Information Model
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Why can't I create a constraint on a custom description property?Summary: I have a custom property for a description that is on my segments within an application. According to the user guide "You can create constraints for a property …
Property data type change for base parametersSummary: Is there a way we can change the data type config below for the base parameter? I want to change from List to String on a property that has been saved. Content …
Hierarchy Dates Not Considered During EDMCS Import from Fusion GL FBDISummary: While importing Fusion GL FBDI files into EDMCS, the Start Date and End Date properties are being derived from the Segment ValueSetValues interface, rather than…Gaddam Jagannath - Trinamix 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BBrocklesby-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Can we setup the sequence property to get automate number series.Summary: Can we setup the sequence property to get automate number series. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we configure the sequence p…
Can a node be added by default in alphabetical order in a custom sort ordered hierarchy set?Summary: A hierarchy set is configured to user custom order. All new nodes added later are put to the bottom of their siblings. We would like to have the new nodes to be…EPM-User 17 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Anurag Garg - Oracle-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Deleting parent in hierarchy orphans children in map viewpointSummary: We have a map viewpoint that maps one node type to another node type within a hierarchy. This allows us to go from one Chart of Account to another. The mapped d…
can we derive the attribute property based on child/parent node?Summary: Is this possible to derive this? Please share your suggestions on this. The attribute property should be derived such that only bottom nodes are permitted to ac…
Create an Additional Test EnvironmentIs it possible to create a TEST Instance only (without creating production pod) for an existing Business process (EDM), we have an existing application with default pods…
Restrict shared nodes under each top node without separate validation for each topnodeSummary: Looking for an option to restrict shared nodes under each top node. Since we have many top nodes, having a validation in place for each one separately is diffic…
Is this a bug? Node Level Properties Behaving Like Relationship Level in EDMCS 24.11Is anyone noticing the PLN.Account Type and PLN.Exchange Rate Type properties (both Node level properties) behaving like relationship level properties in EDMCS 24.11? I'…
Member property values change when move a member from one parent to another parentWhile moving a member manually from one parent to another member, the property values are changing as mentioned below ... 1. Member properties with default None values i…Sreedhar Kikkuru 43 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sreedhar Kikkuru Enterprise Data Management
Calculate and store on Name property is not working as expectedSummary: Hi Team, we are trying to implement Calculating and Storing the Name of a Node. We have two source properties SV1 and SV2. Our requirement is to display the nam…Pooja.Bhovi 44 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kevin McKenzie-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
The derived property dont update properly.Summary: Derived property is not getting updated properly unless we do a Clear manually or providing an actionscript. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…Isaac Immanuel 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by BBrocklesby-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Derived property value not getting calculated again if overriddenSummary: Hello All, We have two properties in out Planning application hierarchy. First is defined type & other is derived type whose value gets calculated using value o…Suyog Mandloi 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by BBrocklesby-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Change hierarchy set to allow shared nodesSummary: I have a hierarchy set that is active and when it was created we had the "Allow Shared Nodes" unchecked. I now need to allow shared nodes, but I cannot change t…
Renaming an ApplicationSummary: With so many artifacts, including Node Sets, Types, Dimensions, exports/extracts all related to an application. Will I break anything if I rename a Custom Appli…
now.toDate.format(HH:mm) does not work. How to fix?Summary: All the time formats involving hours seconds and timezone do not work but those in year, days and weeks have no problems Content (please ensure you mask any con…EPM-User 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Matt Lontchar-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Can Expression Builder convert uppercase strings to title case?Summary: In EDMCS, an existing node type stores a property string in all UPPER CASE, and needs to feed it via subscription to a different application and node type which…Katrina Boyajian 83 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Katrina Boyajian Enterprise Data Management
Unable to use derived property in the derivation logic(node.children. any We have one derived boolean property PLN Level for Children. We have to write the logic for PLN Flag and the condition is node.children.any ⇒ childnode. propert…
Derived property calculation post overrideSummary: Hello All, Derived property value not getting calculated if overridden. Our requirement is that the Derived property value should get updated based on the param…
Created a User application and not able to reference in another applicationSummary: Created a User application and not able to reference in another application Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I created a user appl…Sheetal Jain 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Murali M Pasumarti Enterprise Data Management
How are permissions assigned for the request screen?Summary: How are permissions assigned for request screen? If assigned the role of Auditor, I know the user can see all transactions on the audit screen. Does this also m…
Create subscription to subscribe only '2' series EntitiesSummary: Is it possible to create subscription to subscribe only '2' series entities from source to target in Oracle EDMCS? Content (please ensure you mask any confident…SwapnaTumula 22 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Murali M Pasumarti Enterprise Data Management
Validation on All Ancestors to fails to stop Remove actionSummary: Have Validation that checks a base account node is in two key Hier, by counting hits in AllAncestors where "name starts with"… "Global Accounts (" = 1, and equa…
combination node typeSummary: How can a combination node type be used to represent more than one dimension as a combination (just like Account combination) Content (please ensure you mask an…Divye Taneja 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Matt Lontchar-Oracle Enterprise Data Management
Unique Validation across Name and DescriptionSummary: How can I write a Validation expression which can validate for uniqueness between a Name and a Description US Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Unique Values For Derived Properties across DimensionSummary: Our Default Alias property in EPBCS application is of Derived type. We want this property to have Unique values across all the dimension members. As the propert…
Is there a way to generate request item base on Descendant Property valueSummary: Below is the example: A A|A1 A|A1|A11 If we set flag property value as True on base level which A11 here then subscription request need to generate to add All t…
Subscription request not workingSummary: In EDM we have Subscription enabled for FDS and other applications to automatically push the changes for FDS viewpoint from Master. But subscription requests ar…
Can we hide properties at viewpoint level.Summary: We have one property that is assigned to leaf nodetype in one viewpoint. Now I want this property to be hidden. How can we hide this property at viewpoint level