Spreadsheet Related
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Ability to add "Analyze by Spreadsheet" attachment in Award Approval notificationSummary: Ability to add "Analyze by Spreadsheet" attachment in Award Approval notification Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, Our cli…
Is it possible to add XLXS or CSV format when exporting Analyze by Spreadsheet?Summary: Is it possible to add XLXS or CSV format when exporting Analyze by Spreadsheet in the Negotiation page? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Knowledge Article – Add or update requirements using Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for ExcelContent Sourcing introduced REST APIs to support POST and PATCH of requirements in Update 21C. Using Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for excel, you can add and update multi…
Use Visual Builder for Excel to create draft negotiation from template is REST API custom actionSummary: How can Visual Builder for Excel to create draft negotiation from template is REST API custom action? Content (required) How can the supplierNegotiations REST A…
Import Negotiation LinesSummary Type OptionsContent When importing negotiation lines, I need help with column A of the text delineated file. Column A is labeled, '*Type', and this column indica…
Adding Sourcing Requirements from Excel: How to get the generated file digitally signedSummary Not able to digitally sign the AddRequirements Excel fileContent We are planning to use Excel to load requirements inti our Sourcing Events. But due to our compa…
Modify Negotiation SpreadsheetSummary: We have a requirement to modify the negotiation spreadsheet (removing some details and rows). Does anyone know if the spreadheet available in the Sourcing UI ca…
Analyze By Spreadsheet Export is not showing all the Negotiation Response versionSummary: If there are multiple Response version of each individual suppliers participating for an auction or RFQ, all the version response details are not showing in Ana…
customize Negotiation score Spreadsheet (ADFDI File) downloaded from the Negotiation module.Summary: The client is interested in customizing the negotiation score spreadsheet (ADFDI file) that was downloaded from the negotiation module. Kindly inform me if this…
Knowledge Article: Score Requirement Responses Offline with ADFDI Integrated Excel WorkbookSummary A Team Member can update scores offline by using the ADFDI enabled Scoring Spreadsheet. Content In a negotiation, collaboration team members evaluate and score s…
How to view all the lines responses by suppliers in a single page and export it into an excel?Summary: How to view all the lines responses by suppliers in a single page and export it into an excel? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Cu…
Add Suppliers to Negotiation using Visual Builder Add-in for ExcelContent Hi, I'm trying to replicate the exercise that was performed in this Event: https://community.oracle.com/customerconnect/events/572527-scm-procurement-sourcing-us…
SCM – Procurement Sourcing: Using Visual Builder Add-in for Excel in Oracle Sourcing Cloud, 20 JanuaContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Procurement Sourcing: Using Visual Builder Add-in for Excel in Oracle Sourcing Cloud session to have them answered during the…
How many number of lines can be added in a RFQSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): While creating a RFQ, how many number of lines can be added in it? Is there any threshold over th…
Award by Spreadsheet is opening as xml instated of spread sheetSummary: Step 1. Under “Procurement”, click on the “Solicitations” tile. Step 2. Under “My Solicitations”, click on “Pending Award”. Step 3. Click on “Solicitation” 1469…
Award Negotiation ExportContent Hello, Can we edit Award By Spreadsheet. Is there any report for this? If yes, where we can find the data model for this export. Thanks, Nishanth
How to bring internal notes from scoring team members on the Award Analysis Excel Spreadsheet.Summary: To check how to bring internal notes from scoring team members on the Award Analysis Excel Spreadsheet. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Access Negotiation Response Excel spreadsheet before negotiation is ActiveSummary: We want to be able to access the Negotiation Response Excel spreadsheet before the negotiation is Active so we can send it to supplier that won't be using suppl…
Need clarity on some points for negotiation line uploadSummary: 1) Is there any option available after doing bulk upload (with FBDI) on negotiation line if later on want to add some lines manually? 2) whether bulk upload wit…
List Binding error in VBCS Excel Template for Negotiation linesSummary: List Binding error in VBCS Excel Template for Negotiation lines Content (required): Hi All, i have created a Form-over-Table layout custom VBCS template, with N…
Supplier Responses Spreadsheet upload by BuyersSummary Supplier Responses Spreadsheet upload by BuyersContent Hi, We are implementing Sourcing module but not Supplier Portal due to security and other reasons. As par …
How to remove price break section into the spreadsheet of the Surrogate ResponseSummary: Is it possible to remove the price break section into the spreadsheet to load a supplier surrogate response in one negotiation? I would to see only the list of …
What are the details that we need from users for master data while configuring Sourcing moduleSummary: Hello Team, Please let us know the details on the Master data for sourcing, can you please share if any one has any user templates. Content (required): Version …Anil Kumar Vaddeboina 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Poornima Bhilegaonkar-Oracle Sourcing
How to use VBCS Excel Add-in to show/add negotiation line DFFs?Summary: Does VBCS Excel Addin support negotiation LINE DFFs? Content (required): The published API seems to exist However, the business object doesn't seem to exist in …
Problem Downloading Negotiation Award by a SpreadsheetSummary: Experiencing problems downloading with a spreadsheet from the Negotiation award section on some negotiations. Receiving a System Timeout error message. Content …
21C Release - Sourcing Line Response SpreadsheetSummary 21C Release feature - Send a lines response spreadsheet in the supplier invititationContent I am attempting to test the recently release feature referenced above…
is it possible to download the negotiation lines response spreadsheet in horizonal formatSummary is it possible to download the negotiation lines response spreadsheet in horizonal formatContent For our products there is a list of attributes that need to be e…
Ideas in cloud sourcing to manage > 1000 supplier\item responsesSummary The analysis tools in Cloud sourcing do not meet our needs when the responses (supplier and item) become large in terms of rows. looking for ideasContent the awa…User_2025-02-08-11-15-09-686 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Poornima Bhilegaonkar-Oracle Sourcing
21A- New Feature -Use a Requirements Only Supplier Response SpreadsheetSummary By enabling this new feature spread sheet is exporting in XML format instead of csv or xlsContent Hi All we are trying to test this new feature however when supp…