Custom Code
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BO TransactionContent i updating complex list.. But i want start transaction. if it failure i want rollback or commit. Should I use ORDS or BO? ords difficult to use. Table may change…
Navigating to an URL on click not workingSummary Simple Navigation to different URL is not working in Shell JSContent My requirement is to navigate to the different URL on click of a link. It's not working in S…
oj table data shrinksSummary Data in oj-table shrinks when columns have data of varied lengthContent I have used a table component in our VBCS screen. When the table populates with column da…
Java method calls in VBCSSummary Can we write java code in VBCS. would like to execute a java method before VBCS page loads for the first time.
Fetch users who have access to particular application in combo-boxSummary Need to fetch the user names who have access to that particular application and show them in dropdownContent I want to show the user names who have access to my …
How to use variables in JS functions in VBCSContent Hi Team, I am trying to create File Picker component. I have defined the variables to hold the file names uploaded by the user using the File picker component. I…Dipak Chhablani-Oracle 525 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
How to display Donut Graph using Custom Data Object Defined in Module FunctionSummary How to display Donut Graph using Custom Data Object Defined in Module FunctionContent Hi Wizards, I am trying to display VBCS donut graph using custom data objec…
hidden attribute inside any oj tag is not workingContent I had been working on oj text fields and labels to dynamically display values based on some condition. All of a sudden I found that the hidden attribute is not w…
Combining 2 fields on a formSummary automatically fill in a fieldContent Hello, I have a business object called customer. It has 3 fields. Client, First Name, Last Name. When a user fills in first …
Create an event to show a table after a button eventSummary Create an event to show a table after a button event.Content Hi everyone, I have a table where I show a list of files in an FTP directory. I have created an even…
Data Grid ValidationSummary Validating Cells one by one in a data gridContent Hello, I have a 5 column, 5 row data grid set up for data entry. I would like to require certain fields in the …Stephen Bryant-131052 31 views 11 comments 1 point Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
How to put more than 15 rows within a selectOne or comboboxOne?Summary I have a service that contains more than 15 data, but the selectOne or comboboxOne only displays the first 15 rows.Content Thanks!
Access Data iteratively from Service Data ProviderSummary Access Data iteratively from Service Data ProviderContent Hi, Is there a way to access data from SDP variable? I am reading data from a REST service in a SDP var…Preetesh Dongre-133500 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Preetesh Dongre-133500 Visual Builder
Implement Custom Field ValidationContent Hi, I want to implement a validation that checks (per keystroke) if the value of a field is according to requirements. If I use a page level variable in JET that…
UserName from VBCS( OIC) Login ScreenSummary UserName from VBCS( OIC) Login ScreenContent How to get a username to pass it one more REST service....with Basic Authentication enabled for the login screen..
error trying to add integration service connection in VBCSSummary Cant get list of integrations from VBCSContent Was wondering how do I add a service connection to an integration in VBCS .When going through the process of add s…
oj-button validation in VBCSSummary oj-button validation in VBCSContent For validating required fields on the page, I am doing below , Please confirm if any better approach On event ojAction - 1. c…
POST REST Call in VBCSSummary POST REST Call in VBCSContent Please comment on this issue, what is the solution for it.. 1. I registered as Service Connection for creating webApp - When we do …
Access-Control-Allow-Origin header issue with VBCSSummary Access-Control-Allow-Origin header issue with VBCS
oj-bind-for-each error when clearing object arraySummary need help with oj-bind-for-each error when clearing object arrayContent I have an array of objects and I am rendering them using oj-bind-for-each with an oj-inpu…
Dynamic data with nested table data implementationContent Hi, I need to code the functionality involving displaying data, obtained from API service when user opens the details view of a parent record. The parent record …
CAn someone troubleshoot my converter?Content I have an oj-input-date-time that I want to format in the clients local timezone. I have created this JS PageModule.prototype.convertToLocalTimeZone = function()…
Search for a keyvalue in a ArrayDataProviderContent Hi All, I have a requirement to search for a particular key in a ArrayDataProvider (the ADP is populated with the data returned from a rest service) Could you ki…
New blog article on using imported Javascript in your Visual Builder applicationSummary Tips and Tricks for using custom code in Visual BuilderContent Version 18.…
Order entry app - guidance around checkout and availability checkContent Hi All, I am designing a small order entry application in VBCS which allow the users to search for the items and create orders. I have created a landing page wil…
Visual Builder Cloud Service – Dynamic ElementsSummary Ways to make the JET components update without the need for a refresh buttonContent All, I have built quite a few JET apps where the display is updated automatic…
Exporting data from a table into an Excel file in VBCSSummary Exporting data from a table into an Excel file in VBCSContent Hi Team, I am trying to display certain details into a table in Visual Apps. I have a requirement t…
Service call in Groovy ScriptSummary Having issues calling a service call in a groovy script.Content There was a nice blog showing how to do this in an old version:…
Where NOT EXISTS QuerySummary Is it possible to perform the equivalent of a Correlated sub-query using RESTContent Is it possible to write a query like this in VBCS? SELECT * FROM TABLE_1 t1 …
How edit custom code into buttonSummary How edit custom code to modifying button behaviorContent Hi, I've tried to follow the tutorial linked here…