Maintenance Analytics
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Do we have any business event after creating work orderSummary: Do we have any business event after creating work order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are usin…
Business want to know possibility features for below EAM ebs queriesSummary: The videos focused on OPM, would discrete manufacturing follow a different process? Is it possible to see the manufacturing view of the equipment, and in additi…
Availability to auto assign the Work Definition based on the capture Failure for Unrelease workorderSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When adding capture failure to Unrelease maintenance work order it is possible that an automatic …
linking service request and SCM Work orderSummary: Need to link Service request to SCM Maintenance Work order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): we have requirement to link the servic…
RESTAPI for Work order Material returnSummary: We have requirement to return of defective the assets as part of execution of work order operation. We have requirement to achieve this via REST API. In the mai…
How can I restrict the work definition to a specific asset.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The availability to restrict the work definition to a specific asset rather than being generic fo…
How to share Work Definition from ORG to another.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is it applicable to share the maintenance work definition from one organization to another? Versi…
ESS Job Import Installed Base Assets end in error with no error messageWe are in process of importing assets of type 'Customer Address' in Fusion through Assets FBDI. But the Import Installed Base Assets ESS Job ends up in error with no err…
When printing the WO Details, The report doesn't show the actual completion dateHello, I had a work order with multiple operations. I completed the operations but the actual completion date is different than the end date.. When trying to print the W…
How to know below details for Fusion ApplicationSummary: • HLD, LLD. • Private IP addresses of the assets. • Device Name, model number. • OS installed on the assets. • Capacity, RAM, and CPU specifications of the asse…
What is the significance of having bill-to details in IB assets?In Installed Base Assets FBDI, there are Bill-to Location Name (CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_SITE_NAME ) and Bill-to Location Site Use Code (CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_SITE_USE_CODE) etc. Wha…
For Maintenance Work Order, cost not getting captured without receivingSummary: In Maintenance Work Order, cost not getting captured for Service based purchases without receiving Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Request to restrict the user to change the work order status.Summary: We have a business requirement to restrict the user from changing the Work Order Status. For example: Currently, the Work Order is in the Released status. The u…
Creating Warranty contracts for Asset with Inventory LocationSummary: need to create warranty contracts for assets created via FBDI or auto created assets with location type as Inventory Content (please ensure you mask any confide…
Request to restrict the user to close the Work Order for less than 2 hoursHi Team, We have a businees requirement that, we need to restrict the user to close the work order less than 2 hours after creating the work order. Example: Work Order w…
Make Asset Number attribute updatableWe are creating assets in Maintenance Management for our implementation. We also need the asset number attribute to be updatable. Currently it cannot be updated Is there…Nakul Buradkar-Oracle 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Maintenance
Need to change Priority of work orders created via Maintenance ProgramSummary: Work order created via Maintenance Program Forecast is always 1. Need to change this, Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to ensu…
Error while updating serial number for asset in item master orgSummary: We are migrating IB assets from EBS to Fusion. In EBS we have thousands of assets in item master org with serial numbers captured for them. While loading the FB…
How to transfer maintenance cost to Associated Fixed Asset?Summary: Is there a way to transfer the Maintenance Cost to the Fixed Asset associated with the Maintenance Asset. I could see in the Implementation guide but there is n…
query to pick refrences section document number against work orderSummary: Hello, I want an sql query for fusion or table name to pick Work order documnet number coming on maintenace management work order form there is tab coming of Re…
Functionality to display and filter on 'Work Order Description' within the Asset History screenSummary: In 'Asset History' page, we can see work order number available against the Asset in 'Reference Column'. On a same page, we are looking specifically for the fun…
How to load External Address Asset through FBDISummary: We are trying to load 'External Address' type of assets into Fusion. The address lines and other column values are present in HZ_LOCATIONS table. But even thoug…Nakul Buradkar-Oracle 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Satwik Kumar Patel-Oracle Maintenance
Is it possible to auto generate PR & work order in capture failure against a parent work orderSummary: when adding capture failure to any maintenance work order it is possible that an automatic PR or work order is generated once a capture failure is added to any …
How to create approvals for Work orders in Oracle Fusion Maintenance cloud?We are already using standard corrective maintenance flow in our business. Currently we are planning to implement approvals for Maintenance work order, Is this possible?…
Is there any way to default the prefix for work definition code?Summary: We need to default the prefix for work definition code, so that while creating the next work definition the system takes the code automatically as per the prefi…
EFF support for Installed Base AssetSummary: EFF support for Installed Base Asset Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are looking to validate, if there is any support for EFF …
How to pass Sales Order Lines Attributes to Installed Base AssetsSummary: We are looking to pass Sales Order Lines attributes from Order Management to Installed Base Assets Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Mass Upload data in attributes created through application composerThere are 19 attributes created through application composer in Assets page. They are stored in CSE_ASSETS_B table in columns EXTN_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR011 etc. Is there a way …
Manage Sales Order to Asset Data Correction in Spreadsheet not workingSummary: Manage Sales Order to Asset Data Correction in Spreadsheet not working Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are using Manage Sales …
Migrate assets with asset end date in pastSummary: We are in process of migrating customer assets from EBS to Fusion. The requirement is to migrate many assets which have end date few years in past. But as per d…