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Outbound NotificationSummary I would like to know what outbound notifications Oracle is capable of sending to the customer?Content I would like to know what outbound notifications Oracle is …Amit Jha Oracle-Oracle 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vijay Bose-Oracle Order Management
Back to Back Work Order quantity is scrappedSummary Back to Back Work Order quantity is scrappedContent Hi, We have the following requirement in Order management cloud: If the back to back Work Order generated fro…
Partial ShipmentContent Hi All, I am new to Order Management. I need help to handle the below scenario. 1) Order is created for item ABC for 100 Pcs. 2) Pick is confirmed for 100 Pcs. A…Mayank Pande 33 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Krishnamurthy Hegde-Oracle Order Management
Internal dropshipmentSummary Need the steps for internal dropshipmentContent Hi Team, Kindly share the steps for internal drop shipment where fulfillment is done by an internal business unit…
Use Dropshipment functionality for expense items ?Summary Is it possible to use Oracle drop-shipment flow for a expense item.?Content Hi, My client provides device installation services to its customers. But instead of …
Unit Selling Price as two decimal precisionSummary Is there way we can restrict on SO line to have Unit Selling Price restricted or rounded to two decimal precision ?Content Is there way we can restrict on SO lin…
How can we create custom attributes in Manage Processing ConstraintsSummary How can we create custom attributes in Manage Processing ConstraintsContent We are migrating from R12 ro Cloud, in R12 sales Order header level there are seeded …
Customer Listing Report( to be run by users having Order Management Role)Summary Customer Listing Report( to be run by users having Order Management Role)Content Reports and Analytics- Currently Order Management users doesnot have the ability…User_2025-02-10-10-25-17-537 29 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhruvjoshi23 Order Management
REST API Perform Batch Actions SCM CloudSummary What's a use case of the operation REPLACEContent There is a REST API - Batch Actions, which allows combining multiple operations into a single HTTP request Docu…
Is there a configuration to make supplier lookup in OM NOT case sensitive?Summary Supplier lookup is case sensitive when updating lines in OMContent Is there a way to remove case sensitivity for supplier lookup within OM line update? See image…
Custom Orchsetartion process for Asset CreationSummary Custom Porcess based on Asset Tracked attributeContent Hi guys , We have created a Custom Orchestration process based on the requirement where an Install base as…
Error while trying to deploy orchestration processContent We are facing this issue when we try to deploy the orchestration process. Recently the error has started to appear, else we have deployed many orchestration proc…
Access to Manage Customer - not through setup and maintenanceSummary Access to Manage Customer - not through setup and maintenanceContent We are implementing Order Management standalone without AR or any other Financial modules. H…
Inventory check for ATO items in Sales OrderSummary Inventory check for ATO items in Sales OrderContent Hi, We have the following requirement in Order Management Cloud: When we create a Sales Order for an ATO mode…
SCM – Sales Order Line Split By GOP, 7 January 2021, 10 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Sales Order Line Split By GOP session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new comme…Kelly Cooper-Oracle 48 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-02-17-21-572 Order Management
SCM – Order Management Cloud - Update 21A Overview, 12 January 2021, 8 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Order Management Cloud - Update 21A Overview session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by post…
How to turn off pricing in OMSummary We want to turn off the pricing feature in Oracle order managementContent Hello OM experts !! In our implementation, we have following simplest requirements for …
How to setup additional information in Sales Order formSummary How to setup additional information in Sales Order formContent Hi, How to setup additional information in Sales Order form like the same in the attached picture.…
How to define New Sales Person?Summary How to define New Sales Person?Content Hi, Please How to define new Sales Person? thx
How can i upload the spread sheet of Sourcing Rules & Assignment SetSummary How can i upload the spread sheet of Sourcing Rules & Assignment SetContent Hi, How can i upload the spread sheet of Sourcing Rules & Assignment Set?What are the…
Error encountered on 2 out of 71 lines SO: ERROR DOO_CMN_GROUP_LOCK, The following error message encountered after submission of a multiple line sales orders. There are 71 lines and 2 of them encountered the following errors. Line…
SCM – SCM – Introducing Channel Revenue Management Cloud, 29 June 2020, 10 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionContent Submit your questions for the SCM – Introducing Channel Revenue Management Cloud session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by post…
Subscription OrderSummary Does it create a subscription in subscription management cloud?Content Quick question - If I order a subscription item with recurring billing in order management…
Recurring Billing - do NOT update Duration based on Contract End DateContent As per below Doc FA: SCM: OM: Recurring Billing Sales Order Submission/Validation Results In Error : The request failed because you must specify the duration or …
Freight Charges for Drop ship ordersSummary Freight Charges for Drop ship ordersContent How to pass Freight charges from OM-> PO-> vendor for Dropship orders? We have tried creating the dummy item for frei…
Error while manually deleting an order line in the draft stateSummary Error while manually deleting an order line in the draft stateContent How to delete an order line, when the order is just in the draft status. We are missing the…
*** Can a shipment set be updated for order lines in Awaiting Shipping Status ? ***Summary Not able to put order lines in Awaiting Shipping status in a shipment setContent 1. Order submitted and order lines are in Awaiting Shipping status. ( e.g 4 line…
Customers to login to access to the Order Management cloud to see the respective orders (Customer poSummary Customers are in 3PL services business, various billing services are created in WMS and transport management system are imported to order management, customers w…