Information Model
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Create subscription to subscribe only '2' series EntitiesSummary: Is it possible to create subscription to subscribe only '2' series entities from source to target in Oracle EDMCS? Content (please ensure you mask any confident…SwapnaTumula 16 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by BBrocklesby-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Validation on All Ancestors to fails to stop Remove actionSummary: Have Validation that checks a base account node is in two key Hier, by counting hits in AllAncestors where "name starts with"… "Global Accounts (" = 1, and equa…
combination node typeSummary: How can a combination node type be used to represent more than one dimension as a combination (just like Account combination) Content (please ensure you mask an…Divye Taneja 19 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Matt Lontchar-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Unique Validation across Name and DescriptionSummary: How can I write a Validation expression which can validate for uniqueness between a Name and a Description US Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Derived property value not getting calculated again if overriddenSummary: Hello All, We have two properties in out Planning application hierarchy. First is defined type & other is derived type whose value gets calculated using value o…
Unique Values For Derived Properties across DimensionSummary: Our Default Alias property in EPBCS application is of Derived type. We want this property to have Unique values across all the dimension members. As the propert…
Is there a way to generate request item base on Descendant Property valueSummary: Below is the example: A A|A1 A|A1|A11 If we set flag property value as True on base level which A11 here then subscription request need to generate to add All t…
Subscription request not workingSummary: In EDM we have Subscription enabled for FDS and other applications to automatically push the changes for FDS viewpoint from Master. But subscription requests ar…
Can we hide properties at viewpoint level.Summary: We have one property that is assigned to leaf nodetype in one viewpoint. Now I want this property to be hidden. How can we hide this property at viewpoint level
In EDMCS, can we track previous parent after moving a nodeSummary: When we move one node from parent A to parent B, is it possible to keep track of previous parent i.e. A. We want previous parent value to be populated in a deri…Priyanka Basera1 42 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Katrina Boyajian Enterprise Data Management
How do I restrict UPPERCASE words using RegEXSummary: I am trying to restrict Member Name with Uppercase words. How can I achieve this through Validation. Please see below snippet as an example: I am trying this ex…
deriving the property value based on the property value of any of its descendantsSummary: We have the requirement to write the logic like, if any one of it's descendants property value is true then it shoukd be true. We are unable to get the descenda…
Unable to use derived property in the derivation logic(node.children. any We have one derived boolean property PLN Level for Children. We have to write the logic for PLN Flag and the condition is node.children.any ⇒ childnode. propert…
Can we track the before parents or before siblings for moved members.Summary: Validation is not working for nodes if action is MOVE as it will consider its new parent's or new siblings during validation. "There must be at least one non en…Pooja.Bhovi 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anurag Garg - Oracle-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Property derivation for "Plan Type" is overridden by Property InheritanceSummary: I've an use-case wherein the Parent Node is "true" for all the plan types whereas the children rolling up to the Parent Node may or may not have "true" for all …Anisha Mohanty-256661 3 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Anisha Mohanty-256661 Enterprise Data Management
Property is tagged to nodetype but not showing while using in the Allowed node type.Summary: We have multiple properties tagged to node type. when we are assigning that node type as Allowed node type in one of the Node data type property, unable to see …
Is there a way member descriptions will auto translate based on user preferencesSummary: Does EDMCS have a language support feature where member descriptions entered in a primary language (Ex: English) are auto translated to other languages. I want …
Validation for property uniqueness due to contraints limit as 4Summary: Currently we have Limit to add up to four uniqueness constarints for the properties tagged to dimension/application/Nodetype. If we are trying to add contarints…
Calculating and Storing the Name of a Node and Parent.Summary: Hi Team, we are trying to implement Calculating and Storing the Name of a Node and Calculating and Storing the Name of a Parent. We have created the properties …Jagadeesh Babu Inukollu 34 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jagadeesh Babu Inukollu Enterprise Data Management
How to Bulk Load PropertiesSummary: Load properties via flat file Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We need to load custom properties we created from Test to Productio…
General Question on what data sets are best and what data sets are not the best for EDMCSSummary: I would like to get other EDM experts and other companies implementor to chime in. I have several new uses cases of systems coming to Humana's EDM and indicatin…
What is the best way to create or differentiate unique records when creating and loading to a table?Summary: There is new development for Humana's EDMCS tool. Up until this point EDMCS has been governing and maintain the Chart of Account structures, with unique and dif…
Unable to assign node set to node data type propertySummary: We are unable to assign the required node set to a node data type property. We can not see a perticulat node set in the list of node set. Content (please ensure…
Node Data Type expression to check for multiple valuesSummary: Checking if a value (e.g. testValue = 123) exists in a different hierarchy where the node may have name A_123 or B_123. We currently have a node data type prope…
Remove the archived Node Types in the Property PanelSummary: We are in the Build phase. Configured Planning module App and related Dimensions (Bound Data chain objects created as part of process) and later figured out few…
Alternate hierarchy is not updating the values for top nodes.Summary: Alternate hierarchy is not updating the values for top nodes. the hierarchy is using same node type, same hierarchy set but different node set. If we update the…
Expression Builder Performance Degredation Since Addition of Test Expression FeatureSummary: Expression Builder Performance Degredation Since Addition of Test Expression Feature Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are seein…Sky Gallagher Hannan 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sky Gallagher Hannan Enterprise Data Management
Custom Validation Enhancement RequestsSummary: Custom Validation Enhancement Requests Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ability to validate based on request action codes Use Case…Sky Gallagher Hannan 51 views 2 comments 5 points Most recent by Anurag Garg - Oracle-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Any idea on the diff between Product Version and Build Release in Oracle EDMCS Version page.Any idea on the diff between Product Version and Build Release in Oracle EDMCS displayed in Version page.DheerajKumar 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BBrocklesby-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
How to locate parent using expression based on source properties and target viewpoint?Summary: The expressions for locating parents are configured at the converter level on a node type, but there is no way to indicate the need for different parents based …