Inventory Cloud
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PICK SLIP NUMBER SUBJECT AREAHello and good day! Dearest Oracle Community friends, I am trying to create an OTBI report, would someone know what subject area can I find the order pick slip number? T…
How to Update Generate Shipment Request Payload to Include new EFF detailsSummary: How to Update Generate Shipment Request (GSR) Payload to Include new EFF details. We have used MOS Doc ID 2663219.1 to setup the additional field but value is n…
Having huge records in the Inventory interface tableCould anyone please go through the below mentioned Purge ESS job and confirm us on the below points. 1.The considerations / Impact to be provided before running the purg…Yuvaraj Meganathadu 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jagan Nori-Oracle Inventory Management
Customer is looking for a list of all possible errors expected in Manage Pending Transactions pageOur customer is looking for a list of all possible errors that one can expect in pending transactions page for internal training purposes, would you be able to provide s…
How to make Making shipped quantity field as required only on 'Management Shipment' page.Hello Team, We have a new requirement from the business where they want the 'Shipped Quantity' field to be mandatory, ensuring that no shipment can be confirmed without …
ManifestResponseServiceSummary: Needed a sample payload for ManifestResponseService SOAP service Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you…
How to condition EL expression to get partial data from the fieldWe have a requirement to get the Ship To Location Number in the Shipment UI. We are using below binding variable and it is working. #{bindings.UltimateDropoffLocationCod…Jaya Valiveti-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jagan Nori-Oracle Inventory Management
Perform Shipping Transaction- Closes ShipmentHello All, We are using the 'CreateandConfirmShipments' RESTAPI to process Sales Order shipment message coming from a 3PL. However, we would not like the process to clos…
When we do the Implementation, is Oracle provide all Standard/basic UOM ?Summary: Is all UOM available in system when we go for implementation do we need to define all UOM Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is all …
how to hide/show fields in mobile inventory in oracle fusionSummary: Need the document to customize the mobile inventory pages to show or hide fields on redwood pages. I found the below document for self-service procurement but n…
MANAGE SUPPLY PLANHello and good day! Dearest Oracle Community friends, I have this scenario below where in there is no data to display when supply plan was executed. Is there someone in …
What is the receipt inventory transaction that no affecting project actual costSummary: Hi We are implement project driven supply chain. We maintain our project number in one of chart of account segment. We have test some scenario between project a…
How to see Picked Quantity Reason for Change after the transaction occurs?Summary: We would like to be able to review the reason why Transfer Orders were short picked. We have setup Reason Codes and the system prompts for those Reason codes bu…Teresa Meyerhoeffer 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by David Wilcox-Oracle Inventory Management
What are the transaction types considered for History Data in Min-Max Planning Policy ProfileWhile defining Min-Max Planning Policy Profile, what are the inventory transaction types considered for History Data? Also, is this something we can upload using FBDI/Re…
Reset integration status on shipment line via REST APISummary: We have a requirement where due to unforeseen circumstances, warehouse will send us order cancellations. To process these cancellations in Oracle, we need to re…ShubhamRastogi001 201 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Erwin Pouwels EPL Inventory Management
Min Max Policy CalculationSummary: Hi Everyone, 1. While setting up the Min Max policy calculation, how can we exclude few items within the selected category in Min Max Policy calculation? 2. Wha…
Does Min-Max Planning consider the lead time?We want to know that does Min-Max Planning consider the lead time while generating the Purchase Requisition?
Staged Inventory Transactions -New technology adapters (rest/soap)Summary: As per 24C note release we can see oracle adaptors are getting deprecated and New technology adapters (rest/soap) are suggested to use we are using oracle adapt…PRASHANT R. HULMANI 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MaxwellHogan-Oracle Inventory Management
Restart Count Sequence at "1" on an existing Cycle Count?Summary: Can the Starting Count Sequence be set back to 1 on an existing Cycle Count and how does that impact what is presented to count? We are trying to set up accurat…Blynn Morris, IU Health 32 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Blynn Morris, IU Health Inventory Management
User want to edit the details on the Transfer Order once ship confirm has been done.User want to edit the details on the Transfer Order once ship confirm has been done. Can you please confirm do we have any functionality in Oracle to edit or update Tran…
How delete reservations for completed workorders with open pick exist?Summary: We have 100+ work orders which are completed but they have reservations and open picks. How to delete them in bulk? Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
Not able to find backing Requisition number field for Transfer Order in OTBISummary: Not able to find backing Requisition number field for Transfer Order in OTBI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are creating an O…Akancha Sinha 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by JustinLitalien Reporting and Analytics for SCM
How to specify multiple Ship From locations for an inventory organization for sales ordersSummary: We currently have an inventory org which has multiple locations. All these locations/addresses are tied to the same inventory organization in the Manage Locatio…Gayathiri R SCM-Oracle 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Victor Martin Inventory Management
How to Display PO Unit cost on Receiving ScreenHow to Display PO Unit cost on Receiving Screen
Different warehouse Roles for two different organizationsAssume that we have Two Inventory organization Org 1 and Org 2 We need for certain users to have Warehouse manager Role for Org 1 and Cutom Warehouse manager Role for Or…
Not able to create locators using Upload functionality in RedwoodSummary: I am trying to create a locator in redwood using upload. I followed the below steps to upload. Navigate to Configure Subinventories task. Selected Inventory Org…
Can I create a Cost Accounting mapping set with Item Category Name as Input SourceSummary: I am trying to create a Cost Accounting Mapping set with a segment output type and Input Source as Inventory Category Name. However, I am getting the error "The…
What is the use case of a 'Zero count' Count Sequence?Summary: When having manual count allowed on a count, user can add a count sequence either adhoc by adding in record count sequence UI. Or use Manage Manual Count Schedu…Erik Jurjens-Oracle 103 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Erik Jurjens-Oracle Inventory Management
Serial number not available in LOV when creating miscellaneous issueSummary: We are creating miscellaneous issue for an item but the serial number is not showing on the LOV. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information Th…
Mandatory Responsive Self-Service ReceivingSummary: When is the mandatory release date for Responsive Self-Service Receiving? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ve…