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Capture Additional Notes on a Sales OrderSummary Capture Additional Notes on a Sales OrderContent Hello all, we would like to capture additional notes like Customer Interaction Notes, Shipping Notes on a Sales …
Product and Coverage item quantities on a Sales OrderSummary Can we have different quantities of Product and Coverage on a Sales OrderContent Hi, We have a business requirement where a product on a sales order can have mul…Pavan Kosaraju 23 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Krishnamurthy Hegde-Oracle Order Management
Using Dropship Flow for ServicesSummary Dropship flow to use outside supplier to render a service for a Customer that places order on usContent My client receives order from its customers. for some spe…
Flexibility of COGS/ Expense Account on a Sales OrderSummary Flexibility of COGS/ Expense Account on a Sales OrderContent We have multiple sales order types including a sales order type for Free Samples. Only for this Orde…Brijesh Bharat-241766 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by ElSayed Fouda.-Oracle Order Management
Group Drop Ship Items on One POSummary Group Drop Ship Items on One POContent Is there a way to group all drop ship items for a single supplier on one purchase order? Today, it looks like each line is…
Delta Type column in DOO_FULFILL_LINES_ALL tableSummary Purpose of the column of Delta_Type in the table "DOO_FULFILL_LINES_ALL"Content Hi, We got a requirement to identify the operation (create,update,delete,cancel) …
How are shipping methods/transit times defaulted during Sales Order Scheduling?Summary How are shipping methods/transit times defaulted during Sales Order Scheduling?Content How are shipping methods/transit times defaulted during Sales Order Schedu…Sudarshan Srivatsan 73 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sudarshan Srivatsan Order Management
UPDATED: SCM – Best Practices for Working with WMS Cloud Support, 21 September 2020, 9 a.m PT - SubmContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Best Practices for Working with WMS Cloud Support session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by…Kelly Cooper-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sona Srinivasan-Oracle Order Management
Accounting Entries when we Convert a Transfer Order into a Sales OrderSummary We have a scenario where we are trying to initiate a Transfer order ( Inventory to Expense) and later convert the same to SO for CustomerContent We have a scenar…
When OM creates TO, it creates different transfer order for different lines, is there a way to groupSummary When OM creates TO, it creates different transfer order for different lines, is there a way to group all the lines to create 1 TO for 1 SO
How to constrain only negative amount while entering unreferenced return SO lineSummary User is able to enter positive amount for unreferenced return order lines, we would like to constrain them from entering postive amount. Please advice
Customer OrigSystemReference in the Order Fulfillment Request Web ServiceContent Hi, We are using Order Fulfillment Request web service (To integrate Oracle OM cloud with third party fulfillment) through OIC so this request xml payload have C…
FBDI Templates for Order Management Related TasksContent **** All, Do we have FBDI Templates for below Order Management Related Tasks ? 1. Open Sales Order - FBDI Available 2. Shipments ? 3. Price List ? Appreciate you…
Warranty Update APISummary Warranty Update APIContent Hi Folks, I searched in documentation to find the warranty creation and update API (Rest or Soap) but no luck. Can any one point me th…
Is there any ramification in setting up Source Order Systems for orders created within Oracle?Summary Ramification of setting up Source Order Systems for Sales Order created within OracleContent Is there any ramification to setting up Source Order Systems for ord…Sudarshan Srivatsan 27 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sudarshan Srivatsan Order Management
Service Contracts / AssetsSummary Service Contracts / AssetsContent Hi Folks, I need to have some clarification on Assets and Service Contracts, can some one guide me which is the right forum to …
20B New Feature Webinar_SCM Cloud_for Great China CustomersSummary July 2nd 2020 SCM cloud 20B new feature webinarContent This is Replay of 20B New Feature Webinar_SCM Cloud_for Great China Customers held by China CSM and SE tea…
QUESTION: Orchestration ProcessContent Hi Experts, We are exploring the following flow: * Invoice / Receipt - Ship - Close * Awaiting Billing - Awaiting Shipping - Closed I would like to know if any o…
Awaiting BillingSummary Order stuck in Awaiting BillingContent Hello All, I have one order stuck in Awaiting Billing and upon running : Import Autoinvoice, this error is generated :Revi…
Web service to upload attachment at Header levelSummary OM: Web service to upload attachment at Header levelContent For financials, ErpObjectAttachmentService provides ability to upload and retrieve attachments for AR…Saravanan Thirunavukkarasu-26616 30 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Amar Jha Order Management
SCM – Shipment Tolerances for Sales Orders, 9 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Shipment Tolerances for Sales Orders session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a ne…
Manual Price Adjustment API for DeleteSummary Manual Price Adjustment API for DeleteContent We are building a Order Capture UI using VBCS... We are able to add Manual Adjustments to the price.. however... wh…