Discussion List
Structure of BO not updated in Staging levelContent Hi everyone. I made a BO "LecturaTanques" which has a few columns. This BO has been created with only three columns, plus the ID field. Next, the Staging level w…
Mobile VBCS app - Push NotificationSummary How can I push notification to a VBCS mobile app ?Content Hello, Any ideas how to push notifications to a VBCS mobile app ?
Mobile app in VBCS not displaying datSummary Mobile app in VBCS not displaying data from local HCM DBContent Hi, I have exposed scott/tiger local db as REST API thru Oracle OIC and using the endpoint in VBC…
Caching BO in offline modeSummary I have an issue about saving data from Business Object into Cache.Content Hello, i'm developing a new VBCS Mobile Application and I need to save information from…
Offline Post VBCS with Business ObjectContent Hi i need to do a Get and Post with offline service, i follow some steps for this post here,…Stiven Oliveira Bezerra 36 views 13 comments 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Oracle VBCS Biometric AuthenticationSummary is it applicable to login using a fingerprint (Biometric Authentication) ?Content Hello, is it applicable to login using a fingerprint (Biometric Authentication)…
Android configuration issueContent Hi, I was trying to upload my App apk file to google play but I’ve got the error message below. Does anyone have a clue for it? Your app currently targets API le…
How to scan Bar code or QR code in VBCS mobile app?Summary Looking for a solution to scan bar and QR code using VBCS mobile applicationContent Hello, I have requirement to implement VBCS based mobile application to scan …Abhinav Deshmukh-185336 60 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by David Konecny-Oracle Visual Builder
List Pagination with custom REST endpointSummary List Pagination with custom REST endpointContent Hi, I have custom REST API that support limit and offset parameters for pagination. How to implement list pagina…
Date pickerSummary Unable to pick date below 1950Content I am trying to use the date picker in a vbcs app, I am not able to select date less than January 1, 1950. When I selected J…
VBCS Mobile - Status bar in android is blackSummary VBCS Mobile - Status bar in android is blackContent Hello, VBCS Mobile - Status bar in android is black so we can't see the battery life , wifi and signal info a…
Unexpected wrong UI layoutSummary I am getting a completely different UI layout in the chrome emulator and in physical device.Content I am developing a mobile application on Oracle Visual Builder…
How to download file of any format from sql developer table via VBCSSummary How to download file of any format from sql developer table,saved as type clob via VBCSContent I need to download files with all formats which were saved as data…
Embedding Java script into the AppContent Hi, I have a VBCS mobile that is up and running but I wanted to change its design so I applied the codes I've got from the front-end developer and I had the foll…
Android Build Configuration - "Save Configuration" is grayed outSummary Android Build Configuration - "Save Configuration" is grayed outContent I am an absolute beginner with VBCS and while I am doing my first app, I am stuck at crea…
Getting error while trying to navigate trough custom drop down listSummary Getting error while trying to navigate trough custom drop down listContent 1. The application developed in test environment and then import in prod environment w…
VBCS Android Mobile App with IDCS access security does not open the ApplicationSummary Mobile App if published as anonymous user access, App opens fine in the device but with Access Control it does not workContent When i publish Mobile App with ano…
Mobile App build issueContent Hello all, I have created a simple mobile app and want to publish it and generate APK QR Code.. I have followed all steps mentioned in learning library (Install …
Formatting date todayContent Hi, Can anyone tell me if there is anything wrong with my JS code? I am trying to use format today date but I've noticed the first function is not giving an outp…
Renaming and Uploading PDF FilesContent Hi, I am using file picker to upload files but it fails at times. Is there any certain property that has to be set? Also,I need to rename the files before upload…
Combobox repeated valuesContent Hi, I am displaying the output of a rest api on a combobox but the problem I am getting repeated values although they're not repeated in the original call. How c…
Combo box reads from a REST APISummary Combo box from a REST APIContent Hi, I know adding a combo box that read from a Rest APi is such a simple task but I have no idea why it's not displaying data al…
Difference between Array data provider and Array data provider LEGACYSummary Difference between Array data provider and Array data provider LEGACYContent Hi, What is the difference between Array Data Provider and Array Data Provider LEGAC…
Passing QR code image linkContent Hi, I am trying to pass the QR code generated within my VBCS mobile App as an image link to one field in a process (PCS) but I couldn't even assign it to a varia…
QR code generationContent Hi, I am trying to generate a QR code that is a combination of 6 values. Is there any workaround for the below? Any advice? Regards, Duha
How to implement a qr code scanner in mobile applicationContent In vbcs, in a mobile application, I want to have a page which uses mobile camera to scan qr code. Is there any way to do it by adding any js plugin? Thanks, PriyaPriyadarsini Balakrishnan 87 views 10 comments 1 point Most recent by Mohana Gopal S-Oracle Visual Builder
Can't browser processes in VBCSContent Hi, I was trying to pick up the process I want to import into VBCS but I didn't show although it was published and activated. Any advice? Regards, Duha
How to pass $appliction.user.fullName in URL parameter Service Connection Definition.Summary How to pass $appliction.user.fullName in URL parameter Service Connection Definition.Content Hi All, Dear, we are trying to pass system variable to REST API quer…
REST API to add attachment on VBCSSummary We created a mobile app to approve Purchase Requisitions and POs and we want to add the 'Add attachment' function to our app.Content Hello guys, Recently we crea…
React native pluginsSummary Import React Native PluginsContent Hi all,In addition to cordova plugins is it possible to import react native plugins?