Order Management
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Getting Error in SO after shipping in invoicing taskSummary: JBO-27023: Failed to validate all rows in a transaction. You must enter a valid transaction type. (AR-856386) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Authorization of credit card for the order amount - created with pre-auth amountSummary: Orders are created in upstream eCommerce where customer provides credit card details and authorized Then the sales order is created in OM using a payload that h…
Sales order hold release using SOAP apis going to be deprecated?Summary: Sales order hold release using SOAP apis going to be deprecated Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We read in one oracle document on…
Sales Order Restapi hold creation levelSummary: We are using below RestAPi for applying hold on sales order line. We noticed that the hold is getting applied at fulfilment line level and not at line level. 1)…
How to update/add Sales Order line EFFSummary: How to update/add Sales Order line EFF Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi , As per the below document, we are trying to add EFF v…
Unable to add a star item directly on a sales order lineSummary We have the need to add a star item directly on the SO line for regular sales orders and returns. However system is not allowing us to add the sameContent We hav…
BOM Mismatch in Order Management When Reselling Star Item After Long PeriodSummary: We are using unique star items for Order to Cash (O2C) transactions in Oracle Fusion. Our client is returning and reselling the same star item after a period of…
How to complete Order shipmentSummary: Unable to ship the order, due to 'Past Due' exception. Assist how to complete the shipment. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
One sales Order with Ship Only and Bill Only LinesSummary: Content (required): Hello Friends I am having one sales Order which contains one Ship Only and one Bill Only Lines. My requirement is Bill Only lines should go …
Wanted to include multiple Inventory org ID's in service mapping Gldate expressionHow to add the Inventory org id's in below expression FulfillOrgId == 300000122297094 ? null : now()Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Hemanth Buccapatnam Tirumala Order Management
User wants the value from a custom field in Customer Sites to be populated on the Shipment linesSummary: So in Oracle Fusion, we have a requirement where the user wants the value from a custom field present under Customer Sites (Receivables — Manage Customers) to b…
Track sales order status movementWe have a requirement to track the sales order, when it moves from Draft status to Processing status. Can we maintain a EFF / DFF attribute at ISO header level, update t…
Customer DFF information not fetch on Sales order UI Using OM ExtensionSummary: We are create DFF on Customer Account and Put Value Yes and We write code in OM Extension as below after create SO and save time below error occurred: The Custo…
Groovy Script to add Tariff Rate as an Service Line automatically to the OM Sales OrderSummary: Hi Team, Please need sample Groovy Script to add Tariff Rates as an Service Line Item automatically to the OM Sales Orders Content (please ensure you mask any c…
Contract creation Issue using REST APISummary: Hi I am trying to create contract but getting error for highlighted field. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the v…
Unable to create Orders from Redwood UI as Menu with Quick Actions are not visible in Home ScreenWe are unable to find the Quick Action menu in any Subject Area in one of our instance. Redwood feature is enabled in Order Management. The option to Create Sales Order …
How to Send discount list DFF values to AR invoice DFFs with Service Mapping: FulfillmentIntegrationSummary: How to send Discount list DFF value to be send to AR invoice in line DFF. the reason is each discount list is mapped to a GL account which can be stored in Disc…
Subscription PricingSummary: Getting this error while trying to save a subscription line, can you suggest what I may be missing? An error occurred while processing the coverage extended amo…Deepti Bharadwaj 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
The OM extension not updating BILL ONLY lines for SHIPTOSITE IDSummary: Oracle suggested to write OM extension to update ShiptoSite identifier for Sales orders created through Service logistic to avoid splitting of Invoices in AR Th…
Sales Order holds - Hold created using SOAP api but trying to release using Rest apiSummary: Releasing holds from sales order using Rest api — hold was applied using SOAP api Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are planning…
Dual UOMSummary: We have setup items with Dual UOM along with intra class conversion for CA and EA. However when trying to create a Sales Order we are seeing only CA in the UOM …
Sales order with Configuration items (Example ATO, KIT) are not opening in REDWOOD UISales order with Configuration items (Example ATO, KIT) are not opening in REDWOOD UI . However , orders with standard items are working fine in REDWOOD Is anyone else f…
What is the table name for Project number in Sales order Line ?Summary: How to get the project information on the sales order line using SQL? Content (required): Required SQL query/tables to fetch the project information. Version (i…
Can we update EFF values on a closed orders?Summary: We usually populate some EFF values on Sales orders which are being used for revenue calculations in revenue management. The users somehow made a mistake of not…
We are trying to understand how Fulfillment Line Standardized Value is calculated at Sales OrderWe are trying to understand how Fulfillment Line Standardized Value is calculated at Sales Order Line Level.Our primar currency is USD and Sales Order currency is KRW(Wo…Harshal Kailas Desale 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
How to delete an organization from manually created external source systemSummary: We have defined an external source system under "Manage Planning Source System", then assigned Planning Calander and Organization to that source system. as show…
Recurring Price for subscription itemSummary: For a subscription item, recurring price was set to be 100 USD/month. For a sales order line, Billing frequency= One time billing, Contract Start Date= 1-Jan, C…
Enable HVGOP: Supply Order NO not getting generated for Back to Back sales order supply type is buySummary: Enable HVGOP: Supply Order Number not getting generated for Back-to-Back sales order supply type is buy Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Setting up profile FOM_NEW_HOLDS_PROCESSING for RestAPi Hold ApplicationWe are planning to use RestApis for applying and releasing sales order holds. Is the below profile option mandatory to be setup? Let us know the impact of this profile. …
Documentation for Order Management AI Use casesWe got below Use cases from Oracle documentation Do we have any Oracle documentation or video to implement below scenarios. Please share any details regarding these.