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TRCSSummary: In the Current Provision Form it is observed that when expanding the account member, instead of expanding downward like in dimensions hierarchy, this is expandi…Samhitha Dantala-Oracle 55 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close
Our client is asking for calculating the apportionment rates within the TRCS application?Summary: Our client is asking for calculating the apportionment rates within the TRCS application for State level apportionment, they have operations in multiple states …
Is any part of the IT application maintained through the issuance of updates by the vendor?Summary: Is any part of the IT application vendor-supplied and maintained through the issuance of updates by the vendor? If yes, does the entity do any programming to ad…Milena_Lopez 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashutosh Bhatikar-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Pillar two currency attribute synchronization ErrorHi, In Pillar Two GloBE income OOTB form, I'm unable to see Pillar Two jurisdiction and Pillar two Currency in the POV list as shown below Here's my Pillar two jurisdict…
Are there any audit logs for Application Settings?Summary: We saw that changes were made in the Application Settings, is there a audit log kept for this kind of changes? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …Milena_Lopez 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ankur Shrivastava EPM Platform and Freeform
How to best use P14Summary Best Practices for using P14Content I am new to TRCS and have not used P14 yet. What is best practice for using this. A few items to covers: 1)What is the best w…
Plan to Remove Users Administration and Groups Administration from Audit ReportsWith respect to your Plan to Remove Users Administration and Groups Administration from Audit Reports we have the following questions, as they are currently used for Ard…
Define multi active TAX rates under the same classification ends with overlap errorGood day Dear All we want to add multiple TAX rates under the same tax classification, but it ends with following error Enter effective periods that don't overlap. (ZX-8…
AP Payment ApprovalSummary: Is it possible to auto approve Payments only for CHECKS and require approval only for pay method=Electronic? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…glakshmisha 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by AnamariaRoman-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How can we change Escheated Invoice Number?Summary: Escheated Payments process is working as expected as per 24B. How we change Escheated Invoice Number? last step of the process to create invoices to Escheatment…
In etr calculation , automated tax is not computed for certain line itemsSummary: While calculating ETR, even after attaching attributes (Tax Type: National & Regional, Tax Data Type: PreTax, Consolidated ETR: CETR) and defining tax rates, ta…Kritika Dhingra 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Denitza Krasteva-Oracle Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)
Default RecruiterSummary: Hi Team, we want to default a Recruiter under Hiring Team section when creating the requisition. The ID entered under Job Requisition. Recruiter and Job Requisi…Kubra Mehnaz 56 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kubra Mehnaz Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Opening balance not getting calculated in TRCS applicationSummary: Hi Experts, I have loaded data for Balance sheet account in P12 FY20 at FCCS_Mvmts_Total member of movement dimension. I am expecting this amount to come as Ope…
This is relating to Italy Tax localizationsThis is related to Italy localisations, please review and suggest on this: The requirement is that we have to give different document categories for the intercompany AP …Mani Deepika Jonnalagadda 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Rama Mohan - Support-Oracle Tax & Global
Prior Year Adjustment Movement in Fixed Assets formHello, We have a requirement in the Fixed Assets form wherein the client is looking for an additional Adjustment column for "Prior Year Adjustment" (essentially P13 adju…Ayan Anchalia-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ken Kramer-Oracle Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)
Can migrating Reports between TRCS applications be enabled?Summary: Solution to migrate Reports (Narrative Reporting) from one TRCS application to another Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information) We are atte…Catherine Carney 44 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Komala Reddy-Oracle Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)
Oracle Digital AssistantSummary: Oracle Digital Assistant Setup Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Please share the Setup methods for ODA in EPM. While the link says…Suseendar R 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kiran Nagaraja-Support-Oracle Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)
Performace substitusion variables in TRCS - Hybrid Mode (DSO)Summary: Performance substitution variables in TRCS - Hybrid Mode (DSO) We are in process of Converting the Application Model to Hybrid-Optimized (DSO), we followed the …Ravi Pikkili 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ken Kramer-Oracle Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)
Is it possible to show Supporting References in Taxable Journal spreadsheet?Is it possible to show "Supporting References" in [Taxable Journal Spreadsheet] like Create Subledger Journals in Spreadsheet?kazuhisa.yamagata-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ken Kramer-Oracle Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)
what is the purpose of configuration dimension in TRCS?what is the purpose of configuration dimension in TRCS? how is it related to Out-of-the box TRCS calculation and in forms? Please like/Upvote if possibleDharmendra_C 11 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ken Kramer-Oracle Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)
VAT Register for Italy: possibilty to print it for multiple period or for multiple tax register nameDear All, we need to print VAT Register for Italy for multiple period or, in alternative, for multiple tax register name. Is there a possibility? Thanks and regards, Eli…
Autocomplete rule to default Tax Reporting Unit under offer page based on Business UnitHi Team, Please suggest if we can implement the autocomplete rule to default TRU based on BU
How is Hybrid Essbase being Delivered to Tax Reporting?Summary: Will Tax Reporting be converted to Hybrid Essbase as part of regular release or will customers be responsible for converting the application by June 2024 oursel…
what is the purpose of Identifier dimension in TRCS?what is the purpose of Identifier dimension in TRCS? how is it related to Out-of-the box TRCS calculation and in forms? Please like/Upvote if possible
Guidance on usage of MultiGAAP dimension for custom member additionSummary: We want to enable custom dimension & use CBCR also. As this is not possible to enable together - we want to use the MultiGAAP dimension to create custom members…Vrutika Prajapati 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ken Kramer-Oracle Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)
Does transfer of losses using Group relief form have an impact on the ETR computation?Summary: We have configured the Group Loss relief form and the respective dimensions in the application as per the approach provided. Based on the current approach, the …Shreya.s.Jain-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ken Kramer-Oracle Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)
Navigation Flow - New Card in a Custom Cluster Not visible for all usersSummary: We have created a new card under a custom navigation flow cluster to include a new area for our users to easily access reports. We have had this Tax Provision c…
Pillar Two Status UpdateSummary: Can someone give me the current status of Pillar Two for enablement in Prod. Looks like it is available. Last time I checked a few months ago though, it was ava…
When will rules for the insertion points be available in the production environment?We have activated the option to create our own rules in our test environment via SR. Now the question arises as to when this option will be officially available in the p…Bjoern Schumacher 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ken Kramer-Oracle Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)
Convert from Thomson Reuters Onesource to TRCSI am in the very early phase of discovery to potentially implement the Tax module in EPM. A couple years (more than 5 now) we implemented Onesource (Thomson Reuters). I …Brian Hargreaves 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Brian Hargreaves Tax Reporting (Direct Tax)