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Groovy to access a file in Inbox/Outbox explorerSummary: Is there a way to access a CSV (precisely a metadata file) present Inbox/Outbox explorer using groovy? Intention is to Automate Metadata across apps Am able to …NarayananS 282 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Network Perimeter with IDCS - Issue with Clone and Groovy rulesSummary After setting network perimeters in IDCS, EPBCS cloning failContent Hello, we have just setup in our IDCS foundation primary instance network perimeters to allow…
What determines pipeline success vs failure status? Can pipeline be successful even if a job fails?Summary: What exactly determines the pipeline status? Do all jobs within the pipeline have to complete successfully for a pipeline to show status as successful? Is there…
EPM Automate login using Connections in Groovy instead of using epw password fileSummary: Is it possible to use EPM Automate in Groovy BR for login? Am trying using getUserName(), getPassword() instead of using epw password file. Defined the connecti…NarayananS 71 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Suruchi S-Support-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
I'm trying to write a groovy where I only want to iterate a particular column and only edited cellsSummary: There are 2 separate methods, that works independently, I'm looking to combine these 2 - operation.grid.dataCellIterator({DataCell cell -> cell.edited}) operati…
A validation error was received from the Planning server.Hi, I receive the bellow error when validating my script. DATACOPY &OEP_CurMnth->&OEP_CurYr->"OEP_Actual" TO "OEP_Yearly Plan"->(@ismbr(@MEMBER(@shiftsibling(&OEP_NextYe…
EPM Integration Agent: Connect to Azure DB using Active Directory authentication - Groovy scriptSummary: Using EPM Agent Groovy script (BefExtract) to connect to Azure DB using Active Directory authentication Content (required): I can connect to a Azure DB with AD …
DataGridBuilderSummary: Hi everyone, I am at a loss on how to do something. I have a list of members, and I need to create a DatagridBuilder and have each of the rows have the member n…James Lynch 25 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by M. Kyle Goodfriend-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Can you use exception in the groovy script Crossjoin statementSummary: I'm using the following in the groovy script Crossjoin statement {FILTER (Descendants([Accounts], [Accounts].dimension.Levels(0)), ([Accounts].CurrentMember.MEM…Anna Balzak 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suruchi S-Support-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
REST API Groovy Script: "Error 429 - Too many requests" since Gen2 MigrationSummary: Content (required): I have a basic groovy script that runs a series of rules in sequence which all worked well in EPM classic. The script basically runs through…TejC 132 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Groovy CreateFileWriter bug/defect? File generated not located in Outbox.Summary: The Groovy documentation for CreateFileWriter method (…Chad Alexander 52 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Need multiple levels of Budget ApprovalsHi Folks, There's a requirement from Client in budget approval process where they want two options for budget approval, one direct approval and sign off (Where you don't…
Business Rule execution taking longer time through Groovy than when run separatelySummary: While I am calling a BR (with RTP) through EPBCS Groovy the BR is running for longer time than triggering the BR (with the same RTP) directly via Calc Manager o…Ankita Roy-Oracle 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Groovy Data Validation Error Cell Color for edited cell doesn't work for Smartview FormSummary: I make groovy rules to validate amount data inputted by user that will return certain color in cell data edited to prevent data is submitted to FCCS. It works w…
Opening a form/tasklist directly from the link in Approval flowSummary: Client doesnt want to navigate the tool and should be able to directly be redirected to form/tasklist to approve budget transfers from the link that he/she rece…
Server-side Command Execution - CloneEnvironment errorHi Getting this error when trying to execute cloneenvironment command using server-side epmautomate cloneEnvironment failed, Details: Invalid or missing parameter: Targe…
Using SendMailHas anyone used Send Mail (v2) REST API to send emails to users? If anyone has, can you please help me understand how it's done? I've tried searching for it but didn't f…Shareef_Ahamed 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Patrick Northcraft EPM Platform and Freeform
Using SSO Users or Oauth2 for Connections in Data Integration Planning CloudSummary: We are not allowed to use Native users - SSO from corporate Azure servers are the company policy. Is there a way to use an SSO user also for the connections/ ta…
Status of Daily Maintenance in emailSummary: Currently we are in process of creating an Business rule in groovy for performing the daily maintenance currently we are able to perform the daily maintenance b…
Error while creating New Project in Projects ModuleSummary: Encountering Error while creating New Project in Projects Module Content (required): Hi All, Getting this error while creating New Project with OOTB Add Project…
Cube Restructure using RestApiSummary: Currently we are planning to automate the maintenance process like daily maintenance etc., Is there any RESTAPI available for performing the cube restructure so…Muthiah 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
EPM Planning Dimension Export directly to SQLSummary: Greetings, is there a direct method of exporting a dimension in a Planning application to SQL (MSSQL or Oracle DB), via EPM Automate, ODI, Data Management/Integ…
Groovy features to write to fileSummary: Content (required): I've noticed that Groovy provides various methods to write to files such as CSVWriter and CreateFilePrintWriter. As I understand, both these…TejC 488 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Force readonly on cells depending on user's group and a flag - GroovySummary: Force readonly on cells depending on user's group Content (required): Hello, Users found approvals complicated to use. So we are implementing a manuel worklfow …
Script or Template objects in Calc Manager, which one is better and why?Summary: Script or Template objects in Calc Manager, which one is better and why? Content (required): Hi All, I wanted to clarify what the community members think about …Fred_Mamadjanov 94 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Fred_Mamadjanov EPM Platform and Freeform
Calling Data Management REST API through scheduling PBC Groovy RuleSummary: We've built an Integration between ERP and PBC. We want to execute this integration every two hours for only a few days during a month. We want to automate this…Jeroen Goudvis 161 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by Tim Good SC&H EPM Platform and Freeform
Unknown error using Groovy/REST API to move data from FCC to ASO Reporting cubeSummary: Attempting to write a Groovy/REST API script to facilitate data entry made within an FCC application to be moved, On Save, to an ASO Reporting application, setu…
Exporting of attributes along with level 0 dataSummary: We have a ASO plan type from which we want to export level 0 data but at the same time we also want to extract attribute associated with the sparse dimension le…
Can I use groovy to run parallel RulesSummary: I created a ruleset in Calculation Manager where 6 rules run parallel. Each rule is doing a copy of the same set of accounts for one specific year per rule. Can…Anna Balzak 44 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by M. Kyle Goodfriend-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform