Create Requisition
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OEM part number to appear in Purchase requisitionSummary: User is a Logistics company with multiple vehicle at its disposal. They are looking for a way to have OEM part number for spare parts to be added in item somewh…Nalsoft Pvt Ltd 51 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Sam Bandara Product Master Data Management
min max requisition request delivery dateSummary: How min max requisition's request delivery date are selected? At this time the request delivery date is the same as the day of creation of the requisition. Is t…
Ensure that when delivering a partial quantity from inventory, the transfer order remains open?Summary: How to ensure that when delivering a partial quantity from inventory, the transfer order remains open instead of closed, allowing for completion at a later time…
Updating "Entered By" & "Requester" fields in Auto Replenishment RequisitionThe replenishment ESS jobs (Print Min-Max Planning report & Process supply Chain Orchestration Interface) are currently scheduled to run on a daily basis. The jobs are s…
Unable to hide Receive button based on supplier in purchase receipt using Page ComposerIn Oracle Fusion Purchasing Cloud Service, Unable to hide Receive button based on supplier in purchase receipt using Page Composer, because Binding parameter does not ha…
how to bring the list price from Item master to PR creationSummary: How can we bring the Item Master List price to the PR while creating a new PR in system. Is there any setup required? As of now the PR is fetching the Average c…
I am unable to fine the ProjectTeamMember option while creating approvals in the BPMSummary: we are trying to create a approval rule for project role and that we need to assign to the project team member. while checking for the " ProjectTeamMember" opti…Venkatesh Guntavari 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Is there any option to update the Qty after running the min-max reportSummary After running the min-max planning Is there any option that system should allow to change quantities before creating Purchase requisitions. Content (please ensur…Venkatesh Guntavari 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkatesh Guntavari Inventory Management
Is it possible to mark shared icon turned on as default while adding attchement during quality insp.Summary: Hello folks, we have a requirement from the customer to mark attachment shared as yes by default any document is attached during a quality inspection. Content (…
Default Destination Account at Movement Request Issue?Hi, can i make the destination account defaulted based on items category? or any other criteria? Regards,Farraj, Abdelrahman 63 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adnan Siddiqui-Oracle Inventory Management
Transfer orde requisit is shipped but stock is not shipped and receive to product quatintiesSummary: Hello, We are using internal requisition and then transfer order in Oracle Fusion. Steps are to produce this are below: 1)Requisition order has been created and…
Costing after completing procurement of the item - internal requisitionSummary: Hello, The expectation/requirement is that an item which has been procured will have automatic cost setups so that we could do an internal requisition with it. …
How To Populate DFF Context Segment And Context Sensitive Segment Values On FBDI RequisitionHi, We have to need import DFF context segment and context sensitive segment values on FBDI Requisition. The DFF is so defined: How to import them? Thanks, Regards
Replenishment purchase orders in open status not appearing in inventory management dashboard infoletHello, I noticed that the inventory management dashboard wasn't displaying any replenishment POs to be received, but when I searched for the POs in the Procurement modul…Francisco Carrillo-Robles 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Francisco Carrillo-Robles Inventory Management
Restrict users from entering transaction dates in prior periods while receiving requisitionsSummary How to restrict users from entering transaction dates in prior periods while receiving requisitionsContent We have an integration between EBS and Oracle Fusion C…
Deviation Product Management for Dual UOMSummary: Hello, The customer has an item that is procured in KGs and received in BLY which means that there needs to be a dual UOM setup. 1 BLY is approximately 350 KGs.…
How to mass cancel movement requestsHi, The client is looking for a way to mass cancel the internal orders, transfer orders and movement requests in the inventory. I know that there is a report to cancel t…
Fixed Asset & Inventory ItemSummary: Can you help further on how we can achieve this scenario – Procure/Mfg. Fixed Asset -> Receive item in inventory -> Create Asset in Install Base -> Create AP In…Ryan Cooper-Oracle 61 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ryan Cooper-Oracle Inventory Management
PR generated through Min-Max does not show items with multiple suppliers on Requisition linesSummary: Created requisition generated through Min-Max does not display the same Items number with multiple supplier or blanket purchase agreement associated to it on th…Lucky Aro 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
Accounting entries for return to supplier from expenseSummary: The accounting entries for a return to supplier for an expense destination receipt seem to be missing the PO encumberance reversal. Is this normal and how to fi…
How can configure picking secuencie to supply my manufacturing plantSummary: In our scenario, we have 5 Inventory Organizations that have their own sub inventory What needs to take into consideration to make the request from MFG ORG from…
From the work order can't create the sourcing materialFrom the work order can't create the sourcing material show this message
The material sourcing process failed to create picking suggestions for lineSummary: From the work order can't create the sourcing material show this message
Users want an automated schedule Process Print Min-Max and Process Supply Chain OrchestrationSummary: Users want an automated schedule Process Print Min-Max Planning Report and Process Supply Chain Orchestration Interface to be run when the Available quantity is…
Can we change the item category for an item which has no on hand stockSummary: Can we change the item category for an item which has no on hand stock, we want to do this to change the category natural accounting for Charge. Content (requir…
How to add a note to recipient with an interorganization transferSummary: When creating an inter-organization transfer, either in inventory management or from self-service procurement, is there a way to add a note to the recipient who…
How to share Inventory Organization with multiple Requisition Business Units?Summary:Sharing Inventory Organization with multiple Requisition Business Units Content (required): Business Case :- There is only one physical Inventory Organization wa…
Why are we receiving error The destination subinventory is invalid for the item (POR-2010317Summary: We are receiving error when trying to enter a manual requisition for inventory replenishment. When trying to approve the requisition we are receiving this error…
ATP rule for internal material transferHello Everyone, Can we use infinite availability as a criteria for IMT or we need to stick with supply chain availability criteria? Please help
How to add a note to a self-service receipt that will be carried to the invoice teamSummary: How to add a note in a self-service receipt that can be consulted by the payables during the invoice creation. Content (required): Hi everyone, My client have a…