Global Order Promising
Discussion List
ATP Rule and Item availbilitySummary: We have ATP rule setup for Supply chain availability search, when creating the Sales Order does the system take on hand availability for the item or available t…
Need to know if we have capability to perform soft reservation of inventory against order.Summary: We have a requirement, where we need to soft reserve items against the sales order during order entry, after some manual approval process tag the soft reservati…
Recurring Billing Sales order statusSummary: How To Validate - Billing Periods, Start and End dates entered for Recurring Billing Transactions Content (required): How to keep sales order open till the full…Deepak.h.singh-Oracle 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Deepak.h.singh-Oracle Order Management
Sales order create SOAP API, value of SerialNumberFrom fieldSummary: In Sales order schema /fomImportOrdersService/OrderImportService?wsdl, we found the field SerialNumberFrom and SerialNumberTO Dose this means, we can specify th…
Ability to update supplier on Drop Ship sales order or purchase requisition/orderSummary: We have a business scenario where at time of sales order creation, user don't know from which supplier they are going to get the service drop shipped but they k…
In Check availability, we have item availability which is not refreshing and show all details in allSummary: In Check availability, we have item availability which is not refreshing and show all details in all Content (required): in availabilty tab i can see 3 options/…
Use same item for back to back order (without onhand reservation) as well as using it in a standardSummary: Use same item for back to back order (without onhand reservation) as well as using it in a standard order (with onhand reservation). Content (required): We have…
Impact of FOM_IMPORT_VIA_REST_BACKENDSummary: Want to know the performance implication of FOM_IMPORT_VIA_REST_BACKEND profile. Content (required): We are trying to update/cancel sales order in bulk using FB…
For a pre-priced sales order is it mandatory to have a record in fusion pricingSummary: Sales order import with Freeze Price flag as Y and prices of the items are mapped in charge and charge components of SO FBDI tab and item does not have a record…
Releasing Subscription Invoices earlySummary: We are using subscription item with recurring billing in order management Some customers would like to prepay/receive Invoices early. How can we release future …
How to Invoice Ship Line and Return Line TogetherSummary: We have a business scenario to create a Mixed Order (Ship Line and Return Line) and Invoice the Ship Line and Return Line Together under a common Invoice. What …Abhishek Sinha 41 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
No Data Retrieved although onhand available for the itemSummary No Data Retrieved although onhand available for the itemContent Hi Team, For an Item what can be the reason behind no data retrieved in create order screen even …
REST API to check availability for ATO Model configurationSummary: Is there any REST API/SOAP API to check availability of the items selected as part of the ATO Model configuration? If yes, Can some one share the sample payload…Dineshkumar Punniamurthy-283383 72 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Dineshkumar Punniamurthy-283383 Order Management
SQL Query - To Obtain Supply allocation details (OM --> GOP --> Review Supply Allocation)Summary: Need SQL Query - To Obtain Review Supply allocation details (OM --> GOP --> Review Supply Allocation) Content (required): Global Order Promising Version (includ…
price on return sales is not appearing and when am trying to submit it i get errorSummary: price are not appearing in return sales order and i get the following error The price was not determined because the currency could not be converted using the G…
Which Warehouse will GOP pick in case there is no on hand in all 3 warehouse as part of sourcingSummary: GOP is picking up Rank 1 warehouse when there is no on hand in all 3 sourcing rule warhouses. Content (required): we have created an order 10028. Sourcing rule …
Can we see the on hand for kit item child components on sales order line?Summary: GOP Shows availability for kit item as iN STOCK. Question is business wants to see the kit item child components on hand as well on the sale order lines ..IS th…
Getting NO Data was retrieved message for a kit item and for another getting messageSummary: Getting No Data Was retrieved message for one kit item but for another it is coming up ( showing as low availability) ..Both Kit has child components.Both have …
What are the key setup fields to be considered while defining PTO ATO hybrid model in fusion PIMSummary: I need to define Hybrid model with PTO at the TOP and one ATO model under PTO and some optional items along with ATO. Content (required): I am looking for the o…
Credit Check at pick confirm or Ship-ConfirmSummary Credit Check at pick confirm or Ship-ConfirmContent Hi Champs, Is there a way to control the credit check at the point of Pick Confirm or Ship-Confirm? we would …
Is it correct to say that GOP processes orders in FIFO modeSummary: Is it correct to say that GOP processes orders in FIFO mode? Content (required): Enter Sales Order SO1 with request date D1 , schedule the order . Enter Sales O…
Sales Order status stuck in supply request complete. It should update as awaiting shipping.Summary: Sales Order status stuck in supply request complete. It should update as awaiting shipping. Order does not have any holds. Content (required): Version (include …
Sales Order does not create back to back supply if ATP mode is infinite availability basedSummary: We have Items enabled for back to back supply. These are assigned ATP rule with promising mode infinite availability .When a SO is entered for these items the S…
GOP not including Transfer Order SupplySummary: GOP not including Transfer Order Supply Content (required): We are testing the functionality of transfer orders(TO) and noticed that GOP is not reading these as…
Getting error in Back to Back ProcessSummary: The supply request failed because Global Order Promising didn't create a supply recommendation. For details about how to fix this problem, see the Troubleshoot …
If Internal Sales Order need to be re-scheduled, does Order Promising support rescheduling the ISO?Summary: since we are using an on-premise EBS (not fusion), we still have Internal Sales Orders that must be scheduled. If these need to be re-scheduled, does Order Prom…
Global Order Promising module to consider PO from external systemSummary: We have use case where we need to get the recommendation from Global Order Promising module from fusion cloud instance by considering POs created in On premise …
If we don't have supplies for the item, can we have the GOP call over it. If Yes , then how?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Is it possible to see multiple lines for same item on Sales order to create single PO?Summary: Business has a requirement, create sale order with multiple orders for same item will appear as single PO. Is it possible to see multiple lines for same item on…
can i set a tax in sales order to specific pricing list or pricing segmentSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):abrar_ali 42 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Elena-Cristina Staniloiu-Oracle Order Management