General Ledger
Discussion List
Profit center Business Unit to party relationship throws a NullPointer errorWe've setup a new Business unit "PBSC" for which SCFO has to be configured but somehow the setup Manage Profit center Business Unit to Party Relationship throws an error…
Batch Size Variance is posted against WO completed eventhough we do not have any varianceSummary: Batch Size Variance is posted against WO completed even though we do not have any variance. You can see below that: in 'Review Work Order Costs' where we do not…
Best Practice for Account Intravaluation Unit Transfer checkbox on Cost ProfilesSummary: We are trying to determine the repercussions to inventory, costing, and the general ledger accounts if we remove the check from the Account Intravaluation Unit …
How to handle a difference between Costing and General ledger?Just verified the movement in GL for the Dutch entity and compared it with subledger. I could do that now all costing for Feb have been done. Unfortunately there is stil…
Centralized Enterprise StructureHello Everyone, Greetings. Need to know about Centralized Enterprise Structure. Scenario is- In my orgnization we have multiple LE's and all the LE's mapped with unique …
Report to get inventory on-hand balances for inventory asset accountsSummary: Report to get inventory on-hand balances for asset accounts Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have requirement to get inventory …
Period end accrual for PO returnsSummary: We have a scenario when the PO was received and returned even before the invoice was created. The receipts that were returned are showing up in the un-invoiced …
Impact on Average Costing when Production Batch is completed partiallySummary: We have a business case where we need to know what will be the impact on Average Costing if the Production Batch is completed partially after 5 days.Prince Choudhary 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Venkat Jagan Pakala-Support-Oracle Costing
Item Not avilable in Review Item Cost pageHi, I recently added a new item and received it through a miscellaneous receipt. I manually entered the item cost instead of using the "Use current item cost" option. Ho…Aravinth Elangovan-Oracle 27 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Aravinth Elangovan-Oracle Costing
Has anyone created a custom ESS job for Create Accounting, with Default Parameters, added to Jobset?Summary: How to create a Custom ESS job for Create Accounting with Default Parameters. Content (required): When i copy the existing Standard ESS job to a custom job, its…
Is it possible to freeze the ledger just for a few days to avoid further posting from receipt accounSummary: Is it possible to freeze the ledger just for a few days to avoid further posting from receipt accounting module? Actual receiving date: Jan 28 Cut-off: T+2 (Feb…
Miscellaneous Receipt transaction allowed with Negative unit cost in Average costingSummary: Hi Gurus Performed Miscellaneous Receipt transaction for items Positive quantity giving and Negative (-ve) cost in Inventory Org. The system has allowed to proc…
Include Purchase Order Status for Uninvoiced Receipt Accruals difference between blank or "All"?Summary: What is the difference in leaving the Include Purchase Order Status "blank" versus selecting "All" when running Create Uninvoiced Receipt Accruals? We are getti…
Push receipt transactions to next open costing periodSummary: A backdated receipt transaction has been created for the previous month, the costing period for the same is closed. We need to push this backdated receipt trans…
Transactions show excluded from accounting in Receipt Accounting Distributions related to std POSummary: We have few transactions with transaction type: Deliver To Inventory Destination and Correction To Deliver for Inventory related to standard PO "Excluded from a…
Receipt Accounting ErrorWe are receiving a warning on the Create Accounting for Receipt Accounting job. I have found the error record in Review Receipt Accounting Distributions but where can th…
Accounting for an Invoice When the Goods Haven’t Been ReceivedAs per our Inter-organization Transfers business process once our manufacturing plant Baie-D'Urfé (BDU) ships the goods to other Distribution center (DC), BDU record the…
Where do I update my Mapping Set in Receipt Accounting for Consignment InventorySummary: I am having an issue with mapping for consignment inventory. I need to update the accrual account and nothing I change is causing the receipt accounting JE to c…
How can use Expense pool under the mapping set Resourse Absortion and Overhead AbsortionSummary: Now I set both mapping sets but need to determine the account combination according to the Expense Pool But when run the accounting process show me this error t…
Restrict Cost accountant role from GL UI accessSummary: Restrict Cost accountant role from GL UI access which privilege/data security policies for cost accountant role has the access for the Inquire on Detail Balance…
Valuation Structure type from Expense to AssetSummary: How to change the Valuation Structure type from Expense to Asset Content (required): Mistakenly the inventory asset flag was set "no" on item master, meanwhile,…
Inventory CostingSummary: How to find the exact issue for this error 'The transfer of transactions from source systems is pending.'? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
AR Invoice Accounting and COGS recognition are accounted in different monthsSummary: We have a scenario, that the Invoice is accounted in the Sep-23 but the COGS recognition is accounted in the Oct-23. what could be the possible reasons as there…
Account field in New Value AdjustmentSummary: For Manufacturing & Costiing Implementation, considering GL is already implemented and fully operational with all values, what should be the "Acocunt" to be sel…
how to stop user from doing a receipt in the closed periodSummary how to stop user from doing a receipt in the closed periodContent Here we have a requirement to stop user from creating the receipt in a closed period , which is…
Create a custom Mapping Set for Sales order Based on Demand ClassSummary: A different account should be derived for a Sales Order for each demand class. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, we have a s…
Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes Continuously: Schedule Transfer process gets triggerredSummary: When trying to run Costing Processes through Job set, Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes Continuously: Schedule Transfer automatically runs and runs long.…
Option to allocate margin to source organizationSummary: Hi Experts We have a requirement of allocating the margin/profit back to source organization when the material is transferred from Org1 to Org2 and then ship fr…
We require to reconcile the landed cost clearing account.We require to reconcile the landed cost clearing account. Kindly provide us with any tips, white papers, reports which we can use to do the reconciliation. We also requi…
Unable to setup Resource overhead based on Resource CostSummary: Hi All, 1.we have a requirement from client to setup Resource overhead based on Resource transaction. 2.Option for setting up Resource overhead based on Resourc…