Requisition Processing
Discussion List
can we open PO after canceled by BuyerSummary: PO is cancelled. Can we reopen and use the PO Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if appl…
Identify Receipt Date and Transaction Date for POSummary: We have a Business Case wherein all Expense Receipts are being done under My Receipts and some of these Receipts are backdated. So, the Receipt maybe entered in…
Assign buyers automatically to PR line when we Select the CategorySummary: Is there any way to assign buyers to PR lines automatically when we select the category? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …
SSP item validation based on supplier part numberSummary: Is there a validation that can be built or does it exists in SSP Smart form when the requester is trying to create a non catalog item (description only/special …
Option to override the ship to location to a one time delivery address on process requestion pageSummary: Do we have the option to override the ship-to-location to a one-time delivery address on the process requestion page? Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Min Max program is considering the already received supplySummary: Min max program is considering the old supply(Requisition and PO) which was already closed and not generating any new requisitions. Min max program output that …
Unable to see attachments in attachments tab in POSummary: Hi Team, User unable to see attachment in notes and attachment tab. When I am loging with my user I am able to see attachments. Is this related to any Role? Kin…
PO DFF copied from Req DFF appears as IDSummary: PO DFF copied from Req DFF appears as ID when the value in the Requisition DFF is an actual number value Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Can we cancel multiple PO lines at once in Oracle fusionSummary: Hi Team, We have 20 lines in PO. Trying to cancel two lines and getting error. we are able to cancel 20th Line and saved the line Then trying to cancel 19th lin…
Adding columns to Manage Requisitions page in Fusion applicationSummary: Adding Supplier name column to manage Requisitions Adding View Life Cycle as a column to manage Requisitions Adding Billed Amount next to Approval Amount column…
restrict the buyer to select from the substitutes of the requested item when update from catalogwhen the buyer update from catalog on requistion line he can select any item on the catalog not just the substitutes of the requested item, so is it applicable that we c…
SSP Phone Number/Personal details should be hide from requester option in the Manage requisitionPageSummary: In SSP»Manage Requisitions the user can search on Field Entered By & retrieve all the employee primary contact details (Email & Phone Number) which causes a GDP…
Min max program ending with error statusSummary: At inventory Org level the min max is setup as 0/0 there is demand quantity of -6 from maintenance work order expectation is that it should create requisition f…
Comments on submitted requisitionsIs it possible for our processing team to add comments to requisitions or purchase orders?, this was easily available in our old system and is a big miss by the team. Pl…
Which table stroes the upcoming Approver Details in PR Workflows ActionWe have requiremnet to show all Pending Approval details in one of the custom BIP report. So far we are getting assigned approval(Pending) details from fa_fusion_soainfr…
Create Purchase Orders Multi Business UnitsIn Oracle Procurement Cloud fusion, the customer must create a purchase order in Multi BUs. In this case company, there are 45 business units and 4 of these buy for othe…
How to group requisition to single PO for B2B buySummary: In B2B Buy we need to group all the lines requisition into single PO against all the lines of a sales order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
rest api to update por requisition Document status UpdateSummary: We have a requirement to update status of Por requisition to Approve and Reject. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include…
Creating Zero Dollar Purchase OrderSummary: We are setting up a Punch Out catalog for a supplier that is on maintenance contract. When the zero dollar Requisition is approved, the PO is not being created …
REST API for verifying whether a Purchase Order includes a Change OrderSummary: REST API for checking PO has Change Order. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, Is there any REST API available for verifying whet…
Procurement shared service provider - unexpected procurement BU while processing PR to POSummary If there are 2 shared procurement service provider for 1 Requisitioning BU, system does not allow to select the desired BU to process PRContent Hi Oracle experts…
Is there a limit to number of fields that can added in advanced search for Process Requisitions?Summary: As part of a new working method within the Purchasing department, the Purchasing Manager would like to set up saved searches in the 'Process requisitions' page,…
ERP Function to Capture Retention ValueSummary: Can you please find out if there's a function in ERP to capture the retention value? Example as below : Supplier Invoice Workdone performed = RM100 5% Retention…Tauseef_Akram909 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by AnamariaRoman-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Cancel budget reserved in PR without cancel PRSummary: We have requirement to create 1 PR for project activity in 1 year. PR is created on January, with amount to be used for project activity within 1 year. PR is cr…
Grant on Requisition Line Security Options meaningSummary: Need to explore meaning of the the options defined for the "Grant on Requisition Line" policy for the "Buyer" role. Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
Sort by option not available for Project number filed in Process requisition UIWe have multiple requisitions with project number but we cant see the sort by option to sort the field in ascending or descending order. It is not available for Project …
overmatch on the fixed price POSummary: Hi Experts, When we match with fixed price PO by increasing the amount, confirm receipt is failed. then we changed the matched amount same as the ordered amount…
How to copy DFF from PO line to AP invoice lineSummary: Hi there, I have a requirement to create a descriptive flexfield at the requisition line level, and have this information flow to the purchase order and ultimat…
In PO pdf no space between zip code and countySummary: In all our PO pdf's there are no space between zip code and county for our ship to location.. (screenshot attached) We were just curious if this is by design ? …
Option to Change Procurement BU when Processing the PR to POSummary: We have two Business Units. A PR is created and approved in BU1. The default Procurement BU is BU1 Using the Process Requisition page Customer want to Process t…Shiva Kakarla 48 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Arindam Bhattacharya - Oracle-Oracle Purchasing