Inventory Cloud
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Cannot change the inventory organization for Manage Supplier Returns Without ReceiptSummary: Need to change the inventory organization on the Manage Supplier Returns without Receipt transaction, but am unable to. What data access is needed for this? Con…
How to add extra column on Edit page of Manage lotsSummary: We are looking for an extra column to be added as Comments or reason code under Edit Page of Lots. Could someone please guide if there is anyway to add any extr…
We need view only custom role for inventory manager for all tasks in inventory area.Summary: Hi Team, We have a requirement that we need a custom role for view access to all tasks, which are triggers from the inventory manager role. By giving the Invent…
unable to perform the confirm pick of the Movement requestSummary unable to perform the confirm pick of the Movement requestContent Dear, I am unable to find the movement request in the confirm pick screen after completion of t…
Need a way to split shipment lines and ship confirm existing shipments in cloud fusionSummary: Our Requirement is as follows: Every time cloud (with appropriate API calls) receives a shipped OBLPN signal (with shipment header and line details) it should f…
Cycle Count Blind Count (Hide IMEI for Serialized Items)Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a function or workaround to hide IMEI/serial numbers for serialized items so users will have to e…
TO not seen as incoming supply in min-max planningSummary: When a TO is raised with destination ORg and subinventory defined for min-max planning and the TO is open why is it not seen in the supply available column of m…
How to display secondary quantity BEFORE primary quantity in Create Interorganization Transfers?Summary: Hello, As shown in the screenshot below how can I open Secondary Qty field so that Secondary Qty can be entered before Primary Qty? Currently, I can only add Se…
Account Alias FBDI using Project IssueIs Account Alias using project issue transaction type supported using FBDI? this isn't PDSC, project striped inventory, just a misc account alias issue of inventory agai…
payment type getting defaulted as lumpsum for standard po, due to this Receipt creation gets failedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Transaction Manager SOAP API web-service is giving error while setting "AttributeCategory"Summary: Hello, We are trying to create Inventory Transaction by calling Transaction Manager SOAP API. When we are trying to set "AttributeCategory" to specify DFF conte… 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Inventory Management
Iist of seeded notification triggers in case of inventory & Costing transactionsSummary: Need list of seeded notifications which triggers in case of any of the inventory & Costing transactions. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…Mahmoud Abdulghany 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
How to Update Shipment Number using APIAs per our business requirement, we need to update the Shipment Number once we receive the unified Shipment ID from Transportation Management System. We observe that we …
How to insert Transaction Account combination in Inventory Transaction Import Template?Summary: Upon creation of a Miscellaneous Transaction such as Miscellaneous Receipt, on which fields of the Inventory Transaction Import Template should the account of t…Urvisha Ancharruz 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Urvisha Ancharruz Inventory Management
XMLHttpRequest in Page Composer "Failed due to - 405 : Method Not Allowed"We have a requirement to call OIC Rest Endpoint from the Shipment Page, and for that I have created a HTML markup in page composer. HTML code with a button to call the R…
item description translation changes all languages instead of one - PIMSummary: Hello, When I change item's language using Fusion in Turkish all languages get changed. However, if I use Fusion in English and change item's description to Tur…
SCM – WMS Integrations to Cloud SCM: Current Capabilities and Product RoadmapIn case you missed it, please listen to Mike Lizio discuss a very popular topic - WMS integrations to Oracle Cloud SCM- both current capabilities and roadmap. Link is be…
Load Lot Flexfields using FBDIHi, We're trying to load the lot informations using the FBDI Inventory Transaction Import, there are some flexfields that are created in the 'INV_LOT_NUMBERS'. We are wo…
Inter Org Direct Transfer AccountingSummary: We have more than 100 inventory organizations and all can transfer materials between them. But we have a big question about accounting for items transferred bet…
How to enable Cost Propagation in the destination org in transfers?Summary: Hello, How can I enable Cost Propagation in transfers between different orgs within the same BU? Also, I want destination organization's receipt cost to be upda…
Unable to populate 'ExternalSystemTransactionReference' while creating Inv Transaction from SOAPSummary: Hello, We are creating the Inventory Transactions from SOAP web-service by calling Transaction Manager SOAP API (Endpoint URL specified below). We are unable to… 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Inventory Management
Min-Max Planning Manual guideSummary Min-Max Planning Manual guideContent Step by step manual guide attached for how to perform the Min-Max Planning Thanks, FoudsElSayed Fouda.-Oracle 134 views 6 comments 3 points Most recent by Dharma_Reddy Inventory Management
Subinventory Transfer for Available Quantity OnlySummary: It seems that prior to 23D, you could complete a Subinventory Transfer for the entire On-hand Quantity, regardless of the Available Quantity. Now, you can only …
Ability to Cancel Supplier Return Without ReceiptSummary: How can a Supplier Return Without Receipt transaction be cancelled after it has already been submitted? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Can we directly print Labels from Inventory Management module in Oracle cloud?Summary: Can we directly print Labels from Inventory Management module in Oracle cloud? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include t…
Based on Item Code/Brand Captured in DFF/Category users should be creating Transfer OrderHi, We are having a scenario with our customer here. I would like to understand on how can we achieve this business case, below: Person A should only create Transfer Ord…
How can we create a Pick Wave for Multiple Transfer Orders in One GoSummary: We have a customer scenario/requirement. Customer want to do a create pick wave process for 2 Transfer Orders in One Go. Is it a possible scenario or process in…
INV_EXPENSE_TO_ASSET_TRANSFER = No vs Non-Asset subinv for InTransit Interorganization TransfersWith below setup: - Inventory profile option INV_EXPENSE_TO_ASSET_TRANSFER is set No because we do not want to transfer from expense to asset subinventories. - We work w…
Supplier return if stock has been issued and re-enteredSummary: Supplier return is not possible if stock has been issued once and re-entered Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can someone confirm …Alexis Delattre 11 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Shabbir M Tahasildar Inventory Management
backdated inventory balance reportSummary: Is there a way to edit a backdated inventory balance report ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there specific inventory and/or …