Inventory Operations
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Replenishment from active location to active location breaking task by destination locationSummary: We are trying to replenish from active locations to active locations, the requirement is that task should break by destination location Content (please ensure y…
What is order of replenishment location tasks?Summary: We are using reserve to active case replenishment. Once all the reserve picks are complete, the RF then directs you to the replenishment locations. What is the …
Getting error While doing Locate LPN for Received LPNSummary: Getting error While doing Locate LPN for Received LPN, Tried attempting after some time ,still same issue Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…V_831639 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Ability to get visibility of Unit of Measure in Inventory HistorySummary: Our business is currently has an ask to have a visibility of unit of measure in inventory history screen. How can we achieve this, what are different ways? Cont…Suyog Dhongade 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sudarsan Royam-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Inventory attributes (A to G) usage complicationsSummary: We are using the item which are both Batch/Serial controlled items. And we have enabled the attributes (A to E) in the item master. We want to know what are com…Bharath Mariappan 10 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Delete serial number in bulk after convert serial item to non serial item.Business is planning to convert few item from serial to Non serial . As serial number inventories exist before update the item to Non serial, serial records should be re…SantoshM 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
LPN Short picked turns to LostSummary: Scenario: LPN1 with current qty of 10 Order header created for LPN1 and ordered qty is 9 manual wave is performed and task is created for LPN1 as partially allo…
WMS-INV Prebuilt Integration Account Alias SupportSummary: Are account alias inventory adjustments on the WMS roadmap? Currently adjustments all come as Miscellaneous transactions and not for specific accounts (reason c…
Reason code typeSummary: Is there any usability for the reason code type on the reason code screen? There are two options – Any and GDD. We are looking for an option to limit the reason…Yan Damasceno 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Peptan-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Updating Barcode type length after initial go-live with fixed lengthSummary: Currently Business is using Fixed serial number length for receiving the Items with serial number control however they want to use varying length of serial numb…Senthil C 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
API PATCH "batch_number" to update multiple batches at onceSummary: User need is to update a batch with a lock code, there are more than 300 batches that need to be updated with same lock code. I tried using PATCH .../wms/lgfapi…Carlos Tanaka 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Cycle Count LPN with different pack or case quantityWe are running into a road block in which we have an LPN that contains multiple lines of a PN# and the quantities do not match. I am looking for any suggestion on how we…Garrick Pina 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
how to find organization id(Master or any inventory org) value using OTBI or other waySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Overpicking replenishSummary: Is there any possibility to overpick a movement request line when auto consume flag is ON (IHT 91)? We know that it works when the flag is off, but when the fla…
Replenishment "Cubing"Summary: I just want to confirm my understanding of how replenishment waves work. Is it correct that the system does not limit/cube replens to a pallet size? Meaning tha…
Can we create single cycle count task per Aisle in Oracle WMS? Instead of 1 task 1 locationSummary: The requirement for CC is to create a single task for the entire Aisle, but WMS creates by default 1 task per location. Content (please ensure you mask any conf…ApoorvaBapat 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
API to get active inventory id based on from containerSummary: Is there any API where i can get Inventory ID of active inventory based on input of from container (IB LPN which we used while receiving) Content (please ensure…Ritesh Nemade 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by SOMA NARESH-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Can we do directed Put away for 1 LPN include multiple item ?Summary: Can we do directed Put away for 1 LPN include multiple item ? We have requirement 1 LPN with multiple items for the PO each item has been mapped to different Lo…
Provision to Perform backdated transactions in Oracle Cloud WMSSummary: Clients wants to log certain transactions in backdated time to ensure the billing data is generated from the predefined month only . Content (please ensure you …Lovish Kumar 20 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dhavaleshchandra Sukesh-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
I am trying to Split IBLPN ,but response giving as invalid LPN statusSummary: I am trying to Split LPN from IB LPN with following details, but it's giving me the LPN Invalid Status, Please provide a possible solution ? Posy ……..wms/lgfapi…Kamalesan Govindasamy 20 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How do we use Consolidation location type in Oracle warehouse management CloudHow do we use Consolidation location type in Oracle warehouse management Cloud? I want to do Put to store in Oracle WMS Cloud. After doing cross dock , I have orders in …User_LQK3J 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Can we show in task with Assigned User and Deliver to location on the screenSummary: Can we show in task with Assigned User and Deliver to location on the screen? Will it be possible to show Task along with Assigned User and Deliver to location …V_831639 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
restrict inventory allocation before verificationSummary: I have scenario where i want to restrict allocation of Inventory in WMS before verification of IB SHIPMENT. We want to use integration approach based on Invento…Ritesh Nemade 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How do we capture multiple UOM with conversion for 1 Item code in WMS ?Summary: We have a requirement for capturing multiple UOM conversion against 1 barcode /Item Code . How do we capture same in WMS and Utilize them in different transacti…
OBLPN CancellationSummary: I have one scenario where we are cancelling OBLPN, After cancellation that inventory will be in Received status with LPN which we provided but putaway type agai…Ritesh Nemade 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Possible to Restrict the put away based on the DFF from purchase order levelSummary: We have a requirement stating that during the creation of PO, a DFF with a list of values will be given to differentiate the purchase order whether it is LPO or…Nalsoft Pvt Ltd 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sudarsan Royam-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Dual UOM Support in WMSSummary: In certain industries, example - the Food Service Industries, the client perform the transactions and operations in terms of Cases and Eaches, but the pricing i…ApoorvaBapat 21 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Can allocation mode be performed on % Percentage level ?Summary: We got one requirement from our Client's for which we would love to know your advise. So our clients have came with a plan they are trying to allocate in percen…Sudheer Kumar 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
I can't drop movement request picks to a staging location in WMS before delivering to destination?Summary: We receive demand signals in Oracle WMS from Oracle Fusion in the form of movement requests which are generated from work order releases. Before we pick, we run…
Can the Execute Tasks screen on an RF be sorted by order due date?Summary: We receive demand signals in Oracle WMS from Oracle Fusion in the form of movement requests which are generated from work order releases. Before we pick, we run…Dan Alliss 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Peptan-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management