Inventory Cloud
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Cycle count - Approval for adjustments over the defined toleranceSummary: Hi If there is any approval cycle for adjustments over the defined tolerance? Thanks BR Tauson Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ve…
In Manage Trade Operations the POs are not getting displayed to create the Trade OperationSummary: Hi Team, We have an issue with custom role. We have a requirement that the user only have access to manage trade operations in the receipt accounting area. We h…
Pick Slip / Pick Wave NumberSummary: Content (required): Hi, Can we customize the pick slip/pick wave number? What are the attributes which we can use to group sales order lines during pick wave cr…
how to transfer on hand quantity from a project to project commonHello, experts around the world. we are looking for a way to transfer inventory from a specific project and task to the common inventory. in other words transfer the inv…
'Negative balance not allowed' error occured when receip OSP despite of sufficient on-handSummary: Hi, An error is occurring when receiving a OSP. Error Message is like below: Negative inventory balances are not allowed in this organization. The receiving tra…
When creating a movement request issue the destination sub inventory is grayed outSummary: When creating a movement request issue the destination sub inventory is grayed out, how will the users who issue the items know to which sub inventory the item …
Auto Pick confirm for Movement Request issue TransactionSummary Dear Experts,Once Movement Request Issue created, after create picks confirmation should be automatically happen. Kindly adviseContent Auto Pick confirm for Move…
Issue while creating Inventory organization for 2 different country under same Business unit.Summary: We are facing issue while creating inventory organization. for one Germany business unit we have to create 2 inventory org(warehouses) one warehouse is for Germ…
Sub Inventory transaction should show the locator where item is available.Summary: In a Sub inventory transfer when the user selects the source sub inventory then the locator having only the item qty present should be visible not all Content (…
How can we Edit or add new fields in Inventory Attributes (Descriptive Flexfields)Summary:How can we Edit or add new fields in Inventory Attributes (Descriptive Flexfields), Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):How can we Edit…
Calculate Inventory Trx Line DFF based on another DFF valuesWhile creating Miscellaneous Inventory Transaction (Supply Chain Execution -> Inventory Mgmt -> Create Miscellaneous Transaction), we want to calculate a Trx Line DFF as…saurabh.dixit 41 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Piyush Potdar-Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Provide access within a single inventory organization, Based on item category or SubinvnetorySummary: Hello All, I have a crucial client request where they aim to grant access, within a single inventory organization, for designated item categories or subinventor…Waseem Alkhawarra 41 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohamed Shawky-Oracle Inventory Management
How do I enable Inventory Striping attributes? This is currently disabled in Manage Inventory DFF UISummary: We want to use additional fields to segregate our inventory and would like to explore the Inventory Striping Attribute option. we are not able to configure this…
To perform UOM Conversions on Items want Request Payload for the respective REST API?Summary: I want Request Payload for the respective REST API to perfom UOM Conversions on Items? Please let me know anyone know the Request Payload for the UOM Conversion…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adnan Siddiqui-Oracle Inventory Management
Why Expiration Action date not calculated automatic depend on interval in item data?Summary: Why Expiration Action date not calculated automatic depend on interval in item data while creating Misc Receipt, Only expiration action coming from master item …Haitham Sallam 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Adnan Siddiqui-Oracle Inventory Management
There is an REST API to add an item to existing shipment?Summary: Hi, we need to add an item to a existing shipment using rest API, There is an API to do this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ver…Alex Pagliarini - Ninecon 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Umamaheswara Reddy Karri Inventory Management
Not getting Payload in the track instances While the Integration got succeeded in OIC?Summary: Not getting Payload in the track instances While the Integration got succeeded in Oracle Integration Cloud? I activated the integration with tick mark as Enable…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad ERP Integrations
You cannot cancel the shipment line because it is staged.Summary: We got the error above after we cancelled a transfer order. The status is now Staged. What are the possible reasons for this and how to clear this error. Conten…Najumah Bibi Kurmally 94 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Najumah Bibi Kurmally Inventory Management
Item Backorders Even With Available On-hand Inventory stored in a locatorSummary: Recently, a locator was implemented to store Item onhand. However, when a sales order is created and reaches the 'Awaiting Shipping' status, after the pickwave …
Cycle Count ProcessHello Team, On fusion , is it mandatory to choose either a ABC classification method or Item category method? Can we have a Cycle count definition without having ABC cla…
Hold item lot quantity for specific number of days before shippingSummary: After Work order (WO) completion item lot quantity should not be available for inventory transactions for specific number of days Content (please ensure you mas…
Error while recording physical Inventory tags - too many matching records found.Summary: Error while entering physical Inventory tags - too many matching records found. We printed 2000 Blanks Tags. We are facing this error while recording the actual…
Is there any REST API for updating or modifying the IB Shipment in Ware House management (WMS)?Summary: Is there any REST API for updating or modifying the IB Shipment in Ware House management (WMS)? I have to populate the receipt number in IB shipments screen in …Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Victor Martin Inventory Management
Provide Create receipt access based on Line typeSummary: Hi, we have a requirement where we need to give receipt creation access based on PO line type. If Line type = Asset, then only certain users can able to create …
Interclass UOM Conversion SpecficSummary: Hi Team, We are currently attempting to upload interclass conversion data for specific items related to an inventory organization. We have utilized the Import a…
How the new Item is added to the Cycle CountSummary: Hi everyone, I need help with Oracle regarding adding new items to a cycle count. We run a daily schedule, and I want to know if there's a way to automatically …
What is the logic used on historical usage value compile/classification set?Summary: What is the logic used on historical usage value compile/classification set? What is the cost being used on the transaction qty? Content (please ensure you mask…
Movement Request Notification issueSummary: Hi Experts , Need one help in resolving one issue have setup movement request approvals. Rule name 1:FYI to requester Condition: Created by is not blank Action …
Custom picking rule to pick up Quantity from one locatorSummary: There are multiple locators in a Subinventory , When TO is picked we need to use the locator where it is having enough quantity (Dont want to split the lines). …
Merged: How to overship even the sales Order Overfullfillment Tolerance is 0This discussion has been merged.Babu Chalamalasetti 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kelly Cooper-Oracle Inventory Management