PO is cancelled. Can we reopen and use the PO Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if appl…
Identify Receipt Date and Transaction Date for POSummary: We have a Business Case wherein all Expense Receipts are being done under My Receipts and some of these Receipts are backdated. So, the Receipt maybe entered in…
Assign buyers automatically to PR line when we Select the CategorySummary: Is there any way to assign buyers to PR lines automatically when we select the category? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …
SSP item validation based on supplier part numberSummary: Is there a validation that can be built or does it exists in SSP Smart form when the requester is trying to create a non catalog item (description only/special …
Option to override the ship to location to a one time delivery address on process requestion pageSummary: Do we have the option to override the ship-to-location to a one-time delivery address on the process requestion page? Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Min Max program is considering the already received supplySummary: Min max program is considering the old supply(Requisition and PO) which was already closed and not generating any new requisitions. Min max program output that …
Unable to see attachments in attachments tab in POSummary: Hi Team, User unable to see attachment in notes and attachment tab. When I am loging with my user I am able to see attachments. Is this related to any Role? Kin…
PO DFF copied from Req DFF appears as IDSummary: PO DFF copied from Req DFF appears as ID when the value in the Requisition DFF is an actual number value Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Can we cancel multiple PO lines at once in Oracle fusionSummary: Hi Team, We have 20 lines in PO. Trying to cancel two lines and getting error. we are able to cancel 20th Line and saved the line Then trying to cancel 19th lin…
Adding columns to Manage Requisitions page in Fusion applicationSummary: Adding Supplier name column to manage Requisitions Adding View Life Cycle as a column to manage Requisitions Adding Billed Amount next to Approval Amount column…
restrict the buyer to select from the substitutes of the requested item when update from catalogwhen the buyer update from catalog on requistion line he can select any item on the catalog not just the substitutes of the requested item, so is it applicable that we c…